In Response to Re: does he have kings? : had a feelin u'd bring this up 1st of all yes i won a flip 2 stay in the game but my ship with KT was correct, alot of the time it gets thru, this time i got looked up by nines, and won the flip. i think ur failin 2 understand a massive part of the game thou, after that i continued 2 increase my chip count without showing a hand, pressuring the other 3 stacks, inc u, on the bubble as it becomes diff 4 people 2 call unless they wake up with a monster. In this case, by the time i walked my A3 in2 ur JJ u only had 1.2k left, and my stack could afford to take that hit, so i'm ~30% to end the dym there, failin that, i try 2 carry on as before. u need to learn to play the dynamics of a dym, u can't just rely on ur cards Posted by SHANXTA
I need to learn? where was the dynamics, in calling a all in with ace 3, offsuit, ppl are only shoving with premium hands. plus i was chip leader for pretty much early stages.
but it was a sick hand hitting jack on turn and river lol, but that was a intense match, glad i got aces in last hand and smooth called so the player went all in with q 10
bob, its a fold pre to a 5bb raise, you are too often dominated and in a dym conserving chips is really important. If the raise was smaller and you have good reads and play well postflop you maybe could call, but in general its a standard fold. Looking for good oppurtunities to steal is a better option than making marginal calls pre
bob, its a fold pre to a 5bb raise, you are too often dominated and in a dym conserving chips is really important. If the raise was smaller and you have good reads and play well postflop you maybe could call, but in general its a standard fold. Looking for good oppurtunities to steal is a better option than making marginal calls pre Posted by grantorino
yeh, 5bb's i agree with, if its cash game im folding, however ppl raise it bigger in the early stages to build pot up, hence why i called.
i think the call pre flop depends on your style of play, some have said call is ok, some have said not.
In Response to Re: does he have kings? : even with a 5bb raise? Posted by Crunchybob
Completely. To begin with your sat deep enough to absord. Your money isnt tied to your T chip count. Secondly you're in position throughout the hand. Completely missing the flop isnt an issue, whereas it is in the DYM
I mean thats all people are trying to say bud, that you dont want to invest the equity of your Tournament chips when its pretty clear you'll be way behind the vast majority of the time there Flop comes A high, are you going to like your hand? Probably not.
In Response to Re: does he have kings? : I need to learn? where was the dynamics, in calling a all in with ace 3, offsuit, ppl are only shoving with premium hands. plus i was chip leader for pretty much early stages. but it was a sick hand hitting jack on turn and river lol, but that was a intense match, glad i got aces in last hand and smooth called so the player went all in with q 10 Posted by Crunchybob
afta my raise i was prob gettin like 10/1 on the call, and cud obv easily afford it with my stack, the hand plays itself
players will not only shove premiums
i give up tryin 2 explain, it's a waste of my time tryin 2 help. hopefully at some point u'll drop the arrogance and realise that u need 2 learn coz currently u dnt av d game 2 beat £5/£10 or higher dyms long term
irrespective of whether it's a min raise, a 5X raise, or an all in, it's a fold.
I don't know what the opponents are like at DYM's on this site and at this level, but you shouldn't be wanting to get involved with this hand at this level.
The way the hand plays out is perfect evidence, you hit 2-pair, and fold to an all in, if you're going to play the hand, you have to stack off with 2 pair on that board, and if not, why play it? Bleeding chips!
i am not being arrogant, everyone is just on here criticizing, i lost 200 chips, moved on and ended up cashing. i was simply asking if ppl thought he had ace king or king, as thats wht he is obviously representing.
shan, i completely understand dyms and how to play them, i multitabled 4 earlier and cashed in all. built my br up in a week from a free £5 courtesy of sky to £73 in a week by mainly playing dyms.
i understand everyone is so opinionated on this site. which they are entitled to. but once again i appreciate ppl's help and in all honesty if in the same position again would take a different approach
well i am confident, but i wouldnt say arrogant, im not criticizing anyone cos they've been kind enough to take the time to try and help or give opinions. well apart from shan who's basically calling me rubbish lol.
i am not being arrogant, everyone is just on here criticizing, i lost 200 chips, moved on and ended up cashing. iPosted by Crunchybob
Hi Bob,
Do you remember if Gylo76 cashed? This has been a good thread for me as I'm fairly new and play quite a few DYM's myself. . Personally, i think he was bluffing BUT being first hand I'd have folded as well. I post regularly on the clinic as I want to learn from the best on the site. Re criticism.... ALL of the contributors to your thread so far are only giving their opinions from their VAST experience. It goes without saying that they won't all agree. Most, if not all, have been around a while and probably answered the same questions on numerous occasions to newbys. Also, more often than not, they are playing multi tables and sometimes posts can seem abrupt. Coincidentally, the person who was most abrupt to me when I first posted ( I didn't understand half of the post &i nearly didn't post again as a result!) has been the person I've learnt most from!
hey pad, im not too sure if he cashed or not as it was so many dyms ago, ill try look on hand history to see if he was there at end. how are you getting on with dyms? Posted by Crunchybob
Doing OK with them. Started 30p/60p etc and have worked up to 1.15/ 3.30. Don't spend a lot of time playing tho. Spend 50% of time studying/watching as ideally I'd like to play cash. Have been trying a few tourneys and generally REALLY enjoying the site. P
In Response to Re: does he have kings? : Doing OK with them. Started 30p/60p etc and have worked up to 1.15/ 3.30. Don't spend a lot of time playing tho. Spend 50% of time studying/watching as ideally I'd like to play cash. Have been trying a few tourneys and generally REALLY enjoying the site. P Posted by Glenelg
seems like ur doing ok with them, my main tip is to make sure u play within ur bankroll limits, ive had some bad suckouts, but if i play in my limits i dont go on tilt and normally just laugh about them lol and post them in area 51 haha.
im glad u enjoy the site, i like it alot more than the other sites, ppl always moan about sky, i mean the rakes aren't as good, but the channel and community make up for it imo.
