Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
what the flopwit flap is that all about????
If I ever lose connection on the download, I reconnect, try to log in, often nothing happens and it just sits there with a stupid loading circle going round and round like a flopwit flaphead---- so I have to close it--- Then the stupid flapping thing won't open on my desktop anymore, unless I restart my computer--- what's dat all about??? flops sake--- I refuse to restart my computer because I am an infuriated funking fikkie, so I ain't playing for the rest of the day next time it happens, coz it's stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Best thing to do is to right click on your taskbar, select task manager, go to applications, see if sky poker or sky poker login are running, highlight if they are and select end task.
Hopefully that should sort it without having to restart your pc.