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£5.50 DYM, Call River Shove?
No reads on Villain.
Preflop, im happy with as its very early in a dym.
Flop and turn i think i played ok, but would welcome comments here?
Now, when the board pairs on river, i check to call. But when he shoves, it makes my decision harder. Would you fold as its early in a dym and he could be overbetting his FH hoping i can't lay my flush down? Or is he simply bluffing me off the pot because i checked the river.. Should i have bet/folded river? if so what size bet would you have put out?
Important to remember this is a Double your Money SNG in the early stages.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBigBEN15 Small blind 15.00 15.00 1415.00 GREGHOGG Big blind 30.00 45.00 2000.00 Your hole cards A Q VillainCall 30.00 75.00 2352.50 carioca66 Fold rainman001 Fold PUX Call 30.00 105.00 1975.00 BigBEN15 Call 15.00 120.00 1400.00 GREGHOGG Check Flop 3 7 K BigBEN15 Check GREGHOGG Bet 90.00 210.00 1910.00 VillainCall 90.00 300.00 2262.50 PUX Fold BigBEN15 Fold Turn Q GREGHOGG Bet 225.00 525.00 1685.00 VillainCall 225.00 750.00 2037.50 River Q GREGHOGG Check VillainAll-in 2037.50 2787.50 0.00 GREGHOGG WTF??
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On that board i think i would call. Why well if they are on the full house then so be it, but if they were siting on a set, they have played it weakly, on that flush heavy board. My main worry would be kq with all the calling, possibly a jack flush but in for a penny in for a pound.
if you put in a pot sized bet your decision would be easier, when they push.
i think as its a fiver dym i would call he prolly dont care what hand you could have and thinks his jack is the nutz
This is how it breaks down for me, I think.
A decent player is only ever over-betting with a full-house here, as you said, to get a high flush to call. So how can this be a decent player? Well, 33, 77 and KK are all within his range pre-flop as he limped utg and there was no raise. These hands can all make a fine flat call on the flop for pot control on such a scary board. However, calling 3/4 pot on the turn with the 4th spade is too thin for me and I think we can rule out a decent player who flopped a set.
The only other full-house a decent player can have is KQ which again would be OK pre-flop and on the flop but I don't think can call the turn.
So, I'm afraid, I'm putting this person down as not the best. This makes it hard as they could now be on a flopped set which they have fairly butchered post-flop. If not they need to be on KQ, Q7 or Q3 to make a house. Surely even a poor player would not call on the flop with Q7 or Q3 with no spade?
So now I'm thinking my opponent is not the best and does not have the full house. So it's either a stone bluff or the J spades I guess? Something in the back of my mind, though, is sreaming that this is a flopped flush (8-9/10-9/10-J/9-J) gone hugely wrong.
In terms of playing the hand before the river I think checking pre is fine but I don't like leading out on the flop into 3 opponents with no hand. I would prefer to check/call the flop given a good price and preferably multi-way, check/fold otherwise. I like the turn bet, keep getting money in the pot. Check/call a sensible bet on the river as you had planned.
With regard to calling the river or not, I'm 90% that folding is correct given that it's level 2 of a DYM and you have 50 odd BBs behind. In a £5.50 one, though, against an unknown, I have to say I probably look him up. I'd be interested to know what he did have.
I 100% agree with you that, at this level, most players would call to fill up given the wrong price. This is what I was saying later when I said that it could be a poor player who has flopped a set and butchered it.
also i think they do call the turn with implied odds hence the shove on the end
I call all day long in this spot though, and just lol if I'm wrong
I agree that the flop bet was strange and that i should prob just c/c, although i dont mind betting out with the draw here because im building the pot should i hit, or i might even tid with the 1 bet!
he only had implied odds if he was up against someone who couldnt fold the nut flush to a large bet
I FOLDED the nut flush and typed in the chat box, i cant beat a full house...
Then, after watching the guy play the next few hands realised that i had probably made a mistake in folding...
Oh well, i still doubled up:)
But, Mandy pandy, i would love it if you could show this one pls?
I did check to induce the bet. Just not that big a bet.
If i knew something about the player i woulda snapped.
Just saw on the channel OMG !
I am still not entirley sure what he was trying to acheive with his river shove and with the strange calls on the flop/turn. I imagine he must have thought his hand was good! i have no idea, i can't relate to someone who limps with junk like that and then calls 2 streets in a redic position.
I am still satisfied that, having no read on the chap, that my fold was not that terribad. People do overshove with the nuts here sometimes. And as you can see i didnt have a clue where i was. Even if i lead the river, he could still make this redic shove. So i think c/c was the right policy. Its just arguable whether you want to call off your whole stack early in a dym.(yes i know i had a big hand but there were still several full houses out there!) If you get it wrong you lose a fiver. If you fold you can still win a fiver (and i did)