Unlucky Debbie. They still go on about stopping distances? I bet they're about 30 years out of date on those too.... so unlucky. When I had my M3 CSL on semi-slick tyres (from the factory) it would stop from 70-0mph in about 32m. The driving test theory results would laugh at that and say impossible, it takes about half a mile! lol They're so stuck in the 70's on some stuff.
I honestly don't think it was the drugs discussion that caused the problem Debbie. I am certain it was the Proclaimers videos we were posting........ Posted by emilyegg
LOL MAYBE it was.... wat shud i of posted, Andy Stewart? LOL The Crankies? LOL OR erm....... let me think.....
erm..... Nope, im lost now, cannae think of anything better than proclaimers to get anyone up and tapping there feet early on a Monday morning.....
When I haver, I know im gonna be, im gonna be the one whos havering to you.......LOL!!!
Of to you tube now to find some decent scotish music
Amongst them, in the middle of my 3 point turn, as I was whizzing the wheel round, as ya do, my fat wrist flicked the windscreen wipers on......So Im facing the wrong way in the middle of the round, flicking every switch trying to turn em off, I'd never driven in the rain before, and had no idea which thingy I'd flicked. Was squirting water up, making em go faster, I just couldn't turn em off!!!
Hi Debbie Another Day, another little tip from me to you to remember when taking you Test. This happened to me on my Test so be aware. When the Instructor leaves you at the Testing Place and the Examiner takes you to your car you are now in charge of the Vehicle. He got into my Test car and sat there writing notes then said, "OK off we go". I glanced at him and noticed he hadn't put his seat belt on so I asked him why, "he said," that's OK I don't need to, "away we go". Well, I wasn't expecting that and for a moment I nearly considered pulling away, but plucked up the courage to say, "sorry" I cant drive off until you put your seat belt on". I noticed a wry smile as he complied and thought you B you were trying to trick me. Later on in the test "he said," "pull over to the kerb and stop here please". There were double yellow lines and again for a moment I nearly did stop. Now I'm not saying every Examiner is out to trick you but this one was certainly having a laugh with me. You do get used to doing as the Instructor says and not thinking for yourself so it is so easy to just follow the command. I did pass 1st time and he said, again with a wry smile on his face that I had given him a golly good ride. ? Yeah u B u Micro D But to be fair I have never forgotten his last words to me when he said, you have "Passed your Test young lady", but, "Remember you are only as good a driver as you were five minutes ago, so take care." Yipppeeee Hubby was shocked when I got home and told him. He took two goes to pass. I couldn't stop smiling all week. ! Remember the three Ps Practice Practice Practice and don't do what Hubby did, take the test to soon thinking he was soooo good he would sail it. Annie x Posted by logdon
Thank you for your daily post, I really do appreciate your advice.....
ALL advice is helpful.
I am not sure if i am bothered about how many times it takes to pass as long as i dont spend WAY to much on lessons then need to take a few attempts on tests... as it stands i am getting 5 lessons for 40 quid, but I still pay 17 quid to him each week....!?!?!
See if this makes sence to you,...lol..it took me a while to suss it out myself, IS THIS NORMAL when buying lessons? hand 40quid for 5 lessons ( aka 5 hrs) Lesson 1 Have 2 hrs Leaves 3 hrs in balance lesson two, hand 17 quid for one hr and take one hr from the 3 remaining same for next week and so on so forth......
I thought i handed 40 quid and got 5 lessons of 1 hr at a time.... seems i was wrong, BUT either way I dont mind ( ok maybe i do mind the 17 quid each week despite paying 40 already especially seen as me and hubby are both at uni and cash aint as flowing as id like it to be) Anyway I was just curious as to this method of payment.... is this normal?
OH dear....... I best get of here for now as I have my hubby and 8 yr old neice laughing at me right now...LOL so cute too but I think they are dropping hints and asking to be fed....hmmmm must be THAT time of day!?!?!?!?!? BOTH giggling at my adding to this and saying Its funny how im typing so quick ( LOL I NOW SEE WHY!!! cos I am sat here talking out loud what I am saying lol )
OK I will reply later when im not being laughed at as much LOL
Have a good eve keep postin your hints PLEASE! Thankx debbie
Hi Debbie Another Day, another little tip from me to you to remember when taking you Test. This happened to me on my Test so be aware. When the Instructor leaves you at the Testing Place and the Examiner takes you to your car you are now in charge of the Vehicle. He got into my Test car and sat there writing notes then said, "OK off we go". I glanced at him and noticed he hadn't put his seat belt on so I asked him why, "he said," that's OK I don't need to, "away we go". Well, I wasn't expecting that and for a moment I nearly considered pulling away, but plucked up the courage to say, "sorry" I cant drive off until you put your seat belt on". I noticed a wry smile as he complied and thought you B you were trying to trick me. Later on in the test "he said," "pull over to the kerb and stop here please". There were double yellow lines and again for a moment I nearly did stop. Now I'm not saying every Examiner is out to trick you but this one was certainly having a laugh with me. You do get used to doing as the Instructor says and not thinking for yourself so it is so easy to just follow the command. I did pass 1st time and he said, again with a wry smile on his face that I had given him a golly good ride. ? Yeah u B u Micro D But to be fair I have never forgotten his last words to me when he said, you have "Passed your Test young lady", but, "Remember you are only as good a driver as you were five minutes ago, so take care." Yipppeeee Hubby was shocked when I got home and told him. He took two goes to pass. I couldn't stop smiling all week. ! Remember the three Ps Practice Practice Practice and don't do what Hubby did, take the test to soon thinking he was soooo good he would sail it. Annie x Posted by logdon
Ok back again Tea cooked, cookies made and milk drank..... I cant log of for the eve without asking you, do these test folk REALY set up these trick situations to try make learners fail? OMG thats a bit sneaky isnt it....
