Hi TPTers. It's the Monday Forum DTD again and after an awesome performance by you guys last week, I am looking forward to this evening festivities.
Let's polish our TITAN Shields & Sharpen our TITAN Swords and prepare for battle once more..........
We are TITANS, Immortal beings of incredible strength & stamina - we shall bear our Poker arms of knowledge & SKILL and bring down our mortal enemies and all those who sit before us at the tables of their doom.
We shall inflict our TITANIC Strength upon our Poker enemies chipstacks and bad beat them to their knees until they surrender - Fight the TITANIC Fight - Beat the TITANIC Field and bring home a TITANIC Victory.
Best of Luck out there brave TITANS - Onwards to Victory.
A BIG Well Done to all TPT Players and a special well done to Stokefc who's result last night secured our "Runners Up" spot in this Months Forum DTD.
Stokefc finished a very close 2nd last night on the "Countback Rule" as the points were tied and wins FREE entry into next weeks Forum DTD Tournies - He also managed to finish 3rd in the Monthly DTD League winning a £33.00 Bounty Hunter Seat.
So very well done to everyone who took part and to everyone who scored points, it was a great performance by ALL and i'm very please with the outcome and our "Runners up" Spot this Month.
Also - I have picked wolvesfc474 for the Free Entry into the Mini seat on thurs 11th april 8.15pm (He was 2nd in the Monthly League) I think that deseves a reward - WD
Hi all took down last nights mini BH for a combined total of 469! i would post it but i cant find it in my tables ! thanks for the rail guys !!! Posted by K8LOU
Tourneys from the evening before have a habit of disappearing from My Tables the day after. It's a long standing bug and should reappear later today. It's not a problem what you posted will suffice. And very well done indeed.
you got jokes hahahhaha (see what i did there) yer this is the reason you should not choice a name prior to reading instructions saying its permanent .
hahahhaha Welcome mate we like a good laugh on here and you look just the ticket . Welcome to TPT and a very good luck hahahhaha' Dont know wats wrong with me cant stop laughing Posted by three33320
just logged on and had look on forum wp stokie mon nite and e1 who cashed sry i cant rail guys but laptop knackered and playin on kids notebook and it wont let me observe table 4 some reason lol showin my age lol tyvm trev 4 that prize didnt now i finished second gl at the tables guys and wp kalou u runnin hot m8 wp
WD jonny on 6 heads.Although how much did you win,just for dale to add up for monthly.Yes dale I have had some strange sleeping habits.Getting up after a couple of hours and thinking I;ve been asleep for 8 hours.Now sleeping 13 hours.Crazy stuff.PS don't play hi lo when you on bh ft.Or maybe I shouldn't....2 different games for my small brain lol.Ul wolves but I know where you are coming from.My laptop is on it's last legs.If I win any decent cash on here i'll buy a decent laptop this time.Still I can dream....
TPT PRIVATE GAME Next game is Wednesday 3rd April @ 8p.m. and is now in the lobby. P.M.s have been sent with the password and details. If I have missed anyone off my friend list apologies just ask for the pw. One or 2 of the new players may not be on my friend list yet so if you want the PW just ask. It would be great to see more take part especially our newer players it really is a great way to meet the team and form friendships which is an important part of Sky Poker for a lot of people. All players can invite a guest so please send your invites as guests have been a bit thin on the ground lately. Hell if your really popular you might want to invite 2 guests but don't go crazy and post the PW on Twitter or FB ( Other social networks are available).
Our previous guests have all said how much they enjoyed the crack and the poker and just to prove it here are some testimonials.
Vicki Coren "Loved playing your TPT game. It beats the **** out of being married to that unfunny bloke Mitchell"
Abraham Lincoln "Pleasure to meet you on the tables Mr Wilkes Booth. See you at the theatre on Friday?"
