Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
i`m sick off the connection problems and it`s not at my end, so unless it`s sorted i will not be playing untill they pull the finger from there rear and fix it sky you have cost me, NO MORE, amazing how you did matainance work other night and this is what happens, so to all those who have not had problems gl on tables and those that have come join me
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when is the download coming ?
still getting abit of a freeze this morning as well just for a couple secs
gl today sporny
ive had no internet connection for the last 24 hours!!!
its only just come back on.
maybe they had server problems yesterday???
Had a few disconnection problems today on here . Not played any tables yet so all good . But not sure whether to because of it and want to. Sky?
please quickly see this thread