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a player (a reg) a mouth big mouth on ere lets say
decides 2 try bluff it all in for 300+ wiv pocket 2s lol.
now i know alot ov u are mates ov his but come on wot was he thinkin.
p.s i know he gave it a go i wudnt noway b4 u start sayin why didnt i give it a go.........
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If not then i've no idea what you're on about.
Dohhhhhh is the only big mouth round here too
Anyway since when was bluffing off your stack bad? I call it fun.
not many people fold pocket pairs pre when there has only been the one raise if you fold 2s 3s 4s etc pre flop to just the one raise thats up to you but 9 times out of 10 everyone is going to play 2s for another 7.50 with only one other opponent in the hand.... also 2s are probably the most disregarded hand in poker so if you do hit a set you are 9 times out of 10 getting paid always. Thats why he played the 2s and why everyone will play 2s when there has been no re raise set mining may not always be profitable but when you do hit it with hands like 2s 3s and even 4s you are going to get paid simple as that.
The stakes makes no difference. generally there are good implied odds to calling with any pocket pair to try to "set mine" preflop, if its cheap enough.
Weather it's 4nl or 1000nl makes no difference!!!
Dohhhhhhh got his money in as a big favourite and got ul, give the guy a break please!
heres a perfect example to back up my post of how disregarded pocket 2s are this was in the 4k gtd on tues. or weds. so not a tiny tournament, this is not a brag of any kind just showing what happens when u do hit big with 2s to a standard 3x PF raise
Dohhhhh frankly out played me in the hand you are talking about and I got lucky. There is an argument for folding 22 OOP on some tables, but not that one.
Stakes are irrelevant,
heres someone who constantly plays at these stakes, would you have done the exact same thing as what dohhh did tommy and flatted to hit the set and if not just folded the flop right ? its okay me putting in my p.o.v but i don't play these stakes so really have no idea how they go
Yes, you are a big man seppe. If only because you have clearly had far more to drink than DOHHHHHHH, which I believe to be a rarity in itself.
Fair play to Tommy for admitting he got outplayed. I agree.
And fair play to OP for admitting he got in wrong too.
Great TV hand though. TK must be gutted at losing his stake.....
OP ur a big tool end of. you dont warrant any other response
he got ul and now u rub it in such a idiot
DOHH defends 22 OOP
flop 258r
TD cbets
DOHH c/r to ~ 35% eff stacks.
TD jams
DOHH call
turn blank
river 9