I was asked about lights, as in traffic lights... he asked me " How do i know these lights wont change"? well cos its a crossing and no one is there to press the button.....next set, same question....but these were crossing and flow lights too ( MAY NOT be called flow lights but they are the type at a 4 way crossing, and stop one side to allow another through...9 LOL OH NOOOOO im making myself sound REALLY daft now LOL) I dont know the right name BUT the point is i answered correctly... I said THEY WILL change and not ONLY when a person is waiting to cross, they are automatic to keep traffic flowing smoothly and go anti clockwise I think" That was my reply and I got ot right,... i was later told he will need to think of some other questions as a trick LOL
OK time to log of now I will be back on tomorrow and update you on the driving theory we are babysitting for the weekend so i best go enternaine an 8yr old little girl nw
Hi smiler 271, Just thought i would add to all advice yo have been given,i am a driving instructor and mainly teach people with physical disabilities and learning difficulties along with the occasional able bodied person.Wether its manual or automatic or they are 17 or 70 everyone will learn at their rate,dont be put off by hearing stories of people who learned in 8 weeks or those that took 2 years. As long as you come back from every lesson you take and you feel that you have made some improvement from the last lesson and you are comfortable with your instructor you are heading in the right direction. The DSA published a report last year saying the average ammount of lessons for pupils learning to drive with a qualified ADI was between 50 /70. QUITE A LOT AND QUITE EXPENSIVE. Good luck, and a big tip make sure your instructors badge is green ask him also what grade he is. instructors graded between 4.5 or 6,6 being the best. pink badge denotes trainee instructor and they will charge you the same rate All the best Don.
Hi smiler 271, Just thought i would add to all advice yo have been given,i am a driving instructor and mainly teach people with physical disabilities and learning difficulties along with the occasional able bodied person.Wether its manual or automatic or they are 17 or 70 everyone will learn at their rate,dont be put off by hearing stories of people who learned in 8 weeks or those that took 2 years. As long as you come back from every lesson you take and you feel that you have made some improvement from the last lesson and you are comfortable with your instructor you are heading in the right direction. The DSA published a report last year saying the average ammount of lessons for pupils learning to drive with a qualified ADI was between 50 /70. QUITE A LOT AND QUITE EXPENSIVE. Good luck, and a big tip make sure your instructors badge is green ask him also what grade he is. instructors graded between 4.5 or 6,6 being the best. pink badge denotes trainee instructor and they will charge you the same rate All the best Don. Posted by donny888
Hello and thank you for your post on this thread, I find all replies very usefull and all tips are well appreciated. As for the instructor, he has 2 badges on his window, one is pink and one green ( if i remember right) Im sure he said one has a 6.6 grade and i am not sure about the other one ( pink). I know he teaches instructors as well as gives learner drivers lessons too and I was also told that when the day comes for me to take my test, I will be expected to pass 1st time. This is due to him being known as a good fair and strict tutor and with high standards.... not made my mindup yet if this is a good or bad thing yet tho.
BUT I AM gonna state that I do find him to be a good driving tutor, well he must be, for getting me out onto a dual carriage way on my 1st lesson with him..... I do thimk my hubby taking me out had a lot to do with that happening too, all helps in building confidence....
OK I am of to go play a quick game and then RE-DO the practice theory test
I will post my marks when i am done.....
i look forward to rading more tips hints and advice havea great day
Hi Debbie The examiner is not out to trick you only to see that you are alert to possible hazards and dangers while being responsible for the vehicle you are driving. Remember your car can kill someone and can contribute to a possible major motorway pile up involving scores of people some children. That thought is lost on the boy racers and drunk drivers. You have to be aware that not everyone is driving properly on the roads and a save distance from the vehicle in front gives you the time to respond and take evasive action. After passing my test I took advanced driving course and that opened my eyes to how good I was. After passing that I took HGV 1 and passed that then PSV known now as PCV passenger carrying vehicle. Lots of woman drive Buses and haulage vehicles you seem so enthusiastic I am sure you will pass no matter what. Your first priority is to be able to drive around in the correct gear at the correct time and speed without thinking about it and be looking for other things like signs road lanes positioning ect. You are going about this with the correct attitude and I am sure you will be more than good enough to pass barring complete disaster on the day. That said, in my day you had to go through the gears but now you can slow in fourth and then change into first. You can steer over hand but I had to feed the steering wheel, things have changed so others can advise you on the currant rules. One thing I can say for sure if you are taught correctly from the beginning then it will stay with you forever and you will be a safe driver. Good Luck Annie x Posted by logdon
Well THANK YOU Annie Today was lesson number2. It went ok, but I had a little nerves kick in when we went to a realy busy roundabout, but i managed it well.... no bumps, no stalling and no injuries caused....always a good thing. One bad thing occured but I will add that to my next post, as I said I will update this thread each day I step closer to being an independent driver with NO L plates on, and seen as today was a lesson day I am due to add a post......
I really appreciate all your replies and the hints you give are great too. I look forward to reading more
well good after noon to all readers of this post..... as some of you may know I had my 2nd lesson today. 9.15am for 2 hrs and I loved every moment of it, EVEN the parts where i made errors. I dont seem to be appologising as much now when i make errors, i just seem to say where I know i went wrong and what i need to do so i dont make same error again..... ALWAYS A GOOD think I reckon
So, 9am was here, and strangely so were a lot of butterflies, who ever let them in???? I better make sure not to allow them in again.... as I know the tutor wont allow me to make the car move unless he is 100% happy for me to do so. Anyways, 9.10 and there is my tutor, always 5 mins early, I was not fully aware that I would be getting into the driver seat straight away, but i did. At my front door i took the wheel and drove away, of down a wyndy road and passing cars that are doule parked, I was abit nervy but managed ok.....
As the time ticked by I was told I was to head back to the same area/village i drove to last week, I was a bit more nervous now as I remembered the wyndy roads, roundabouts and inpatient drivers. I think my tutor seen my nerves on my face as he just told me " calm down debbie, your doing really well, keep doing what your doing, its all good". My nerves settled a little and as soon as we droped of the learner who was in back of car( she had her lesson prior to mine so drove to where i was collected from and she popped in back while i drove her home and then of to finish lesson else where.... So, where was i??? Oh yes, I was ok after dropping of the other learner and started to settle into the position of driving. Roundabouts came, and i went over ok, Junctions appeared and i managed to remain calm and not stall, BUT I did struggle at the judging of space and car width at times, especially where there were no white lines on road, mainly within the villages etc though.... Oh and i made an error at oneroundabout and all i heard was GAS GAS MORE GAS" I was a bit frightened to be honest. BUT he did say to me on day one that if he ever needed to raise his voice it would be to prevent an accident from happening and if i was going to slow , SO I THINK I DESEREVED that in my lug hole!!!
