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TEAM51 poker clinic is now open / consultants Nurse Elsa & Dr Blacke are here to help the weaker
Rubber gloves on - vaseline at the ready - video running
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So are you a team player or captain who is finding the going tough ?
Well no worries ,
Nurse Elsa & Dr Blacke are here to help .
Can anything be done to stop the RNG(Random Numpty Generator) cloning these pesky little critters?
Dear 67Bhoys,
This is a classic case of delusion. You only think you're surrounded by them. After all there are only 51 members in Team51 - there are 67 of you. A short stay in area51 under my care will soon put you back on your feet. Also, Dr blacke has been looking to do some advanced experiments with our new BacoFoil underwear and I'm sure all 67 of you would benefit from this.
Nurse elsa
but do you normally treat cases of delusion with vaseline and rubber gloves?
I treat all cases with Vaseline and rubber gloves. ;o)
Does the bacofoil underwear protect against a nal probing??
Dear Nurse Elsa
Patient Debdobs seems a little keener than me to experiment in this dept. Could you have her do a clinical test the wearing the BacoFoil underwear, the bicycle lock and the glycerine insert, and get back to me with the results.
I can see your problem, it would certainly leave a bad taste in the mouth if the experiment were to go wrong.
*Backs slowly towards the exit and leaves*
*Peeks back in due to curiosity...*
Walk slowly backwards away from the area, and never speak of what you saw here ever again
Can somebody pass me those bicycle clips and a wetwipe please?
Being a musician in my spare time (brass)...I often use music to focus my mind prior to playing poker...but recently I find i have been having doubts about my saxuality...the trouble appears to be that I don't know weather to suck or to blow...which also explains why I keep exploding my rubber amount of vaseline seems to help......though i am walking more fluently....please advise...yours patiently...edge
Dear Edge,
Without physical examination it's difficult to ascertain just what the problem is. The vaseline will obviously assist with walking but I'm afraid it's avoiding the real issue. You need to book into ward51 asap and have the saxophone surgically removed. This is a well practiced procedure requiring only a local anaesthetic. No amount of vaseline and blowing into rubber gloves will give the same relief. I'll have a bed prepared for you.
Nurse elsa
Dear Rabbiteyes
I'm afraid I can't divulge anything regarding our patients. Dohhhhhhh has been a patient of our resident psychiatrist Dr Oynutter for some time and so I am forbidden to give out details, other than to say that he is at a crucial stage of his treatment.
Nurse elsa
I have been warned against apparently...once removed.... the staff spent too much time polishing your instrument to achieve any lasting cure...though I admit sometimes quick relief is a viable alternative...but as I understand..quite stressful on your knees...also i once had a bad experience when the finger of my marigold got stuck in a stirrup...yours...worriedly...edge
I'm running through the forest at the moment i think i've lost them
....Mrs Edge......
lol....Oh aye...."POKER"....consider at this juncture....drumahai05.....that your wise words have seeped through or indeed beneath the thin layers of bacofoil...all rubber gloves and tubs of vaseline have been neatly packed away.....and in future "Poker" will once again become the only intravenously injection administered ....(In my defence..I done all my lollipop on friday)...thks for recall from woods....edge
I don't think that the vaseline and rubber gloves treatment has helped my delusion. I was in Cardiff this weekend, and could have sworn I spotted more of the pesky critters. I am sure that they are following me, as they seemed to be everywhere I went.
you can't imagine my delight when you said nurse Elsa was on holiday. I don't know if I could have suffered the same treatment that I received the last time I checked in. It brought a tear to a glass eye! Your advice is much more sensible, I have practiced my angry face and grrrrr'd at my wife. It made her laugh, is this the effect I'm looking for?
I think you may be telling porkies that nurse Elsa is on holiday though. Has she been arrested for improper medical practices, or has she herself been committed to ward 51 to have her sanity checked?