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Ok i have a problem. With BRM. As many know i was always a tournament player. I felt comfortable playing 99% of players in an mtt. However ive struggled to adapt to cash. I can have many profitable short sessions, Which means i make money.
So i'll take yesterday as a prime example. I sat down on NL4 for 2 hours im 2 BIs up. I knew i was starting to do a typical MTT player thing and change gear, so i took a break and done an mtt. That didnt go well. But instead of going back i went and done more. and a few sats.
This is a trypical day for me. Im no longer profitable in mtts as ive forgotten alot of the game i used to have for them, but i still have the mentality for mtts and not cash.
This means worse BRM because its not stable. This means im losing money more and more, and ive gone from a winning player to a losing player.
I know this is alot of stuff going on here in my head, and it probably doesnt make a lot of sense. But can anyone whos went through similar offer advice.
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My skillset online is a strictly tournament only affair. Just as you say, I run well cash, but it quickly takes a U turn, again the reasoning for this is in the thread I mention.
Funny thing is I crush cash Live, I Just dont read well or even play well online cash. Mainly to do with my ego and level of belief of others. I upped my S+G buy in and have been doing pretty well. Plus I increased buy in and quantity of DYM's significantly and it has payed dividends. I think if you recognise there is a flaw or element where your weak in your game you can either strive to improve it/fix it or focus on what you know you can beat.
There are aspects of my personality that make me a horrendous online cash player, it took me a long time to recognise it. Mainly it was DOH's advice of significantly increasing volume. But once a flaw is highlighted/recognised, one way or another (by striving to fix or simply avoid), it makes your overall game and confidence in your game all the stronger.
Long story short, I truly believe some people cant adapt their skillset, or may be just better off sticking to their strongest formats. I'm one of them, I play with a few people who feel the same. Its not a bad thing.
The biggest problem is im not longer profitable in mtts. So thats not an option any more. Cash im making money but im then changing gears as i would have a year or two ago in an mtt.
So ive actually now got no idea where im strongest. Cash but i cant sit for more than 2 hours or lose a BI because the reload feels weird. Or search and re-find that mtt spirt.
I may be misunderstanding your post thouhg.
This contradiction was why i built in the S+G (up to 45 players) and DYM changes I've made. True MTT's are always high variance. But the skillset is similar to the (UP TO) 45 seater S+G's than cash. Sounds like thats where your best game may be.
Just mostly trying to say that no matter what advice your given (no offense to the advice given gents) if the reason that your cash game is unsuccessful is outside of your technical game, then you may be chasing your tail for a while. Some problems run pretty deep without easy fixes. So plugging away until those "fringe" issues are dealt with isnt always the best thing.
Your issues are probably no where near as stupid as mine
you should know how to beat nl4 by now. all thats stopping you is not getting the hours in.
you can only move up the levels if you sit down and play 3/4 2 hour sessions per day. if you ever feel like tilting, then stop for a bit, make a drink and watch a bit of TV or whatever to cool down.
This has kinda shoved my head up my asre.
I only play cash at 4nl, do you think I should be trying a different format? Sitngo's maybe? Trouble is I find tournament poker so tediously slow.
Maybe I misunderstood but it seemed quite clear in your post.
Serves me right for involving my self in your problems ;o))
I want to try cash at 2/4 and have done it before but been burned (though I only stuck in a tenner every few weeks) so each felt was hard to take and I didn't have the discipline at the time. I feel I'm a much better player than I was back then and now have enough for over 30BI's at that level but don't know whether to try cash to raise my bankroll or stick to these tourneys where I could be playing for a few hours only to break even.
I'm in two minds whether to move to cash. I can afford to loss my complete roll if it comes to that so I wouldn't this time be playing with scared money, but I dunno lol!
Sorry if I hijacked your post a bit there Don but I had to get that off my chest hehe! Gl in rebuilding your roll mate!
Just a really classy low blow, in an utterly needless way. Very classy bud.
But just to reply, you dont know anything about me. These are my genuine flaws in regard to online cash that I already fully acknowledge and am aware of. Also its not that I dont listen, if you again take the time to take a broader view you'll see thats not the case at all. But your right I dont think in full alignment with others. Since when has that been a bad thing? The sum of all poker knowledge does not lie in this forum. Plus you read any hand in the clinic, ask a variety of fulltime pro's, there will always be hugely different approaches to the game. But if someone says something I dont agree with, or I cant get behind, then I'm going to say it.
If you are trying to increase your bankroll (and who isn't!) and you are able to be a couple of BI's up on cash after a few hours then stop then before you change gears. Not sure why you would change gears if what you were doing previously was working unless the table dynamic has changed. You'll see your BR rise continually and so will your confidence. Hard to do I know, as I've found to my cost more than once!
You know that mtt's have huge variance unless you think it is your play that's not right? I would suggest freerolls but not sure they would help!