Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
It never shows the picture of the cards just alot of writing.. tried posting in both IE and FF, for example...
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancecyberdogSmall blind £0.25£0.25£43.72BULLYBOY10Big blind £0.50£0.75£71.24 Your hole cardsKK CrazyBen23Call £0.50£1.25£59.00robber180Raise £1.00£2.25£45.71loz_louFold JammyBeeCall £1.00£3.25£51.25Ozzie08Fold cyberdogRaise £2.75£6.00£40.97BULLYBOY10Fold CrazyBen23All-in £59.00£65.00£0.00robber180All-in £45.71£110.71£0.00JammyBeeFold cyberdogFold CrazyBen23Unmatched bet £12.79£97.92£12.79CrazyBen23ShowKK robber180Show88 Flop 937 Turn 4 River 5 CrazyBen23WinPair of Kings£96.12 £108.91
0 ·
I eventually figured out how to get round it HERE.
So I copy the hh number then paste that onto the website.