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Emilyegg Banned



  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned : Yep 6 months, all for being a little bit to enthusiastic with his comments about the newcastle V sunderland match at the weekend. Daphne FTW.
    Posted by lucy4

    It was the geordies vs the mackems and his team beat them 5-1??!! Surely that gives him utter rights to celebrate??!!

    FWIW, even if he wasn't banned, and in the unlikely scenario that his other team beats my team on Sunday I'd let him gloat. I'd huffily go to my bed wishing him many torturous deaths. And I'd mean it. But I wouldn't want him banned.

    6 months??!! Pfft.
  • edited November 2010
    EM is a good mate and is a well funny and genuine geezer. I dont know what he did but i will miss him on here.

    Your out of order MODS get a grip.

    Wont be the same without him and you know it.

    Good common sense and justice for the win.

  • edited November 2010
    It's very simple really - If you don't want to be banned from a forum then don't break the rules. I've used online forums for about ten years and every single one has had it's own set of rules. These are determined by the 'host' of the site and have to be agreed in advance (when signing up), and almost all of the sites I've ever used have had a ban on swearing and abuse within that set of rules. Not just because children may be reading, but because it's what the host has decided is suitable for their board. When you sign up to a forum you agree to use it according to it's T&C's. You agree to their rules. There is no 'freedom of speech' (which people often quote - go stand in the street if you want that) as you're using the host's site and have agreed to abide by their rules. In this case it's the set of rules decided by Sky Poker (or BskyB). I could start a forum and have a rule that you're not allowed to discuss Big Brother, and if you do you'll be banned, and it would be fine because it is my rule which the users had agreed to in advance.

  • edited November 2010
    Sky Mods FTW!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned : he supports Heart of Midlothean  ie. hearts = jam tarts = jambos
    Posted by BADBOY985
    A Freudian slip I'm sure and not quite spelt correctly.

    But I share your subconscious loathing of the maroon clad scumballs.

    Before I even get onto my conscious loathing of the maroon clad scumballs.

    Out of interest can you still read the forums if you're banned? I hope so. Hi Em xx
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned : A Freudian slip I'm sure and not quite spelt correctly. But I share your subconscious loathing of the maroon clad scumballs. Before I even get onto my conscious loathing of the maroon clad scumballs. Out of interest can you still read the forums if you're banned? I hope so. Hi Em xx
    Posted by bandini
    Yep anyone can look at the forum as thier is no need to log in!
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned : Yep anyone can look at the forum as thier is no need to log in!
    Posted by Donut64
    Cool. Cheers Donut.

    See ya on Sunday circa 16:15 hrs then Em.

    Derek Riordan ftw!
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:

    Couldn't Mr Egg do some community service and have his sentance halved?

    My toilet needs unblocking, that must be a worth at leat 1 week of the sentance.
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned :  My toilet needs unblocking
    Posted by SirSimon
    Congratulations for your epic ... 'birth' ...

  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned : Yep anyone can look at the forum as thier is no need to log in!
    Posted by Donut64
    Apparently, though, PMs don't work.

    Got an e-mail saying Em had PM'd me but no PM in in-box.

    Shame, I was rather relishing the abuse :-)

    See ya in 6 months Em. We'll be 20 points above you by then :-)

  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    Congratulations for your epic ... 'birth' ...
    I'll let it grow for 9 days and then join him to Sky Poker under the name  of EMILYPOO

    I think poo years are 1 day = 2 human years !!

    They grow up quick and before you know it their leaving home........Just wish he'd go now to be honest, or his brother to be is going to have to share a bowl with him !!!
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned : They do, u just have to read the content of the PM in the e-mail they send I received a rather charming one from the Egg, can't imagine why he got banned
    Posted by SHANXTA
    You're right. Can't believe I didn't notice that.

    Unbelievable abuse I took from him too.

    I'd suggest another six months Sky Mods?


    Won't go as far as to wish you the same luck you wished me mate because I'm not good at lying. I hope we put another 7 on you. But agree with the rest of your PM. Hate the weegers far worse than Hearts. Far, far worse. If they died I'd smile. If youse died I'd still smile, but it would be tinged with sadness.

    I'm actually going to be watching the game in one of my bestest buddy's house, who, sadly, is one of youse. When we win and he throws me out I'll be straight back here Em, That you can be sure of.

    PM me the reason you got banned btw. I'm intrigued.
  • edited November 2010
    Jambo's FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
     I had my run in's with Emily where friendly banter got out of hand. I did not [then] or now wish him banned.  Have Sky so many players they need to cull them. ?   This is not the way to win Players Hearts and Minds. My thread Missing Persons was deleted.  It was intended to get missing players back not stir up trouble. I was first to get ban Emily so I beat you. LOL  hope its not long ban you naughty boy.!!  Annie x 
    Posted by logdon

     WHAT !?!?   WHY ???