Anyways, a bit of theory was next, Given the DSA book and asked to read 5 pages about junctions, ( remember at the start of this post I spoke of being dyslexic? well I did not have my accetates with me today as i was unaware of reading being part of a driving lesson) reading from signs is ok, due to text size and boldness but books are more difficult, so i sat for 10-15 mins trying to read about what to do at open and closed junctions, ( lesson learned today was BRING ALL READING EQUIPMENT TO EVERY LESSON!!!) So, back to practical, open junction ( did ya know we have only got about 10% of open junctions in britain? and 90% are closed?) well well we learn something new every day, even when reading a post on here LOL
Well I managed it, despite not being able to read the book to well.
So result for the day was this, I had a great lesson, had fun and looking forward to next one, which is tuesday of next week. another 2 hrs practical and we are looking closer at manouvers and work some more on junctions too, I seem to still have a mental block when it comes to junctions but I AM working my way at getting over that ASAP!!! lol
So, for today I bid you all a nice relaxing evening and i will try stop smilling ( seems I smile a LOT after a lesson ....well I do enjoy them and makes me feel really good, I NEVER dreamt I would be on a "real" road so soon, so the rest is an awesome bonus....
I will add more to this as the week goes on and update about the theory stuff to. But for now I am going to the pictures, and then maybe and ONLY maybe I will pop into the driver seat with my hubby for a while and show him all i have learnt, I was told I am ok to go with him now as long as I stick to what I have been tought so far and dont allow myself to get scared and nervous IF i do happen to stall, I was told that all cars have a differnt bite and i need to get used to various clutch bites etc....
So for now I bid you all a good eve, cinema for me and hubby now
Remember to pop back anytime to read more updates and progress reports
Great Post Debbie but the rev counter Say's you are stopped. Put your foot down and feel the power of the throttle you have the need. "The need for speed".? Top Gun ? Show the car who's boss.!! Girl Power.!!!!! "But", Keep Eye on the Speedo. Luv's Annie x Posted by logdon
lol thank you annie....
I'll pop a post on again this afternoon, I am gonna do the theory and hazard perception practice test this afternoon..... so ill be sure to let ya know how that goes
Great Post Debbie but the rev counter Say's you are stopped. Put your foot down and feel the power of the throttle you have the need. "The need for speed".? Top Gun ? Show the car who's boss.!! Girl Power.!!!!! "But", Keep Eye on the Speedo. Luv's Annie x Posted by logdon
just about to start the theroy now,....but wanted to repost a pic.... LOL
Anyway I WILL be back in a bit and let ya know how it went....
Great Post Debbie but the rev counter Say's you are stopped. Put your foot down and feel the power of the throttle you have the need. "The need for speed".? Top Gun ? Show the car who's boss.!! Girl Power.!!!!! "But", Keep Eye on the Speedo. Luv's Annie x Posted by logdon
practice done and results as follows:
I just sat both theory and hazard perception tests and this is the outcome....
For the hazard perception I managed to get 61.0% and they require 50% to pass...... result = PASS
Theory practice test required 85% and I got 91% = PASS
On average I answered 9% wrong and 91% right The shortest length of any answer was 3secs on a wrong answer and 27 secs on a correct answer
Longest time was 113 secs on correct answer ( BUT I DID GO AND COVER THE RABBIT OVER AT THIS POINT so this is why this took so long!LOL)
so all looking good for now, I managed to get a LOT better marks on this exam compared to others and if i remember correctly, I think this is the 1st time I have passed BOTH theory and hazard perception tests at same time....
Well, im all examed out for now, so of to play some poker....... HOPE I HAVE AS MUCH GOOD LUCK IN THIS AS I HAVE THE EXAM!LOL
have a good eve I'll pop a new add to this post real soon
Good Girl 30mph ...... but don't crawl around to slow . Going to slow [is as bad] as going to fast ...... up through the gears quickly to show your driving the car and not the other way round. You sound like you're enjoying yourself and doing great, so keep it up and the test date will not be far away. Remember anyone can drive a car to "Lands End" and back without having a accident. The good safe driver does that day in, day out, year after year and then they can say... "their a good driver".! Tut Tut "Did you run over a Rabbit ."? We have Roe Deer that dart out of the hedges in front of you at night. suddenly in you head lights very scary moments. I thought I had killed a Fox one day but it was nowhere to be seen when I went back to look, and no damage on the car so I must have missed it. There was a thud thou. ? I believe you get 10 Brownie points for knocking down old people like TK but not on his "Birthday" then you get 20 points. Ho Ho only joking TK gl byeeeeee hugs Annie x Posted by logdon
Hello again
well not added much on here the past few days, ( took today of work too, decided to have a duvet day and lemsips on tap) I have lesson number 3 tomorrow at 11 am, and my hubby is coming with me too..... Seen as he is teaching me inbetween lessons I think this will benefit my learning especially the theory side of things( he helps in many ways from seeing how and what the instructor is teaching me so he can carry this on as well as explain some theory to me in a way that makes sence, due to my dyslexia I SOMETIMES struggle when having to read direct from the DSA book during my lesson) also I am looking FWD to this so i can show him just how good im doing.....
Anyways, I just wanted to pop a quick post up and say I will add more tomorrow after my lesson. I was gonna do another practice theory today but I cant be A $ $ ed LOL not feeling to good, and exams are last thing on my mind tbh LOL
so early night for me and i will be back tomorrow to post update on lesson
well here i am again, popping some words on here following another interesting driving lesson. This was lesson 3 and all things concidered I did ok........
Now remember I said my hubby was in the car with me today so as you may of guessed my nerves were a bit more than usual. But after i mentioned we needed to fill up with gas, I was then asked to drive into garage and fill up, ( only done this x2 times, one time being yesterday when i asked marc to show me how to do this) Anyways, there we were at the garage filling up and then back onto the lesson time.
Turn left at exit of petrol station and follow road ahead...... all good so far.. Then i come to road works and i feel my nerves getting stronger, but i managed to keep control of the car, which i must add at this point I still am unsure what it is i am actually driving...lol My dad asked me and my reply was " its silver" LOL!!! So, 1 hr into lesson and we are back where i started on day one, industrial estate and going over the crossing and lights that we have in britain.... pelican, zebra, toucan, and one more that I cant remember at this moment in time.....oooooops!
