A poker site can deal whatever cards they like, they can over-ride the rng and create any action they wish-- I have seen this happen on a particular site that is run by gangsters--- This fact was admitted to me and my life was threatened by the operators.
A poker site can deal whatever cards they like, they can over-ride the rng any create ant action they wish-- I have seen this happen on a particular site that is run by gangsters--- This fact was admitted to me and my life was threatened by the operators. Posted by oynutter
A poker site can deal whatever cards they like, they can over-ride the rng and create any action they wish-- I have seen this happen on a particular site that is run by gangsters--- This fact was admitted to me and my life was threatened by the operators. Posted by oynutter
YES!....we at Facebook take our poker very seriously.
In Response to Re: Trust : This one ? I thought you wanted a rant not a retort. Posted by elsadog
No I was genuinely pointing out that your initial intention/post was not only obvious but more to the point that your considered opinion that the banks are regulated and less likely to be corrupt than poker sites is at the least nieve and at most stupid. Hence was wondering if you dissagree
To make it very very clear My contention is Regulated banks are more corrupt than unregulated poker sites.
Think it's funny do ya max? lets all have a laugh about it eh, got any more funny things to say about gangsters that know where you live, who your family is, your mothers maiden name, your passport details, and your bank details, and threaten to kill you?
Think it's funny do ya max? lets all have a laugh about it eh, got any more funny things to say about gangsters that know where you live, who your family is, your mothers maiden name, your passport details, and your bank details, and threaten to kill you? Posted by oynutter
No -- too risky m8--- I left the country for 3 months, changed address and bank, I would'nt have come back at all. but my kids are here Posted by oynutter
Soz to that bud, It will just be a bad memory soon, life goes on.
YEH--- touch wood--- just letting people know that there is no good reason to trust any poker site, just because they say they are regulated and tested by some company in a foriegn tax haven. you would have to find a much better reason than that to trust them
In Response to Re: Trust : No I was genuinely pointing out that your initial intention/post was not only obvious but more to the point that your considered opinion that the banks are regulated and less likely to be corrupt than poker sites is at the least nieve and at most stupid. Hence was wondering if you dissagree To make it very very clear My contention is Regulated banks are more corrupt than unregulated poker sites. Posted by NODEAL
I didn't have a point of view that banks are more or less corrupt. It was a question of trust. I guessed that more would vote for banks even though they are regulated far more thoroughly than poker sites. I was just interested in the view of others, many of whom claim that the sites are completely honest and yet don't trust a highly regulated banking industry. All down to perception I think. I think Oynutter's point of view proves that.
In Response to Re: Trust : I didn't have a point of view that banks are more or less corrupt. It was a question of trust. I guessed that more would vote for banks even though they are regulated far more thoroughly than poker sites. I was just interested in the view of others, many of whom claim that the sites are completely honest and yet don't trust a highly regulated banking industry. All down to perception I think. I think Oynutter's point of view proves that. Posted by elsadog
No probs, I was only going on your initial post and its premis, But I do realize that you are more interested in rng By the way interesting stuff cant realy comment to much on that stuff because of my lack of knowlage in computer programing but enjoy reading you guys/gals posts.
Think it's funny do ya max? lets all have a laugh about it eh, got any more funny things to say about gangsters that know where you live, who your family is, your mothers maiden name, your passport details, and your bank details, and threaten to kill you? Posted by oynutter
If that is gospel, I apologise for my flippant remarks OY. Just trying to inject some much needed humour into this thread, that was all. I will leave all you X files fans to it....I am off to catch up on DJ's bad beat thread!
To make it very very clear My contention is Regulated banks are more corrupt than unregulated poker sites.