Again 5 x never call with A8 suited its likely that your dominated, if it was a min raise or even 3 x a case can be said for flatting but it wasn't so you should fold pre
If i were you i would listen to shanxta he is one of the biggest winners in DYM other then JohnConnor if im correct, so any advice i would welcome and not shoot down
hey guys, i was asked for the hand id of this hand cos they want to show it on tv, however i can only go back 500 hands and this hand isn't one of them.
nothing incorrect with the call pre unless you think your ace is good You only looking for trip 8's or flush tbh If you stack offf on a ace high flop then that is bad
he could eaily have AK or KK so you fold
Basically Shan is just saying to you if you keep making these calls your not going to be able to improve your game and become a winner at higher levels
There is a big differance in experince here so the views will be a lot differant so enjoy
ok i probs should of folded pre to a 5x raise. was the first hand and had no reads on anyone. then to my relief i managed to hit a 'perfect flop'. i thought my betting was good. then the king fell and he just shoved, hence the post. think the hand is going to be shown on tv, so ill find out if was correct fold.
im sure shan is more experienced than me, im relatively new. didnt mean to come across ungrateful for the advice, but everyone was just telling me the same thing. sorry to shan and thanks for all the help as i do appreciate it, and will know in future ace 8 suited is really 7,2 off
hey guys, i was asked for the hand id of this hand cos they want to show it on tv, however i can only go back 500 hands and this hand isn't one of them. is there a way i can get the hand id? thanks EDIT: Found it now Posted by Crunchybob
They're showing this on TV, jeez they must be desperate.
I need to learn? where was the dynamics, in calling a all in with ace 3, offsuit, ppl are only shoving with premium hands. plus i was chip leader for pretty much early stages.
but it was a sick hand hitting jack on turn and river lol, but that was a intense match, glad i got aces in last hand and smooth called so the player went all in with q 10
You seriously going to spend the whole dym waiting for premium hands? blinds increasing fast.
crazy imo
i think the call pre flop depends on your style of play, some have said call is ok, some have said not.
lol. this thread is dragging on abit now.
Does anyone actually think he has kings or ace king? lmao.
I mean thats all people are trying to say bud, that you dont want to invest the equity of your Tournament chips when its pretty clear you'll be way behind the vast majority of the time there Flop comes A high, are you going to like your hand? Probably not.
shan, i completely understand dyms and how to play them, i multitabled 4 earlier and cashed in all. built my br up in a week from a free £5 courtesy of sky to £73 in a week by mainly playing dyms.
i understand everyone is so opinionated on this site. which they are entitled to. but once again i appreciate ppl's help and in all honesty if in the same position again would take a different approach
Got to admit I dont come across to well on here from time to time eithe
Thing is you have to be confident in your game, ergo abit arrogant, to be a good poker player.
There is a really wide spectrum of approaches/perspectives to read though, so its always good.
In Response to Re: does he have kings?:
Hi Bob,Do you remember if Gylo76 cashed? This has been a good thread for me as I'm fairly new and play quite a few DYM's myself. .
Personally, i think he was bluffing BUT being first hand I'd have folded as well.
I post regularly on the clinic as I want to learn from the best on the site.
Re criticism....
ALL of the contributors to your thread so far are only giving their opinions from their VAST experience. It goes without saying that they won't all agree.
Most, if not all, have been around a while and probably answered the same questions on numerous occasions to newbys.
Also, more often than not, they are playing multi tables and sometimes posts can seem abrupt.
Coincidentally, the person who was most abrupt to me when I first posted ( I didn't understand half of the post &i nearly didn't post again as a result!) has been the person I've learnt most from!
how are you getting on with dyms?
im glad u enjoy the site, i like it alot more than the other sites, ppl always moan about sky, i mean the rakes aren't as good, but the channel and community make up for it imo.
If i were you i would listen to shanxta he is one of the biggest winners in DYM other then JohnConnor if im correct, so any advice i would welcome and not shoot down
is there a way i can get the hand id?
EDIT: Found it now
You only looking for trip 8's or flush tbh
If you stack offf on a ace high flop then that is bad
he could eaily have AK or KK so you fold
Basically Shan is just saying to you if you keep making these calls your not going to be able to improve
your game and become a winner at higher levels
There is a big differance in experince here so the views will be a lot differant
so enjoy
ok i probs should of folded pre to a 5x raise. was the first hand and had no reads on anyone. then to my relief i managed to hit a 'perfect flop'. i thought my betting was good.
then the king fell and he just shoved, hence the post. think the hand is going to be shown on tv, so ill find out if was correct fold.
im sure shan is more experienced than me, im relatively new. didnt mean to come across ungrateful for the advice, but everyone was just telling me the same thing.
sorry to shan and thanks for all the help as i do appreciate it, and will know in future ace 8 suited is really 7,2 off
gl 2 u all