WD jonny and red nice cashes.Had my rip van jj night yesterday.Missed ukops and my usual deepy.Good job I signed out of ukops.Gl at the tables guys. Posted by jjjach
wiiiiiiii - just quallied for m/e with 3 quid allinny thing
late semi m/e
Jeffter10143.506Entry to £30,000 UKOPS ME + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £110, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.
So being the newest recruit to team TPT thanks to POKERTREV, FlyingDagg, jjjach, steelrod and Jeffter what do I have to do? and where do I sign? Cheers guys Wish you all the best of luck TPT!!!
So being the newest recruit to team TPT thanks to POKERTREV, FlyingDagg, jjjach, steelrod and Jeffter what do I have to do? and where do I sign? Cheers guys Wish you all the best of luck TPT!!! Posted by Tom281189
Hi Tom Sent you a PM - let me know if you can't open it.
gl all on the tables
Trev still in main if anyone's around
One for me in the UKOPS ME
Little one in bh.Gl at the tables guys. jjjach09£4.06 + £5.92 Head Prizes5
wd jj n1
some very nice cashes TPTers. Trev, Steel, Jeffter & jjjach

Couple for me tonight in £120 DS and UKOPS 3 Micro
Thanks to FlyingDagg for the rail in UKOPS, made FT
£120 Deep Stack
£1k UKOPS 3 Micro
Red_King05£30.52 + £7.32 Head Prizes5
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancegary1965 Small blind £0.15 £0.15 £22.51 JonnyEdo Big blind £0.30 £0.45 £13.45 Your hole cards Q A steelrod Raise £0.90 £1.35 £23.40 lfirk Call £0.90 £2.25 £29.10 60nine60 Fold arcane33 Fold gary1965 Fold JonnyEdo Fold Flop 6 9 A steelrod Bet £1.50 £3.75 £21.90 lfirk Call £1.50 £5.25 £27.60 Turn 10 steelrod Bet £5.70 £10.95 £16.20 lfirk Call £5.70 £16.65 £21.90 River Q steelrod Bet £6.30 £22.95 £9.90 lfirk All-in £21.90 £44.85 £0.00 steelrod All-in £9.90 £54.75 £0.00 lfirk Unmatched bet £5.70 £49.05 £5.70 steelrod Show Q A lfirk Show 9 6 steelrod Win Two Pairs, Aces and Queens £47.25 £47.25
Nice cash Trev, only got there when you were HU
good start to the night !!
11 quid b/h
steelrod014£13.15 + £19.45 Head Prizes3 gl all on the tables
Best of luck to and welcome to Team Poker Titans
Cheers guys
Wish you all the best of luck TPT!!!
Sent you a PM - let me know if you can't open it.
wd all on ya cashes
gl on the tables all
and MINI
some great cashes there team - wp all