is this the right place to report a win in the Easter Bounty Hunter promotion for aussie09 where the prize is a £1,100 seat in the VLV final at the end of April? hope so. Posted by aussie09
5, Fav Drink, [or not]..... jack daniels and coke or southern comfort and lemonade
6, Special Powers [like the X-Men, what could you add to The HitSquad] ... am a lucky gal!!! lol, get knocked down, but rarely out!!! - always find a way to last that little bit longer!!
7, If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be?..... i would be rambo and go it alone!!! lol
8, Would you eat Chips, Cheese & Gravy for breakfast, after a long day/nite drinking & pokering?..... chips and cheese or chips and gravy, but not both - my mad cow's disease is not yet advanced enuf!!! lol
Right hitman I think that answered the questions - let me know!!!
8, Would you eat Chips, Cheese & Gravy for breakfast, after a long day/nite drinking & pokering?..... chips and cheese or chips and gravy, but not both - my mad cow's disease is not yet advanced enuf!!! lol
Capo - I think I may have identfied a trining requirement in our new recruit!
PS. I sat on a table with GLLADYLUCK last night and she'd make a fine Squadette!
1, Name...............Abby - alias is gldladyluck 2, SEX M/F.......... F of course!!!! 3, SANE/INSANE.......... mad as they come!!!! 4, Football Team........none - rugby lass!!! 5, Fav Drink, [or not]..... jack daniels and coke or southern comfort and lemonade 6, Special Powers [like the X-Men, what could you add to The HitSquad] ... am a lucky gal!!! lol, get knocked down, but rarely out!!! - always find a way to last that little bit longer!! 7, If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be?..... i would be rambo and go it alone!!! lol 8, Would you eat Chips, Cheese & Gravy for breakfast, after a long day/nite drinking & pokering?..... chips and cheese or chips and gravy, but not both - my mad cow's disease is not yet advanced enuf!!! lol Right hitman I think that answered the questions - let me know!!! Posted by GLDLADYLUC
Hi againguys. I am once again invading your Just to say a lady after my own heart with the above. Hope your at my first SPT whenever that is, and you can get me one of
In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : Many thanks - Wales is my team and boy they r doing so well!! My already ample chest is well and truly puffed out!!! lol Posted by GLDLADYLUC
HitSquad Members so far ........ * indicates 'Colours' awarded, [Hitsquad Polo] colours awarded for SPT qualification, DTD points, or Bravery in the face of enemy!! Dave* HITMAN_RV [ Team Hitman] Barry* monkey123 [Team CanGod} Matt* sic-swans [Team, 'in your face mother'] Carl* Mohican [Team Hair!] Paul* BARBIE59 [& Girlfriend Zoe* , Team Couple] Rob* EmilyEgg [ Team Exile ] John* Young Gun [ Team Protegee'] Father Terry Vaigret [Team Chaplain] Colin* golden238 [Team Shrek] Wynne* wynne1938 [Team Wise Man] Pat* Uncle Pat [Team Uncle] Andrew sighKO [ Team Pyscho Jones] Rob* aussie09 [ Team Antipodean] cantplay20 [Team CanPlay ??] David* DAIBOOT [Team Boyo] JJ DOHHHHHHH [ Team Guest,actually Team DOHHHHHH, capt] Ashley* delaney09 [Team Irn Bru] Martyn* Splashies [Team Cobbler] Lucy Lucy4 [Team Concealer] Robin* harding10 [Team Blue Moon] Robert RAB* RAB642 [Teab RAB, ?????. but it drinks buckfast and tiger] Anna* Fowles !! [ Team Glama Anna ].....Yes, Honestly!! Dave* Wacko90 [Team Wacko?] Steve Bigbiker22 [Team Biker] Andy* Shipdchips [Team ? ] Sharon* Shazallin [Team Eye-Candy] Ken* kennybad [ Team Villain] Mike* maggiesdad [Team Kidder] Dean 1nitro1 [Team Aslan] Lisa* lisar83 [Team Erica Roe] Patrick* 123456789 [Team Numbers] Neil* donkeyplop [Team Donkey] Simon Lightwood [Team Potter] Ed* WWFCblue [Team Youngster] John Dunonriver Joe yuranASSet [Team BatShatMad!!] Callum iBLUFF [Team Bluffer] Sue* kidgirlgy [Team Vegas Chick!!] Greg* Greg_D whoareya Luke Mark* GRE8FLOP [Team Robin] Dave* MAXMAX123 [Team Sports Coupe ?] Dave* Quietman [Team Silence] John* JRY Emma* Llamas Ross Rosco15 [Team Jambo] John* J ohnred888 [Team Lovechild?] Carl* luvBWFC [Team Trotter] Alan* BENDOG40 Richard* curlarge [Team Curly] Ricky ricky1970 Lynnn* dragonfli [Team Dragonfly] Ian* Macmonster [Team