WHY are all crossings named after animals? It makes me think i am driving through a safari oppose to an inner city road system.....lol
Anyway, on the spot questions came, and I HAVE TO BE HONEST I DID GUESS a few answers. This whole thing about bus lanes and times of being allowed to go into them....well that was a guess answer, as was the reason as to why lights would or would not change...but I did ok. Then we had to drop marc of at home as we were going to drive to next learners home to end my lesson and start his, and my tutor thougt it would be a bit unfair for him to get in the car with 2 back seat passengers instead of the 1 that is normal..... ( I do see the point he was making, so i didnt mind)
As Marc got out the car, he told me that I had done really well....BUT I was not to sure, I was a bit annoyd at myself today....and for the silly reason cos I stalled! I HAVE NOT STALLED in ANY LESSON apart from todays one.... dont get me wrong, i stalled LOTS when marc took me out and I was REALLY looking forward to showing him that I can now do junctions etc and not stall....but it didnt all go as planned....
BUT I STILL enjoyed it and learnt a lot of new stuff too. BUT NOW I need to go over the traffic light systems and road crossings etc and get the names, road markings and also need to find some way of learing about lanes and roundabouts, even if i need to make some type of model to work with ( due to my method of learning and dyslexia I seem to understand better when i do things hands on oppose to just reading from a book.. for e.g if i see a web site that has a video or something similar then I manage to do ok)
SO IF ANYONE knows of what I can use to help me with this then as always please feel free to let me know...
Books? CD? DVD? VIDEO? WEBSITE? anywathing at all.....
I just asked marc just tell me how he really thinks i done and I got a 8/10 WOW!!!! I expected about 5 or 6/10 at best...
BUT I know he was being upfront and honest and not trying to save my feelings, so i am really impressed at the 8/10 mark i got.
So my readers, Thats week 3 over with..... I got a few more ticks next to new learnt things and a few items marked of as knowing how to do properly....so I am in the right direction of progress...... P H E W !!!! LOL
I will pop back later and see if anyone has added anything new re: what I can do or use to help me learn the traffic lights and/or crossings etc and lane practice on roundabouts.....
Have a good eve everyone
Cheers for popping by to read my progress so far.
From a good and progresing learner driver ( hahahaha)
Good Girl 30mph ...... but don't crawl around to slow . Going to slow [is as bad] as going to fast ...... up through the gears quickly to show your driving the car and not the other way round. You sound like you're enjoying yourself and doing great, so keep it up and the test date will not be far away. Remember anyone can drive a car to "Lands End" and back without having a accident. The good safe driver does that day in, day out, year after year and then they can say... "their a good driver".! Tut Tut "Did you run over a Rabbit ."? We have Roe Deer that dart out of the hedges in front of you at night. suddenly in your head lights very scary moments. I thought I had killed a Fox one day but it was nowhere to be seen when I went back to look, and no damage on the car so I must have missed it. There was a thud thou. ? I believe you get 10 Brownie points for knocking down old people like TK but not on his "Birthday" then you get 20 points. Ho Ho only joking TK gl byeeeeee hugs Annie x Posted by logdon
just a quick note to say hiya....... lesson N.o. 4 at 10 am tomorrow.....not sure how it will go but I will be sire to let ya know.....fingers crossed all is well.
Nice to hear from you Debbie, but please try not to overload your brains!!!
Even when you do pass your test it will take time to be completely confident with all types of driving.
It is all about YOU. Even in a dual control car, it is still YOUR gig.
I hope you have a "bad" lesson before you take your test. Trust me, you need one lesson like it, and it may sound daft, but 12 months down the line, you will be glad for it.....but obviously no Dukes of Hazard stuff on the A66 or owt like that.
I had 2 instructors when I was 17...one was through work and the other was more formal.
I can remember having a "mock" test the day before my test, and being failed on more than half a dozen things.
When I reversed round the corner I can always remember being asked....
Nice to hear from you Debbie, but please try not to overload your brains!!! Even when you do pass your test it will take time to be completely confident with all types of driving. It is all about YOU. Even in a dual control car, it is still YOUR gig. I hope you have a "bad" lesson before you take your test. Trust me, you need one lesson like it, and it may sound daft, but 12 months down the line, you will be glad for it
well today was THAT day.... THAT lesson that you speak of.... I came back home and was a bit shaky..... well actually I WAS VERY shaky...didnt like it one bit. Even though I had some great parts to the lesson, I also had ONE big bad part that shook me up a little. I stalled!!! OK NOWT BIG I KNOW BUT.... he ( instraructor) was in my lug hole with LOUD commands of start the car....hand brake gear clutch etc etc etc IN NO PARTICULAR order either! BUT I SWAER I had ALL that done before he started to "yell" at me..... It did shake me up for the rest of the lesson
I made several errors, but I also took control of the calmed down though) lol I swear ....talk about being close to getting a clip.....pmsl
Started to sing in my head.....just to try calm meself down a wee bit. It must of worked, cos I managed then to go to Billingham, eston and a few other areas.... OOH AND I managed to get up to 70mph too PMSL!!! Theres a first eh LOL!!!!
When my other half was taking me I was to much of a fa^^y to go over 10-15mp lol so when i was doing just 30 I thought that was REALY fast LOL!! but 70! WOW!!! lol
As for not pistol whipping your test dude, well I guess you deserve credit for that....you managed to hold that temper of yours for once lol ( or is that where it all began!?!?! hahahahha)
Ok time for me to go for now and TRY play some poker....... not to good at that either BUT thats nothing i shud shout about, dont wanna be hnted down onto any tables and be bled dry of all chips.....
As for enjoying the lessons, well I do.... all apart from that little episode today BUT I AM GLAD it happened...for a few reasons, 2 of which are I see that I CAN handle a difficult situation and also I was able to see that my tutor is not as perfect as it seemed..... I still say he is one of the most nerve strong folk i know though My hubby being the other nerve strong person of course....prob more that the tutor though....well....he has to be...he has to put up with me 24/7 after all....lol
Cheers again for popping by to add to this post.