  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned :  MY THREAD MISSING PERSONS WAS DELETED !!!!!!  WHAT !?!?   WHY ???  
    Posted by PILLOWMAN

    I started a thread about it called ''the missing persons thread has gone missing'' ............ shortly afterwards, that went missing too.

    I'm hiding in the back of my kennel - just in case.
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned : I started a thread about it called ''the missing persons thread has gone missing'' ............ shortly afterwards, that went missing too. I'm hiding in the back of my kennel - just in case.
    Posted by elsadog
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    Jambo's FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
    Posted by HITMAN_RV

  • edited April 2011
    They still got the Egg locked in the cage?

    Miyagi still in a Thai prison?

    Where saladface?, he showed promise

  • edited April 2011
    HitPup will dedicate tonights Nap performance to the memory of his Egg-shaped friend !!

  • edited April 2011
    Bring back EmilyEgg...he was smashing.
  • edited April 2011

    The original 6 months has now become an indefinite one, so unless there is another miracle resurrection this Easter then the EGG is no more, and the forum is a poorer place for it.

  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    The original 6 months has now become an indefinite one, so unless there is another miracle resurrection this Easter then the EGG is no more, and the forum is a poorer place for it.
    Posted by lucy4
    RESUREGGtion FTW !!
  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned : I started a thread about it called ''the missing persons thread has gone missing'' ............ shortly afterwards, that went missing too. I'm hiding in the back of my kennel - just in case.
    Posted by elsadog
    Look ffs !!'s just bones you're meant to bury,..........not forum threads,........not eggs........not people,............just bones !!   got it !........... go and dig 'em back up right now you pesky mutt.
  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned : Look ffs !!'s just bones you're meant to bury,..........not forum threads,........not eggs........not people,............just bones !!   got it !........... go and dig 'em back up right now you pesky mutt.
    Posted by billyboots
    DEM BONES, DEM BONES........DEM.... EGGBONES !!!!!!
  • edited April 2011
    Is Emilyegg really Humpty and been abandoned.?

    edit,  I thought he was back and I read one of his Posts was that an old one, or has he been banned again. Very confusing and it would be nice if Mod Kiwin could verify like he did for Paige when I was banned for a month. People are concerned and worry not good when there is silence.? 
  • edited April 2011


  • edited April 2011
    Just to confirm for those that want to know, EMILYEGG is still banned, The original 6 month ban given in November was then changed to a "no time limit ban" i.e permanent, with no explanation given when the Egg asked for a reason far that decision.
  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    Just to confirm for those that want to know, EMILYEGG is still banned, The original 6 month ban given in November was then changed to a "no time limit ban" i.e permanent, with no explanation given when the Egg asked for a reason far that decision.
    Posted by lucy4
    Yes, that does seem to be the position!!

    Don't want to poke a hornet's nest, but me & HitPup both miss EmilyEgg, who was defo responsible for us both joinin in the forum 'malarkys' rather than just stayin on the 'one post a month' fringe!! So we feel we are well qualified to post support!!

    HitPup understands 'rules is rules', but feels when such a prominent 'Goodegg' with a previous good record, misdemeanours in some way, it should be pretty simple for the powers that be to see that a just sentence is served, then said forum member is invited back with an understanding of future good behavoir and an apologetic 'virtual' shake of hands seals the situation !!

    I know the good people at Sky have to support each other as a 'Team' and i back them in that!! Thus each scenario must be taken on it's individual merits!! I DO NOT want to be controversual or put ANYONE at Sky in a difficult position, but as someone who has had to learn from many mistakes, reconciliation is always possible, except in extreme circumstance.

    I DO NOT want this to seem the re-emergence of a controversial thread, BUT, Am nailing my colours [& HitPups], to the Banner that if this situation COULD be sorted amicably, I would be A happy Li' Hitman!!..... 

    .... so if poss sky.....

    Common Sense FTW !!
  • edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Emilyegg Banned:
    It's very simple really - If you don't want to be banned from a forum then don't break the rules. I've used online forums for about ten years and every single one has had it's own set of rules. These are determined by the 'host' of the site and have to be agreed in advance (when signing up), and almost all of the sites I've ever used have had a ban on swearing and abuse within that set of rules. Not just because children may be reading, but because it's what the host has decided is suitable for their board. When you sign up to a forum you agree to use it according to it's T&C's. You agree to their rules. There is no 'freedom of speech' (which people often quote - go stand in the street if you want that) as you're using the host's site and have agreed to abide by their rules. In this case it's the set of rules decided by Sky Poker (or BskyB). I could start a forum and have a rule that you're not allowed to discuss Big Brother, and if you do you'll be banned, and it would be fine because it is my rule which the users had agreed to in advance.
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    lol, if life was so simple,   rules change,  the customer is really the ones that determine the rules, its just a shame more dont know that.

    too many peeps asleep.
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