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One of the main explanations of online frequency of bad bets is (and always has been) the hph ratio (hand per hour). Whereas live you may see 18-22 hands an hour and online it will be in the 60-65 area.
I really have never seen the relevance of this. Where on the surface it seems to held a elements of truth, if you really pick at it I kind of feel it comes undone.
What is basically being is said that your playing hands at 4:1 ratio (ish) as live. The effect being that more bad beats will be seen and experienced. But surely that logic swings both ways correcting for the ratio?
There is alot of truth in the fact that players quickly enjoy their gains but harbour forever their bad beats. But surely that sick feeling of terror shouldnt happen everytime you go deep, get it all in good and then are utterly unsurprised to see the miracle?
Anywho, if this 4;1 hph is the cause of so much perceived BBH then surely it should be offset of the 4:1 hph when your hand holds? Even looking beyond that: if you are simply playing the high % hands post flop this effect should be exponential
Example: hph Live 18-22. On avg getting it in post flop @ 85% /> should give you a variance of 15%< over time. Am trying not to be too specific so I'm not picked apart. So on that basis you'll lose (statistically over a large sample size) 15 of 100 hands post flop. This would be relative to hands selected and played when dealt with a hph avg of 18-22
Online: hph 60-65. Numbers run exactly the same. Yet your high % gains should still be 85/15 based on a hph of 60-65 relative to hands selected.
So this accepted higher hand rate = higher perception of bad beats (to my mind) really doesnt hold any basis in reality. Unless we are all have incredibly short memories and only recall the low % ends of the bad beats. For the record i'm not including flips or anything below 80/20. So infact what should be seen is high £ plays rewarded at a 4:1 ratio incorporating the constant ratio of bad beats
If I'm missing something key please let me know. But i've always felt that this is an utter falsehood that the industry is more than happy to cultivate
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I am genuinely looking for other peoples thoughts on the subject matter, and am open to other ideas. Not once did i say it was dodgy. If your just looking to be rude and caustic go somewhere else.
By your own logic, if you dont want to read it, dont. Know one is forcing you and certainly dont feel the need to post. But I have every right to discuss such things without unhelpful comments like the one you posted.
Also people see a lot of hands like these on TV because they make good TV which only perpetuates their beliefs.
I have also used a players paranoia about bad beats on the river by betting big when an action card came down on the river when I had missed my draw. His responce was to fold and say " I had 2 pair! Typical Sky River its a joke!"
Ps to make things clear he had 2 pair I had nothing, but the knowledge that he believed that on Sky Poker the river always hits the drawing hand!
So in your post you mean you prey on peoples perception that they should always be aware of the river BB?
Wasn't having a go, but if I thought it was fixed or unfair I wouldnt play, that's all.........
Your making a pretty quick assumption that I'm inexperienced or a tight player. Again look at the opening post. I'm talking of hands fitting a specific criteria over a sample size. For the record I have been on Tv twice playing poker, played in 1 wsop event and 3 EPT events. Casino 3 nights a week and travel down to DTD Nottingham once a month. Whereas much of what you say holds elements of truth it really is a total over simplification not taking into account the subjuect matter of the opening post.
You guys win though I'm kind of getting tired of the very selective way people argue their points. I used to have no doubt that all was fine with online poker, building up a pretty big BR at FT. My point of view hasnt come about by being new or inexperienced and not understanding the flows and variance of the game. It comes from hard earned experience, making frequent comparison to online/live play. All along I have agreed and acknowledged that there are many elements to the enigma that is online play: playing styles, perceptions, time,problematic - but not strictly corrupt -software etc but for the most part people dont want to really acknowledge what they must also see themselves.
Fact is I dont ever want to be more than a recreational online player these days. More than I dont trust it, I dont enjoy it a tenth as the real thing. All I wanted to see was if people had experiences similar to mine. I believe there are many well accepted falsehoods in online poker, i havent seen anything to change that belief.
ill jist lissen to yous interlectshuls