Uni starts again in 2 weeks for me ( one week for hubby start date ) so no doubt I will be back with some GOOD strong debates on here.....I wonder how long they will last though! before they get deleted or i get banned?!?!LOL
just fwiw i stalled every single lesson (15-18 ish) then i passed first time and didnt stall once in the test just keep calm and think about what situations could arise and how you would deal with them Posted by LOL_RAISE
thank you.... i know i know everyne tells me the same, and they all say " what ever happens DONT panick.....BUT!!! NOT THAT easy at times.... oh wel i live in hope......
WHY DID I EVER START THESE LESSONS?????lol They are just making see how much better it is to be driving on my own....and thats leading to being impatient and wanting to do itN O W !!!!
oh well another lesson on friday.... thinking about uping it to 2 a week oppose to just one lesson per week.... ( one lesson=2 hrs though so its not to bad i guess) I'll pop back then and update on progress, untill then I guess i best go get some work done...Uni term is about to start back ( LOUD CHEERS from me on that one!!!!!) HOPE i am able to do both though....my final year at uni AND driving lessons... Sometimes my brain only allows me one amount of stressful stuff to learn before it shuts down on me LOL
Get an automatic car. I only started driving at 41 and passed test first time in an automatic. Less to think of with no clutch Posted by KNOCKDINO
lark out before to long....
cheers for your add
thought of that one already...but I think it would be best to pass in a manual, and if i REALLY cant do it and cant pass etc, then and only then look at an automatic, but fingers crossed i will be able to suss this driving
sorry for the delay in posting again.....been filled with buzyness, Uni back now and placement hours are kicking in too....so as for the driving,...well thats GREAT!!! Managed to get passed on a few manouvers since last posted..... 3 point turn EXACT 1st time, reverse round corner PERFECT 1st time emergency stop Good 1st time, perfect 2nd or 3rd... independent driving good and always improving.... wont be out on me own for a while yet BUT confidence is improved LOTS and i feel comfy just getting in a car and going now..... so I have to say to all who said it will soon be like your not even thinking about the actions/manouvers etc It will just happen....well your RIGHT I dont need to think 500 meters before i get to the junction and drum it in to my head." what do i do here again????????" It just happens now.. ONE thing i need to work on BADLY is Left turns....I can do it ok, i just forget to look LEFT 1st!!!! I ALWAYS check to my right then left,.... which, i am told , is NOT the safest or correct method of driving...so i will focus on that one a bit more......
BUT Apart from a truck driver trying to wipe me of the road on last weeks lesson Im doing GREAT!!
gotta dash for now, i will try get back on later and add more re: the dreaded truck incident..... wat a scare that was!!! THANK GOODNESS I WAS NOT TO BLAME though!!!!
hope your all well and having some fortune smile on you at the tables
BUT and its a big B U T..... went out with hubby in our car yesterday and fluffed it BIGTIME!!!!!
I know what im doing when in the car etc, but i am used to the instructors car not ours,...... so our gear box has a different feel, indicators dont turn themself of as they do in instructors car and, well lots more little things are differnt in our car oppose to one ive been learning in....but that tells me ONE thing,.... I DONT think im ready to take my test now.... I need to get more practice in our car, get used to it and get my confidence back up again, I lost a bit of it yesterday when i made a silly yet dangerous error...... As i mentioned OUR gears feel differnt to the ones i been using for 2 mnths.... we were on dual carrigage way, doing 60----65----70 at 10am on way into town centre, I was in 5th quite comfy too, observant and ready for what ever came my way, I seen sign for roundabout, so i wanted to slow down a little, so, brake on softly, and slipped down to 4th...... BUT NOOOOOOOO It went into 2nd instead!!!!! I WAS MORTIFIED and scared too , that stupid error had a knock on effect to rest of journey though, so thats WHY i say I am not ready yet to take my test....... If i loose it after a silly error, despite it being a nearly engine blowing error, then i know I am not ready mentaly to take my test.....
BUT I WONT put it of for long, I will just go out with my amazingly supportive hubby in our little fiesta and start to do things without dual controls ........and I AM SURE he will keep me uplifted, and confident, he seems to have the skill of "brake away any unnecesery fears, and puts things in context for me, so I owe him a LOT TBH.....
Also, it will be cool for him for me to pass too......poor thing still has to take me to work, uni and everywhere else.....not fair on him... I REALLY wanna pass asap, and show him and everyone else that I AM safe, and a good driver.......
SO ANY HINTS on how to refocus and pass without paying for even more lessons, After all ive had LOTS now.....well at least 11 or 12 anyways......
Oh well,...... I tried the dual carriage way and didnt do to good, BUT THAT WAS MY 1st time in our car since lessons started..... SO all in all, I done ok i think.
Still need some practice, (hints and tips too of course)
Hope you all been well,...... and hope u all having luck and fun at the tables of late.....
OOOH X-Factors on so i best pop of for now... LOL
OOOH NOOOOO wagner again........ WHY is he even on there????LOL
MAYBE We should get this for our rear window to warn EVERYONE when im driving...............
Hiya Paige55 I actually kinda like driving in the dark now, well 6am ish atleast..... Not to sure if i like 8am though darn rush hour traffic is scary for ANY learner driver i think....
I will stick at it, i just need to get my confidence back up in our car again and get used to the small things like, turning indicator of after use, where lights are and gear change differences etc and im sure after ALL of that I will be ok....
I just wish I had done this years ago, so i would have this all out the way by now..... my original posts were about " is it to late to learn"? MAYBE just MAYBE I have answered that question now..... I THINK I left it to late BUT I will keep going till i pass....... well at least thats how I feel about it today anyways lol
LOL MAYBE it was.... wat shud i of posted, Andy Stewart? LOL The Crankies? LOL
OR erm....... let me think.....
erm..... Nope, im lost now, cannae think of anything better than proclaimers to get anyone up and tapping there feet early on a Monday morning.....
When I haver, I know im gonna be, im gonna be the one whos havering to you.......LOL!!!
Of to you tube now to find some decent scotish music
ALL advice is helpful.
I am not sure if i am bothered about how many times it takes to pass as long as i dont spend WAY to much on lessons then need to take a few attempts on tests...
as it stands i am getting 5 lessons for 40 quid, but I still pay 17 quid to him each week....!?!?!
