I called someone an "A**" and was told that was offensive whereas donkey ( same thing ) is fine. They probably thought I meant "Bottom" but then he's a character from Shakespeare and the A*** version has an "R" in it unless your American and they are not allowed to play. (By the way does the ban on Americans include Vegas -which makes the whole ruling hypocrasy?) On a serious note the people who say it should be OK to swear because it is an 18+ site forget that while only adults can use the site many of them have kiddies sitting on their laps/backs/heads. Had to remove A** by-the by even though Jesus road into Jerusalem on one. Does that mean the Easter story is banned ? Posted by tiercel
I played a guy called a-r-5-e a few times last week.
Not sure how they have software to detect chat box words but now when you enter your screen name when you join up???
could be seen as incitement i suppose....
Not sure how they have software to detect chat box words but now when you enter your screen name when you join up???