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Donkey Orford's PTP Thread
Can't believe I have sunk so low, but it seems I am now Orford's Personal Assistant, & he's asked me to start his PTP Thread for tonight, as he's "busy".
On Sunday, Orford was late for his call-time, so I had to do his Show Thread then, too. It got 17 zillion replies, & he threw a mardy strop, because his Thrreads usually only get 2 replies.
Now, he has been on the phone begging me to do his PTP thread for tonight.
"Go on tikay, you do it so well, & you know I love & adore you. And I'm soooo busy".
So, here comes Orford's PTP Thread.......
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There will be TWO TSP Classic Seats up for grabs tonight.
The FIRST of them will go to whoever correctly gueses Orrible Orford's finishing position in tonight's TSP Classic.
Hopefully, you will all say something like "plumb last", that's today's Nap selection.
So, guess Orford's finishing position in tonight's TSP Classic, & the correct answer (CORRECT, not nearest) will get a seat in the TSP Classic for any night you so desire.
Fair enough.
Now for the second FREE TSP Classic seat.......
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me?
BEST ANSWER to that wins a TSP Classic Seat.
2nd Q 69
Behave, please.
Just go for it mate, life is too short not to ;-)
I have tried many things to please women that I have been in love with, but I found what really keeps them happy is a nice cup of Tea and some Buscuits. Maybe if you were to make Tikay Tea & Buscuits everyday he would love you back and may even help you out with some advice regarding you being "hopeless & hapless at da pokers" too. Good Luck
You playing the sleepstack tonight sir?
Orford to finish 20th!
It could be worse you could be Welsh as well.
Don't forget - there are TWO DIFFERENT Fun Comps in this Thread. The second one is the one you should major on.
I just texted Orford, "done your thread again mate, said you were a top bloke".
He replied "you are a legend, you are too kind".
Bless him.
"My name is Richard Orford, & I need help. I'm not only hopeless, helpless, & hapless at da pokerz, but I think I'm in love with tikay, I really do love that boy. What advice can you give me?
Go for someone your own age
Rich take him on a trip on the orient express and arrange for a 10 seat SnG in da pokerz and
donk him all your chips and of course wear that famous blue hoody
Well Rich, learn the names of all of the train stations, learn which chimneys are the best, travel the length, and bredth of the UK on the trains so you can tell tikay all of the best stations, pylons, bridges and JCB, are