See if this makes sence to you,...lol..it took me a while to suss it out myself, IS THIS NORMAL when buying lessons?
hand 40quid for 5 lessons ( aka 5 hrs)
Lesson 1 Have 2 hrs Leaves 3 hrs in balance
lesson two, hand 17 quid for one hr and take one hr from the 3 remaining
same for next week and so on so forth......
I thought i handed 40 quid and got 5 lessons of 1 hr at a time.... seems i was wrong, BUT either way I dont mind ( ok maybe i do mind the 17 quid each week despite paying 40 already especially seen as me and hubby are both at uni and cash aint as flowing as id like it to be)
Anyway I was just curious as to this method of payment.... is this normal?
OH dear....... I best get of here for now as I have my hubby and 8 yr old neice laughing at me right now...LOL
so cute too but I think they are dropping hints and asking to be fed....hmmmm must be THAT time of day!?!?!?!?!?
BOTH giggling at my adding to this and saying Its funny how im typing so quick ( LOL I NOW SEE WHY!!! cos I am sat here talking out loud what I am saying lol )
OK I will reply later when im not being laughed at as much LOL
Have a good eve
keep postin your hints PLEASE! Thankx
Ok back again
Tea cooked, cookies made and milk drank..... I cant log of for the eve without asking you, do these test folk REALY set up these trick situations to try make learners fail? OMG thats a bit sneaky isnt it....
I was asked about lights, as in traffic lights... he asked me " How do i know these lights wont change"? well cos its a crossing and no one is there to press the button.....next set, same question....but these were crossing and flow lights too ( MAY NOT be called flow lights but they are the type at a 4 way crossing, and stop one side to allow another through...9 LOL OH NOOOOO im making myself sound REALLY daft now LOL) I dont know the right name BUT the point is i answered correctly... I said THEY WILL change and not ONLY when a person is waiting to cross, they are automatic to keep traffic flowing smoothly and go anti clockwise I think" That was my reply and I got ot right,... i was later told he will need to think of some other questions as a trick LOL
OK time to log of now I will be back on tomorrow and update you on the driving theory
we are babysitting for the weekend so i best go enternaine an 8yr old little girl nw
Good night all
Just thought i would add to all advice yo have been given,i am a driving instructor and mainly teach
people with physical disabilities and learning difficulties along with the occasional able bodied
person.Wether its manual or automatic or they are 17 or 70 everyone will learn at their rate,dont
be put off by hearing stories of people who learned in 8 weeks or those that took 2 years.
As long as you come back from every lesson you take and you feel that you have made some
improvement from the last lesson and you are comfortable with your instructor you are heading
in the right direction.
The DSA published a report last year saying the average ammount of lessons for pupils learning
to drive with a qualified ADI was between 50 /70. QUITE A LOT AND QUITE EXPENSIVE.
Good luck, and a big tip make sure your instructors badge is green ask him also what grade he is.
instructors graded between 4.5 or 6,6 being the best.
pink badge denotes trainee instructor and they will charge you the same rate
All the best
Hello and thank you for your post on this thread, I find all replies very usefull and all tips are well appreciated.
As for the instructor, he has 2 badges on his window, one is pink and one green ( if i remember right)
Im sure he said one has a 6.6 grade and i am not sure about the other one ( pink). I know he teaches instructors as well as gives learner drivers lessons too and I was also told that when the day comes for me to take my test, I will be expected to pass 1st time. This is due to him being known as a good fair and strict tutor and with high standards.... not made my mindup yet if this is a good or bad thing yet tho.
BUT I AM gonna state that I do find him to be a good driving tutor, well he must be, for getting me out onto a dual carriage way on my 1st lesson with him.....
I do thimk my hubby taking me out had a lot to do with that happening too, all helps in building confidence....
OK I am of to go play a quick game and then RE-DO the practice theory test
I will post my marks when i am done.....
i look forward to rading more tips hints and advice
havea great day
Cheers for your post
Today was lesson number2.
It went ok, but I had a little nerves kick in when we went to a realy busy roundabout, but i managed it well....
no bumps, no stalling and no injuries caused....always a good thing.
One bad thing occured but I will add that to my next post, as I said I will update this thread each day I step closer to being an independent driver with NO L plates on, and seen as today was a lesson day I am due to add a post......
I really appreciate all your replies and the hints you give are great too.
I look forward to reading more
Have a great eve
as some of you may know I had my 2nd lesson today. 9.15am for 2 hrs and I loved every moment of it, EVEN the parts where i made errors. I dont seem to be appologising as much now when i make errors, i just seem to say where I know i went wrong and what i need to do so i dont make same error again..... ALWAYS A GOOD think I reckon
So, 9am was here, and strangely so were a lot of butterflies, who ever let them in???? I better make sure not to allow them in again.... as I know the tutor wont allow me to make the car move unless he is 100% happy for me to do so.
Anyways, 9.10 and there is my tutor, always 5 mins early, I was not fully aware that I would be getting into the driver seat straight away, but i did. At my front door i took the wheel and drove away, of down a wyndy road and passing cars that are doule parked, I was abit nervy but managed ok.....
As the time ticked by I was told I was to head back to the same area/village i drove to last week, I was a bit more nervous now as I remembered the wyndy roads, roundabouts and inpatient drivers. I think my tutor seen my nerves on my face as he just told me " calm down debbie, your doing really well, keep doing what your doing, its all good".
My nerves settled a little and as soon as we droped of the learner who was in back of car( she had her lesson prior to mine so drove to where i was collected from and she popped in back while i drove her home and then of to finish lesson else where.... So, where was i??? Oh yes, I was ok after dropping of the other learner and started to settle into the position of driving.
Roundabouts came, and i went over ok, Junctions appeared and i managed to remain calm and not stall, BUT I did struggle at the judging of space and car width at times, especially where there were no white lines on road, mainly within the villages etc though....
Oh and i made an error at oneroundabout and all i heard was GAS GAS MORE GAS"
I was a bit frightened to be honest. BUT he did say to me on day one that if he ever needed to raise his voice it would be to prevent an accident from happening and if i was going to slow , SO I THINK I DESEREVED that in my lug hole!!!
Anyways, a bit of theory was next, Given the DSA book and asked to read 5 pages about junctions, ( remember at the start of this post I spoke of being dyslexic? well I did not have my accetates with me today as i was unaware of reading being part of a driving lesson) reading from signs is ok, due to text size and boldness but books are more difficult, so i sat for 10-15 mins trying to read about what to do at open and closed junctions, ( lesson learned today was BRING ALL READING EQUIPMENT TO EVERY LESSON!!!)
