In Response to Re: Tough spot. Call or fold? : i just dont think that happens in this hand just by the way it played out but i understand what your saying Posted by N1CK
I had this one hand when I was playing 4NL raised standard with AQ get FLAT call from blinds, flop comes QQ4 I bet 3/4 get call, then on turn a Jack bet 3/4 again, guy shoves on me, I snap it off obviously, he turns over AA. This hand is the reason I would never fold AK in that spot, people over value hands.
Yea but that's NL4, which is it's own game entirely. There's micro stakes (8-20) then NL4 is just a complete donkfest where people will shove anything. Even then, that hand is slightly different, since standard micro stakes players getting AA/KK will just donk their stack off every time blindly, so if you manage to set up or get two pair against them- dreamland. Not so much with a standard pair on the board, they'll probably call almost any bet with TPTK but don't go crazy raising. That's exclusive to 2 pair+ or AA/KK.
I could ofc be miles off here but that's my evaluation of micros when it comes to them raising- the closest you'll get to them 'bluffing' is overvaluing the overpair.