Monster] Alan * gixxerk4 [Team Orfords Biyatch] Roy* w4rlock Robert* Sherifoo07 [Team Fox ] Darren Bigflop1 Will y* 3Barrels Dave* Dave448 William* liamboi11 [Team 'Wullie'] Kalie* Batkin88 Danny* Moon_River [Team PaintYaWagon??LOL] whadaya think 'Partner' lol Ross RossMc [Team Roller] Simon* Slykllist [Team Cyclist ] Miles SubSoNiic [Team BooooM] Chris Gelder [Team Iron Mike??] Ben Bensbird11 [Team Thai ] Pati mrs_balti [ Team Ruby or Team BatGirl??] Damian fudgee777 Cristos* Sikas Ryan goodylad21 Arron Swog Marc* rancid Lewis* NOBIGBETS Martin dalek x [Team Exterminator] Lee tewy [Team Squaddie ?] redmerle [Team Mute, LOL??] Andy Flintyoff [Team Shiner] Danny* Danny99 Leo Lesdennis [team Comedian?] Shane Shirley02 [Team Eagle?] Mark kingfishxx Leonard jlj17 Micky smarr [Team...'The General'] OK? Neil neiller Andy nemoisback Mitch MITCH22 Lucy Dave Oopnorth David hibs1212 Karen Kazzzz Roddy GatlingGob Luke MagicMan29 boom6 Ben Bearproof Kevin Kohan Mark slackAA [Team Dexter] Darren dazzo302 [Team Great One] for trial period only!! lol Paul Lambert180 David jaegerbomb Bill Bill Murray [Team Gangster/actor] Jim jimbob1235 shirley Shirley Maclaine [Team Brighton hotelier] scwuffy54 Charlie hunt09 Shaun mondo1985 Dave Davelufc Lewis HYPETING Hope I aint missed anyone, & make sure you all have posted your intro.s up !! more nick-names to follow, will be earn't in the arena & may be changed at will, please advise if ya got a good Team position u can fill !! [we still have Team Tart available, lol, might have that myself] Good luck all !! HitSquad DTD Team points Scored since start DTD League All below Players have earnt their Colours [Squaddie Shirts], let me know if you have not got!! Extra shirts available to buy at £20 each! FREE SQUADDIE COLOURS FOR ANY DTD POINTS SCORER!!! HitSquad DTD Team points Scored since start DTD League Updated to 12-12-11, Well done recent points scorers,[pink], & colour earners, Lisar83, Danny99, Shipdchips, Llamas & 3barrels!! Squaddie Top Tens Wins Team Points young-gun 4 3 32!!!!!!!!!!! RAB642 4 1 23 Barbie59 3 - 16 HITMAN_RV 5 - 14 luvBWFC 1 3 13 splashies 2 1 12 MacMonster 2 1 12 ShipDchips 1 1 11 wynne1938 2 - 10 harding10 3 - 10 KennyBad 2 - 10 Gre8flop 1 - 9 Moon River 1 - 9 3Barrels 1 - 9 Lisar83 1 - 9 123456789 1 - 8 Quietman 1 1 7 Danny99 1 - 7 BENDOG40 1 - 7 dragonfli 1 - 7 Batkin 1 1 6 Wacko90 1 - 6 sherifo07 1 - 6 wwfcblue 2 - 4 Shazallin 1 - 4 sic-swans 1 - 4 Llamas 1 - 4 Slykllist 1 - 3 Johnred888 1 - 1 Liamboi11 - 1 1 INSPIRATION!!!! Once more unto the Baize , dear , Comrades once more; Or close the wall up with our HitSquad dead. In peace there's nothing so becomes a man As modest stillness and humility: But when the blast of Poker blows in our ears, Then imitate the action of the tiger; Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, Disguise Your Hand with hard-favour'd rage; Then lend the eye a terrible aspect; Let pry through the portage of the head Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it As fearfully as doth a galled Limp O'erhang and jutty his confounded base, Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean. Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide, Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit To his full height. On, on, you noblest HitSquad. Whose blood is fet from fathers that be Bluff- proof! Fathers that, like so many Alexanders, Have in these parts from morn till even fought And sheathed their Pocket Pairs for lack of argument: Dishonour not your mothers; now attest That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you. Be copy now to men of grosser blood, And teach them how to RAISE And you, good Squaddies , Whose limbs were, made on SkyPoker show us here The mettle of your pasture; let us swear That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not; For there is none of you so mean and base, That hath not noble lustre in your eyes. I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, Straining upon the start. The game's afoot: Follow your spirit, and upon this Flop Cry 'God for Tikay , SkyPoker , and The HitSquad !' William Shakespeare & The Hitman Posted by HITMAN_RV
I will copy & post up on The opening Hitpost when complete!