So, back to practical, open junction ( did ya know we have only got about 10% of open junctions in britain? and 90% are closed?) well well we learn something new every day, even when reading a post on here LOL
Well I managed it, despite not being able to read the book to well.
So result for the day was this, I had a great lesson, had fun and looking forward to next one, which is tuesday of next week. another 2 hrs practical and we are looking closer at manouvers and work some more on junctions too, I seem to still have a mental block when it comes to junctions but I AM working my way at getting over that ASAP!!! lol
So, for today I bid you all a nice relaxing evening and i will try stop smilling ( seems I smile a LOT after a lesson ....well I do enjoy them and makes me feel really good, I NEVER dreamt I would be on a "real" road so soon, so the rest is an awesome bonus....
I will add more to this as the week goes on and update about the theory stuff to.
But for now I am going to the pictures, and then maybe and ONLY maybe I will pop into the driver seat with my hubby for a while and show him all i have learnt, I was told I am ok to go with him now as long as I stick to what I have been tought so far and dont allow myself to get scared and nervous IF i do happen to stall, I was told that all cars have a differnt bite and i need to get used to various clutch bites etc....
So for now I bid you all a good eve, cinema for me and hubby now
Remember to pop back anytime to read more updates and progress reports
One learner driver sining out for now
Cheers for reading
thank you annie....
I'll pop a post on again this afternoon, I am gonna do the theory and hazard perception practice test this afternoon.....
so ill be sure to let ya know how that goes
have a great day
Anyway I WILL be back in a bit and let ya know how it went....
fingers crossed
I just sat both theory and hazard perception tests and this is the outcome....
For the hazard perception I managed to get 61.0% and they require 50% to pass...... result = PASS
Theory practice test required 85% and I got 91% = PASS
On average I answered 9% wrong and 91% right
The shortest length of any answer was 3secs on a wrong answer and 27 secs on a correct answer
Longest time was 113 secs on correct answer ( BUT I DID GO AND COVER THE RABBIT OVER AT THIS POINT so this is why this took so long!LOL)
so all looking good for now, I managed to get a LOT better marks on this exam compared to others and if i remember correctly, I think this is the 1st time I have passed BOTH theory and hazard perception tests at same time....
Well, im all examed out for now, so of to play some poker....... HOPE I HAVE AS MUCH GOOD LUCK IN THIS AS I HAVE THE EXAM!LOL
have a good eve
I'll pop a new add to this post real soon
well not added much on here the past few days, ( took today of work too, decided to have a duvet day and lemsips on tap)
I have lesson number 3 tomorrow at 11 am, and my hubby is coming with me too.....
Seen as he is teaching me inbetween lessons I think this will benefit my learning especially the theory side of things( he helps in many ways from seeing how and what the instructor is teaching me so he can carry this on as well as explain some theory to me in a way that makes sence, due to my dyslexia I SOMETIMES struggle when having to read direct from the DSA book during my lesson) also I am looking FWD to this so i can show him just how good im doing.....
Anyways, I just wanted to pop a quick post up and say I will add more tomorrow after my lesson.
I was gonna do another practice theory today but I cant be A $ $ ed LOL not feeling to good, and exams are last thing on my mind tbh LOL
so early night for me and i will be back tomorrow to post update on lesson
have a good eve
I'll post an update when im done.....
fingers crossed it all goes as planned..........
bit nervous today though.....dunno why cos I KNOW i CAN do this.....
be back later
This was lesson 3 and all things concidered I did ok........
Now remember I said my hubby was in the car with me today so as you may of guessed my nerves were a bit more than usual.
But after i mentioned we needed to fill up with gas, I was then asked to drive into garage and fill up, ( only done this x2 times, one time being yesterday when i asked marc to show me how to do this)
Anyways, there we were at the garage filling up and then back onto the lesson time.
Turn left at exit of petrol station and follow road ahead...... all good so far.. Then i come to road works and i feel my nerves getting stronger, but i managed to keep control of the car, which i must add at this point I still am unsure what it is i am actually driving...lol
My dad asked me and my reply was " its silver" LOL!!!
So, 1 hr into lesson and we are back where i started on day one, industrial estate and going over the crossing and lights that we have in britain.... pelican, zebra, toucan, and one more that I cant remember at this moment in time.....oooooops!
WHY are all crossings named after animals? It makes me think i am driving through a safari oppose to an inner city road system.....lol
Anyway, on the spot questions came, and I HAVE TO BE HONEST I DID GUESS a few answers.
This whole thing about bus lanes and times of being allowed to go into them....well that was a guess answer, as was the reason as to why lights would or would not change...but I did ok.
Then we had to drop marc of at home as we were going to drive to next learners home to end my lesson and start his, and my tutor thougt it would be a bit unfair for him to get in the car with 2 back seat passengers instead of the 1 that is normal..... ( I do see the point he was making, so i didnt mind)
As Marc got out the car, he told me that I had done really well....BUT I was not to sure,
I was a bit annoyd at myself today....and for the silly reason cos I stalled!
I HAVE NOT STALLED in ANY LESSON apart from todays one.... dont get me wrong, i stalled LOTS when marc took me out and I was REALLY looking forward to showing him that I can now do junctions etc and not stall....but it didnt all go as planned....
BUT I STILL enjoyed it and learnt a lot of new stuff too.
BUT NOW I need to go over the traffic light systems and road crossings etc and get the names, road markings and also need to find some way of learing about lanes and roundabouts, even if i need to make some type of model to work with ( due to my method of learning and dyslexia I seem to understand better when i do things hands on oppose to just reading from a book.. for e.g if i see a web site that has a video or something similar then I manage to do ok)
SO IF ANYONE knows of what I can use to help me with this then as always please feel free to let me know...
Books? CD? DVD? VIDEO? WEBSITE? anywathing at all.....
I just asked marc just tell me how he really thinks i done and I got a 8/10 WOW!!!!
I expected about 5 or 6/10 at best...
BUT I know he was being upfront and honest and not trying to save my feelings, so i am really impressed at the 8/10 mark i got.
