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Things that make you go "CRINGE".......
The worst thing for me, as a massive Jeremy Kyle fan, is watching a bloke get down on 1 knee on stage and propose to his missus on stage. I actually can't watch it, I have to turn over for 2 minutes ....... ughhhhhhhhh!!
Another one, last night, I actually bit into a malteaser, rather than sucking it and ewwww. CRINGE!!! The sound!!!! Yuk, I shall never bite another malteaser again.
Im not a fan of spiders, or rats, I can handle snakes, but woodlice!!!! errrrrrrrrrrr
My mate cringes at the site of a dead bird??? huh?
Also when that bloke scored for United last night and started dancing round the corner flag - I cringed. Maybe coz I had money on Wolves.....
Anything random make you guys go CRINGEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?????
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People with wa*k ringtones that go off on the bus make me cringe too.
And I thought deep down u were an old romantic
My hopes are dashed now
How did you know i perm my hair?
you been checking me out from afar?
.......until she goes to get her hair done next week, she is only ticking 2 out of 3 boxes.
Cheers Dohhhhhhhhhhh for giving me a place to air my thoughts on this silly little matter ,ill get back to playing Poker very badly now .Remember people its just a game and i mean the Poker .
Good luck all .............Mick.
Sky poker Star Wars parodies!!
The words flesh and queasy
Finding a hair in your food
people who say 'excuse my french' after they've sworn
overly romantic verses printed in greetings cards
David Brent is without doubt the most cringeworthy nutter on telly imo.
and anything else other than stand up that Ricky Gervais dreams up. Still laugh my head off tho.
that packaging you have to open with scissors and the plastic is so sharp you always cut yourself...I even bought a pair of scissors 'cos mine broke and would you believe I needed scissors to open the blooming thing! haha
and Jerry Springer! blughhhhh
The national anthem.
Robbie Earnshaws goal celebrations, especially the juggler one. It makes me want to shoot him in the face with a crossbow bolt.
Its like home from home x
I saw him naked once from the side and he looked like a letter Q
V-Neck T-shirts
People (f)arting and thinking its amusing
(oh and slapheads)