If Sqauddies, Gurards, Capo.s & Hitsquadron Leaders, could post here all info HERE!! So Andy can complete names, areas, HS's & positions be greta thanks!!
ps Andy, I have had a word with HIM on HitHigh, [ME, lol], and We think HitCommander sounds better!! LOL!!
Great Work Andy!! I will copy & post up on The opening Hitpost when complete! If Sqauddies, Gurards, Capo.s & Hitsquadron Leaders, could post here all info HERE!! So Andy can complete names, areas, HS's & positions be greta thanks!! ps Andy, I have had a word with HIM on HitHigh, [ME, lol], and We think HitCommander sounds better!! LOL!! Posted by HITMAN_RV
No probs Dave, I will make the changes now! Yea Hit Commander sounds gud!!
Also I will ad your info vespa!!
If anyone else needs any changes give me a shout on this or on FB
just a note to anyone thinking of joining the hitsquad.....DO IT NOW!! i have been a squaddie for 3 weeks now and these guys and gals really are a friendly bunch with lots of good banter. they are always there to help if youve had trouble with a hand or just worried bout your game they will offer great advice. im so glad i was accepted as ive had some great advice from dave and the rest of the team!!!
Changes made: Dave - HitCommander Mick - VespaPX added Matt - sic_swans Name Alias Location Squadron Sector Squad Role Patrick 123456789 Guernsey Squadron Leader Dean 1nitro1 Willy 3Barrels Scotland Scotland Squadron Guard Rob aussie09 Scotland Scotland Team Sky Rep Paul BARBIE59 North West Squadron Leader Kalie Batkin88 Ben Bear_Proof London Alan BENDOG40 Ben Bensbird11 Steve Bigbiker22 Bristol Darren Bigflop1 Wales Richard Curlage Ben DACRUNCHER Wales Wales David DAIBOOT Wales Wales Squadron Captain Martin dalek x Danny Danny99 Dave Dave448 Ashley delaney09 East London Neil donkeyplop Lynne dragonfli John Dunonriver South London Rob EmilyEgg East Midlands Peter Ezzeymoney Yorks Andy flintyoff North East Anna Fowles London North Damian fudgee777 Chris Gelder Alan gixxerk4 Scotland Scotland Abigail GLDLADYLUC Wales Colin goldenb238 East London Ryan goodylad Mark GRE8FLOP Greg Greg_D Robin harding10 West London Dave HITMAN_RV West London West London HitCommander Charlie Hunt 09 Wales Wales Squadron Guard Callum iBLUFF North West Elliott jimbob1235 Newcastle Jim Mcgarrigle Jjimjen10 Scotland Scotland Leonard jlj17 John Johnred888 Spain Spain Squadron Leader John JRY Kenny kennybad West Midlands Sue kidgirlygy Kevin o Hanlon kohan North London Paul Lambert180 Oxfordshire Southern Central Squadron Leader Leo Lesdennis East Midlands William liamboi11 Simon Lightwood Lisa lisar83 Scotland Scotland Squadron Leader Emma Llamas Oxfordshire Southern Central Squadron Captain Lucy Lucy4 Carl luvBWFC North West Ian Macmonster Mike maggesdad North West Dave MAXMAX123 Mitchell Mitch22 Carl Mohican West London Barry monkey123 West London Danny Moon-River North West Pati mrs_balti Scotland Mark Neiller Ireland Ireland Squadron Guard Andy nemoisback Ireland Ireland Squadron Captain Lewis NOBIGBETS North East North East Squadron Leader Dave Quietman Rab RAB246 Scotland Scotland Squadron Captain Marc rancid redmerle redmerle Terry ricky1970 East London Ross Rosco12 Scotland Ross RossMc1979 North East Sharon Shazallin London Robert Sherifoo07 East Midlands Andy Shipdcgips Channel Islands Shane Shirley02 Oxfordshire Matt sic_swans West London London West Squadron Guard Andrew sighKO Cristo Sikas North East North East Squadron Captain Jamie SLAVERFiSH North East Simon Slykllist East Midlands East Midlands Squadron Leader Michael smarr Ireland Ireland Squadron Leader Martyn Splashies East Midlands Miles SubSoNiic Gloucester Arron swog North West Lee tewy Pat Uncle_Pat Father Terry Vaigret Mick VespaPX Bournemouth Roy w4rlock Dave Wacko90 East Midlands Luke whoareya Ed WWFCblue East Midlands Wynne wynne1938 Wales Wales Squadron Leader John Young_Gun South London Joe yuranASSet Scotland Posted by nemoisback
hi, you got me down as scotland but i live in crawley west sussex. ty jimjen10
6, Special Powers [like the X-Men, what could you add to The HitSquad] ...Patience (Tremayne`s my worst half) 7, If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be?.....Beach Bum
8, Would you eat Chips, Cheese & Gravy for breakfast, after a long day/nite drinking & pokering?.....Chips
Yay go Rob!!!