So my readers, Thats week 3 over with..... I got a few more ticks next to new learnt things and a few items marked of as knowing how to do properly....so I am in the right direction of progress...... P H E W !!!! LOL
I will pop back later and see if anyone has added anything new re: what I can do or use to help me learn the traffic lights and/or crossings etc and lane practice on roundabouts.....
Have a good eve everyone
Cheers for popping by to read my progress so far.
From a good and progresing learner driver ( hahahaha)
lesson N.o. 4 at 10 am tomorrow.....not sure how it will go but I will be sire to let ya know.....fingers crossed all is well.
Have a good eve
debbie :-)
Even when you do pass your test it will take time to be completely confident with all types of driving.
It is all about YOU. Even in a dual control car, it is still YOUR gig.
I hope you have a "bad" lesson before you take your test. Trust me, you need one lesson like it, and it may sound daft, but 12 months down the line, you will be glad for it.....but obviously no Dukes of Hazard stuff on the A66 or owt like that.
I had 2 instructors when I was 17...one was through work and the other was more formal.
I can remember having a "mock" test the day before my test, and being failed on more than half a dozen things.
When I reversed round the corner I can always remember being asked....
"Is that straight?"
"Aye" I said.
"*&@$ sake, I hope your ^:+£ is straighter son".
Passed the next day at the first attempt, so you get what I am trying to say Debbie. (and no, the examiner was not pistol whipped either)
The most important thing is to try and enjoy it!!!!!!
Good Luck Debbie.
I always used to drive through Eston at 70mph too ;0)
just keep calm and think about what situations could arise and how you would deal with them
Thank you for posting
have a good week
They are just making see how much better it is to be driving on my own....and thats leading to being impatient and wanting to do it N O W !!!!
oh well another lesson on friday.... thinking about uping it to 2 a week oppose to just one lesson per week.... ( one lesson=2 hrs though so its not to bad i guess) I'll pop back then and update on progress, untill then I guess i best go get some work done...Uni term is about to start back ( LOUD CHEERS from me on that one!!!!!) HOPE i am able to do both though....my final year at uni AND driving lessons... Sometimes my brain only allows me one amount of stressful stuff to learn before it shuts down on me LOL
cheers for your add
thought of that one already...but I think it would be best to pass in a manual, and if i REALLY cant do it and cant pass etc, then and only then look at an automatic, but fingers crossed i will be able to suss this driving
Managed to get passed on a few manouvers since last posted..... 3 point turn EXACT 1st time, reverse round corner PERFECT 1st time emergency stop Good 1st time, perfect 2nd or 3rd... independent driving good and always improving.... wont be out on me own for a while yet BUT confidence is improved LOTS and i feel comfy just getting in a car and going now..... so I have to say to all who said it will soon be like your not even thinking about the actions/manouvers etc It will just happen....well your RIGHT I dont need to think 500 meters before i get to the junction and drum it in to my head." what do i do here again????????" It just happens now..
ONE thing i need to work on BADLY is Left turns....I can do it ok, i just forget to look LEFT 1st!!!! I ALWAYS check to my right then left,.... which, i am told , is NOT the safest or correct method of driving...so i will focus on that one a bit more......
BUT Apart from a truck driver trying to wipe me of the road on last weeks lesson Im doing GREAT!!
gotta dash for now, i will try get back on later and add more re: the dreaded truck incident..... wat a scare that was!!!
hope your all well and having some fortune smile on you at the tables
take care
wow its come around so quick,
BUT and its a big B U T..... went out with hubby in our car yesterday and fluffed it BIGTIME!!!!!
I know what im doing when in the car etc, but i am used to the instructors car not ours,...... so our gear box has a different feel, indicators dont turn themself of as they do in instructors car and, well lots more little things are differnt in our car oppose to one ive been learning in....but that tells me ONE thing,....
I DONT think im ready to take my test now.... I need to get more practice in our car, get used to it and get my confidence back up again, I lost a bit of it yesterday when i made a silly yet dangerous error...... As i mentioned OUR gears feel differnt to the ones i been using for 2 mnths....
we were on dual carrigage way, doing 60----65----70 at 10am on way into town centre, I was in 5th quite comfy too, observant and ready for what ever came my way, I seen sign for roundabout, so i wanted to slow down a little, so, brake on softly, and slipped down to 4th...... BUT NOOOOOOOO It went into 2nd instead!!!!!
I WAS MORTIFIED and scared too , that stupid error had a knock on effect to rest of journey though, so thats WHY i say I am not ready yet to take my test....... If i loose it after a silly error, despite it being a nearly engine blowing error, then i know I am not ready mentaly to take my test.....
BUT I WONT put it of for long, I will just go out with my amazingly supportive hubby in our little fiesta and start to do things without dual controls ........and I AM SURE he will keep me uplifted, and confident, he seems to have the skill of "brake away any unnecesery fears, and puts things in context for me, so I owe him a LOT TBH.....
Also, it will be cool for him for me to pass too......poor thing still has to take me to work, uni and everywhere else.....not fair on him... I REALLY wanna pass asap, and show him and everyone else that I AM safe, and a good driver.......
SO ANY HINTS on how to refocus and pass without paying for even more lessons, After all ive had LOTS now.....well at least 11 or 12 anyways......
Oh well,...... I tried the dual carriage way and didnt do to good, BUT THAT WAS MY 1st time in our car since lessons started..... SO all in all, I done ok i think.
Still need some practice, (hints and tips too of course)
Hope you all been well,...... and hope u all having luck and fun at the tables of late.....
OOOH X-Factors on so i best pop of for now... LOL
OOOH NOOOOO wagner again........ WHY is he even on there????LOL
MAYBE We should get this for our rear window to warn EVERYONE when im driving...............
I actually kinda like driving in the dark now, well 6am ish atleast..... Not to sure if i like 8am though darn rush hour traffic is scary for ANY learner driver i think....
I will stick at it, i just need to get my confidence back up in our car again and get used to the small things like, turning indicator of after use, where lights are and gear change differences etc and im sure after ALL of that I will be ok....
I just wish I had done this years ago, so i would have this all out the way by now..... my original posts were about " is it to late to learn"? MAYBE just MAYBE I have answered that question now..... I THINK I left it to late BUT I will keep going till i pass.......
well at least thats how I feel about it today anyways lol
Have a good day