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would love to be given the odds on this, anyone please feel free..
Have been making sizeable sums of money between live games playing roulette, based on an overbetting diminished odds on standard probability. Figured i'd pump some money online to see if it worked aswell. Skyvegas roulette: Any other math guys want to give me odds on this run?
29 25 33 39 29 27 27 15 21 21 21 29 29 3 3 3 33.
Yeah ok, 17 odd. by 9 numbers. I'm to tired to do the math, but were talking really, really low probability here. A rule that runs through this franchise apparently.
0 ·
rule number 2 see rule number 1
mate i worked in the bookies for years and these things are well know as the crack coke(wont let me put the other) of the betting industry they will break you stay well away.
If people happily believe that electronic gambling (blackjack/roulette) are utterly fixed then is it such a stretch to believe that online pokere holds the same potential? Why one if not the other?
NOW PLEASE NOTE IM NOT SAYING SKY IS RIGGED BUT THESE ARE THINGS TO BEAR IN MIND.all i want is the software to be looked at due to the amount of ridiculous out draws and action hands which in my view is very unrealistic i can accept bad beats the same as the next guy but it is the consistancy and predictability of them at the moment which concerns me.
Forgetting the argument of who it would benefit, surely the fact that they are used en masse puts all electronic gambling ideals to the test. If one, why not the other. Yes, the rake remains the same either way. But if you lose consistently at poker, most people stop playing. People chuck fortunes into fruit machines knowing they are going to lose, based on the "nearly there" adrenaline rush that is designed into the software. It reinforces the dependancy the more you play.
So if you have this with fruit machines, the crooked odds of virtual roulette/blackjack - can you really put online poker beyond reproach? The "nearly there" dependancy could very easily draw parrallels with the non stop action boards seen online, plus the frequent 5%< bad beats, "if only i'd made my hand/if only he hadnt hit that 4 outer".
It would have a very similar affect. Speaking personally, I think thats why i persevered for so long.
1 online casinos ARE corrupt as they are on a payout ratio = not random
2 poker IS purely player dependant so any hand could in theory win
BUT yeah i agree amybr that it is in all probability rigged for action but i have adjusted my game massively in the past few months and my recent good run speaks for itself xxx
the fact that you play roulette frequently as a poker player is completely mind blowing
you know that you will lose long term and yet you carry on playing
in b4 counting cards
LOLRAISE: Its mind blowing that a math poker player plays live roulette? Alot of transferrable skills, based on odds and dicipline. Check out Chan's BR history and how it relates to Roulette/blackjack/craps, yeah mindblowing.....
Tons of pro's play high stakes blackjack/roulette, to me its mindblowing that you think its an oddity.
The simple point I was making was that if its accepted that online casino's are rigged, to reach a certain profit margin, surely that demonstrates the insidious nature of electronic gambling? Why would poker be any diifferent? Surely it is in fact more likely that online poker is more akin to this than not? Again it is player vs player, but acting on the information provided by the host. If that information is tweaked (as is online casino's) then its no where near a true game.
thats because they are all degens there, is nothing transferable between roullette and poker. you KNOW that you will lose money at this game yet you still play it. that is just pure degen gambling.
yes there is skill to blackjack but all that does is teach you how to lose more slowly, ofcourse you can count cards etc and gain a small edge. but with the multi shoe decks and the fact that you will just get banned from all casinoes when you get caught doing it its not really a viable way to make alot of money.
what are these skills based on odds that you use in live roullette 'oh look im 36/1 against to hit and when i do hit they pay me 35/1 now since i am expert math poker player i know that i will lose money playing this game but lets do it anyway'
'oh look if i bet on red i am 19/18 to hit and when i do they pay me 1:1 now since i am expert math poker player i know that im going to lose money playing this game but lets do it anyway'
The way it is transferrable though is the basis of odds and probability. I start with £100 always. standard bet of £10 spreading 66% of the board. Mainly its a break even philosophy. But on occassion that 66% runs hitting 7/8 spins. But equally it can run consecutively bad. Then maintaining those bets your looking for abberations in the board by 5. So 5 consecutive black/red/one third board/half board/odd-even. Thats where you make your big bets based on the depreciated odds.
I'm making a good income from it. £100 goes up in smoke you stop. It reaches the target of £500 i stop. £400 in the kitty, £100 for next time. Its a sound principlal of math and odds - but yes, slightly compulsive
I busted my bankroll on it - twice. Big bankrolls.
The game is designed to beat you, rigged or not you can't win.
I'm in the middle of trying to grind a BR back due to my utter stupidity (inner degen).
Just don't do it.
Thats a statistical fact bud. Every time it comes heads the odds change from 50/50 and lean more towards the underachieved variable. Increasing more and more on each flip if it keeps coming down heads. FACT