thanks simon, thanks lisa
2, SEX M/F.......... F of course!!!!
3, SANE/INSANE.......... mad as they come!!!!
4, Football Team........none - rugby lass!!!
5, Fav Drink, [or not]..... jack daniels and coke or southern comfort and lemonade
6, Special Powers [like the X-Men, what could you add to The HitSquad] ... am a lucky gal!!! lol, get knocked down, but rarely out!!! - always find a way to last that little bit longer!!
7, If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be?..... i would be rambo and go it alone!!! lol
8, Would you eat Chips, Cheese & Gravy for breakfast, after a long day/nite drinking & pokering?..... chips and cheese or chips and gravy, but not both - my mad cow's disease is not yet advanced enuf!!! lol
Right hitman I think that answered the questions - let me know!!!
8, Would you eat Chips, Cheese & Gravy for breakfast, after a long day/nite drinking & pokering?..... chips and cheese or chips and gravy, but not both - my mad cow's disease is not yet advanced enuf!!! lol
Capo - I think I may have identfied a trining requirement in our new recruit!
PS. I sat on a table with GLLADYLUCK last night and she'd make a fine Squadette!
1, Name......Mick
2, SEX ... Male
3, SANE/INSANE.....Changes with the weather
4, Football Team........Villa
5, Fav Drink ....... Vodka (preferably Smirnoff)
6, Special Powers .....Polishing chrome !
7, If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be?.....A Cat
8, Would you eat Chips, Cheese & Gravy for breakfast, after a long day/nite drinking & pokering?.....Nope - just carry on drinking.
Short & Sweet, but committee has met..........and.......
Welcome Comrades Abby & Mick!!
A succesful Double Installation!!
Have followed a few of your posts & games, & am really pleased you want into the Greatest Poker Team in The World!!!!!
[and you will soon get used to ma Embellishment!!] lol!!
Link to Mine & Lisa's FB page is on Opening post [OP] this thread!!
After a hard days work, YOU HAVE MADE MY EVENING, bottle of Red opened in celebration...
& Run Golden, [esp in our donk-a-fun sunday 7.15pm & DTD league on monday!!]
Nice to be on board !
Squadron Sector
Squad Role
Squadron Leader
Squadron Guard
Team Sky Rep
North West
Squadron Leader
Squadron Captain
dalek x
East London
South London
ps. get yaself a FB acct, ya beer animal cave man!!!
I will copy & post up on The opening Hitpost when complete!
If Sqauddies, Gurards, Capo.s & Hitsquadron Leaders, could post here all info HERE!! So Andy can complete names, areas, HS's & positions be greta thanks!!
ps Andy, I have had a word with HIM on HitHigh, [ME, lol], and We think HitCommander sounds better!! LOL!!
Dorset Squadron
Role - Mod ! lol
Squadron Sector
Squad Role
Squadron Leader
Squadron Guard
Team Sky Rep
North West
Squadron Leader
Squadron Captain
dalek x
East London
South London
East Midlands
dunno what to put as last one or yous can select one for me lol.
West Yorkshire.
2, SEX M/F..........F
3, SANE/INSANE..........Sane (ish)
4, Football Team........Liverpool
5, Fav Drink, [or not].....Vodka and Coke
6, Special Powers [like the X-Men, what could you add to The HitSquad] ...Patience
(Tremayne`s my worst half)
7, If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be?.....Beach Bum
8, Would you eat Chips, Cheese & Gravy for breakfast, after a long day/nite drinking & pokering?.....Chips