Adolf Hit ler "The perfect way to relax between invasions"
just logged on and had look on forum wp stokie mon nite and e1 who cashed sry i cant rail guys but laptop knackered and playin on kids notebook and it wont let me observe table 4 some reason lol showin my age lol tyvm trev 4 that prize didnt now i finished second gl at the tables guys and wp kalou u runnin hot m8 wp Posted by wolvesf474
Hi Wolves Technically speaking you didn't finish 2nd but you were the 2nd highest TPT player in the league so thats close enough for me
Good luck in that tourney - hope you make the cash.
WD jonny on 6 heads.Although how much did you win,just for dale to add up for monthly.Yes dale I have had some strange sleeping habits.Getting up after a couple of hours and thinking I;ve been asleep for 8 hours.Now sleeping 13 hours.Crazy stuff.PS don't play hi lo when you on bh ft.Or maybe I shouldn't....2 different games for my small brain lol.Ul wolves but I know where you are coming from.My laptop is on it's last legs.If I win any decent cash on here i'll buy a decent laptop this time.Still I can dream.... Posted by jjjach
I think most of the shops will be closed by the time you get out of bed lol.
Little cash in bh. jjjach010£4.31 + £7.30 Head Prizes5
GRAND TOTAL £35020.94
It's the Monday Forum DTD again and after an awesome performance by you guys last week, I am looking forward to this evening festivities.
Let's polish our TITAN Shields & Sharpen our TITAN Swords and prepare for battle once more..........
We are TITANS, Immortal beings of incredible strength & stamina - we shall bear our Poker arms of knowledge & SKILL and bring down our mortal enemies and all those who sit before us at the tables of their doom.
We shall inflict our TITANIC Strength upon our Poker enemies chipstacks and bad beat them to their knees until they surrender - Fight the TITANIC Fight - Beat the TITANIC Field and bring home a TITANIC Victory.
Best of Luck out there brave TITANS - Onwards to Victory.
Welcome to Team Poker Titans - hahahhaha
I will update the Team List Shortly
Stokefc finished a very close 2nd last night on the "Countback Rule" as the points were tied and wins FREE entry into next weeks Forum DTD Tournies - He also managed to finish 3rd in the Monthly DTD League winning a £33.00 Bounty Hunter Seat.
So very well done to everyone who took part and to everyone who scored points, it was a great performance by ALL and i'm very please with the outcome and our "Runners up" Spot this Month.
Also - I have picked wolvesfc474 for the Free Entry into the Mini seat on thurs 11th april 8.15pm (He was 2nd in the Monthly League) I think that deseves a reward - WD
Cheers all.
Dont know wats wrong with me cant stop laughing
you got jokes hahahhaha (see what i did there) yer this is the reason you should not choice a name prior to reading instructions saying its permanent
thank you for the welcome
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
P.S. I knicked some of your blinds
Next game is Wednesday 3rd April @ 8p.m. and is now in the lobby. P.M.s have been sent with the password and details. If I have missed anyone off my friend list apologies just ask for the pw. One or 2 of the new players may not be on my friend list yet so if you want the PW just ask. It would be great to see more take part especially our newer players it really is a great way to meet the team and form friendships which is an important part of Sky Poker for a lot of people. All players can invite a guest so please send your invites as guests have been a bit thin on the ground lately. Hell if your really popular you might want to invite 2 guests but don't go crazy and post the PW on Twitter or FB ( Other social networks are available).
Our previous guests have all said how much they enjoyed the crack and the poker and just to prove it here are some testimonials.
Vicki Coren "Loved playing your TPT game. It beats the **** out of being married to that unfunny bloke Mitchell"
Abraham Lincoln "Pleasure to meet you on the tables Mr Wilkes Booth. See you at the theatre on Friday?"
Adolf Hit ler "The perfect way to relax between invasions"
Oh nearly forgot link is HERE
Technically speaking you didn't finish 2nd but you were the 2nd highest TPT player in the league so thats close enough for me
Good luck in that tourney - hope you make the cash.
Good luck at the tables "Sleeping Beauty"
ps. Set you alarm clock ffs