Villain is v good for this level, he has 3 bet me at least once before in this session and I just folded.
Dont think he will be getting out of line against me too much.
My image is kinda spewy, but again he wont expext me to get too out of line either really, especially pre flop.
I think flatting the 3bet oop is ok 120xbb deep.
I flop "the nuts" on a dry board and he c bets, I expect him to have an overpair at this point,or maybe 10's...he might check behind with 2 overs then outplay me on the turn and/or river as he seems to do everytime.
The board is dry, can I try to come across as spa zzy again, and c/r big, maybe convince him I have TQs or something? or is my only real option here check call and try to c/r the turn?
I hate to see an A or K on the turn though as it could kill my action.
How do you get paid in spots like this?
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
22kend22 | Small blind | | £0.15 | £0.15 | £12.74 |
Dons1983 | Big blind | | £0.30 | £0.45 | £40.25 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
blackbeltb | Fold | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Raise | | £1.20 | £1.65 | £35.53 |
baker123 | Fold | | | | |
Ozzie08 | Raise | | £3.00 | £4.65 | £37.65 |
chunky123 | Fold | | | | |
22kend22 | Fold | | | | |
Dons1983 | Fold | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Call | | £1.80 | £6.45 | £33.73 |
Flop |
| | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Check | | | | |
Ozzie08 | Bet | | £4.00 | £10.45 | £33.65 |
if hes good and his 3bet range is pretty tight im not sure you should be calling pf oop here i think its marginal, as played i think all 3 options on the flop are fine, on that board i would lead out or chk/c then make my turn decision based on the next card and how he plays in 3bp
Bleurgh, I probably check call and re assess on turn if I were you but if you think he has an over pair then 3bet the flop and build that pot because I do think if you check call the flop it may look suspicious to him especially because he will know that you arent calling a 3bet oop v him light.
In Response to Re: Mid set oop against V good TAG reg in 3bet pot - How to get the money in?: c/ring to stack an overpair in a 3bet pot sounds really really bad
I'm fairly sure Doh just shoved here, and I don't hate that play at all.
Think this all depends on your image dohhhh if he has seen u floating pots before then call then
c/r turn as he will surely fire out again on turn if he thinks u are floating, if u have check raised a lot before against him then do just that, if he has an overpair all the money goes in, you have to have a good memory though think what you have done in the past against this player you need to also check before hand if he is multitabling etc. if he is and he is a TAG he is more than likely just playing ABC poker at this point then I am just calling, let him value bet the turn and then make the move, what was the result of the hand?
how often do you c/shove with a bluff on this type of board vs him?
so by calling we let him bluff and value town himself with Jx
if you are going to raise the flop, i actually prefer minraising the flop rather than shoving
99 plays alot better postflop than say 22, we can flop more 4card straights/gutterballs and also have better equity vs his Ax/Kx bluff 3betting cards
I actually think he is much more likely to fold to c/c flop, c/r turn if he has an overpair.
i would donk bet here and get in on flop, cos its pretty dry ozzie and any half decent reg will think ur bluffing and re-raise u. if they have overpair they prob stack of no? also worse sets maybe 2 pairs?
donk bet is good way to get paid i thought?