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Before you answer remember that Banks are regulated by the FSA and overseen by The Bank of England, whereas Poker sites have their RNG certified by a company based in a nice little house in a London suburb.
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You can't operate in today's world without using banks, you don't have to play poker online or at all.
I just don't trust any organisation that is guaranteed custom and success regardless of how they operate.
Banks have nothing to lose, or at least what they have is guaranteed by the state, poker sites have everything to lose.
I can't remember now , who did the all the irresponsible lending that caused the current global financial crisis and bankrupted whole countries?
Was it online poker sites or banks?
In December my business account went overdrawn by £12 for one day, for that my bank charged me a £16.50 fee. No wonder the bankers can afford to give themselves multi-million pound bonuses.
Anyway, I could go on about banks for a long time, but it was an easy choice where to put my vote.
regulated??? your having a laugh!! Banks are more powerfull than governments, since the early 1900s most currencies have been backed by nothing, its all fiat currency, I know your point, its clearly ill pick a hated regulated body to ram home my point, Unfortunately for you , you picked a very corrupt one.
ive had a current account for 25 years and havent paid a penny in fees in which time they have paid all my bills for me,never lost my cash on the other hand by the time i finish paying of my mortgage i would have paid for it 3 times over and know from friends in business that the charges for business banking are exhorbitant but all these fees and penalties are avaliable for all to see.
poker sites for me fall into the catorgary of things i want to have or use so have to believe they are honest because if i spent my who live thinking everyones out to con me and rip me off,i would never do anything or have to spend my whole life constantly review and checking every decision i make.
i like a bet on the horses and greyhounds i am not nieve enough to think that every horse is trying 100% and when some carthorse who hasnt won for two years suddenly gets backed and wins as if it was kauto star,but its something i enjoy so i put up with it.
i think the scrachcards are the biggest rip off ever so dont buy them
What confuses me the most about people that make such comments is this: regardless of style or approach one of the things that is common between good poker players is the ability to process as much information as possible. To sit and look at patterns and react to all the information at hand.
Thats all that these posts are about People sharing their real experience and discussing it. You have no right to rudely announce if you dont like dont play in a dogmatic way. It would be like me saying to you if you dont like the debate dont entor the forum. Its beyond arrogant.
Just on a side note its odd how quickly people forget that there already has been two major online poker scandals. People talk as though its impossible but it has already happened and these companies have been prosecuted (ultimate bet and absoloute poker) I guess they dont matter though.....
Big difference between this and a large corporation scamming people.
ive read many of your post and most seem to be pointing to problems in the online poker industry it just seems strange that many people with these believes risk large amounts of money on a product they think is flawed at best or corrupt at worst
I guess in a way your right and I owe you an apology. You do have the right to make any comment you like. But what you express isnt an opinion its an ultimatum. It doesnt connect with any of the subjuect matter and basically makes a moot issue of all points for and against in the debate. Its needless and disrespectful to the whole conversation thread. Your basically saying if a person has an issue with online poker, dont discuss it, simply go away and dont play. Which to me would be totally stupid. So I wont ill try and re phrase things in the future, but it really is very rude and a huge over simplification to come in with such unhelpful comments. People are looking for a discussion, not simple blind ultimatums.