PMSL Irishrose your a star. I have an idea. If you really can't fulfill the seat you won you may be able to get the buy in back but I doubt Sky will give you the 220. I don't know if you have noticed there is a thread in poker chat to get oynutter to Dublin. Hes a fellow Irishman who has had a bad time of it lately healthwise. I wouldn't dream of telling you what to do with your seat but maybe there could be some arrangement made with Sky where oynutter gets his seat at SPT Dublin? If I have been presumptuous I apologise but it was just an idea that hit me. Posted by FlyingDagg
I'd prefer to give my seat away than get the buy in back which was only £12. I asked on poker chat but it seems the seat is non-transferable. I'm now considering being completely nuts and going for the weekend. If I do go I won't know a soul there and I'll prob be first person out!! Sky chat are looking into it now for me.
Cashes for the Captain 1.5K Bounty Hunter POKERTREV 216000 1 £499.50 + £442.36 Head Prizes 11 Mega Stack POKERTREV 0 11 £11.88 3K re-Buy Open POKERTREV 0 16 £53.12 2K Bounty Hunter POKERTREV 0 18 £11.78 + £25.78 Head Prizes 6 Thanks for the great rail again guys Posted by POKERTREV
Fantastic finishes - when you have time to give lessons can I please be your first pupil?
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi I'd prefer to give my seat away than get the buy in back which was only £12. I asked on poker chat but it seems the seat is non-transferable. I'm now considering being completely nuts and going for the weekend. If I do go I won't know a soul there and I'll prob be first person out!! Sky chat are looking into it now for me. Posted by IrishRose
If you want to go you should do. The social aspect of Sky Poker is just as important to most as the poker itself. We are a friendly bunch and Sky will look after you if you feel out of your depth. I went to my first SPT last year and it was a great weekend away.
Actually all you need to do is ask for trip5 (TKP Capo) and she'll look after you. Or get you drunk. Or both.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : If you want to go you should do. The social aspect of Sky Poker is just as important to most as the poker itself. We are a friendly bunch and Sky will look after you if you feel out of your depth. I went to my first SPT last year and it was a great weekend away. Actually all you need to do is ask for trip5 (TKP Capo) and she'll look after you. Or get you drunk. Or both. Posted by FlyingDagg
Dagg does any1 else from TPT go the SPT"s ?? not that il be going to any any time soon like but it think it would be a great weekend away.
Yeah for Trev it's a regular thing. I've been to one and was planning on going to Birmingham but it clashes with my grandsons 21st. There's a few TPT making the Brum trip. If you get the chance it is a great weekend away. Well worth it.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi I'd prefer to give my seat away than get the buy in back which was only £12. I asked on poker chat but it seems the seat is non-transferable. I'm now considering being completely nuts and going for the weekend. If I do go I won't know a soul there and I'll prob be first person out!! Sky chat are looking into it now for me. Posted by IrishRose
If you can go, that's great. If you can't then let me know and I'll see if something can be done. I'm no magician but with the oynutter campaign there may be a way to get you some recompense and have everyone end up a winner!
Managed to win deepy.Thanks for rail dale and steel. jjjach4250001£48.45theblade1602£31.11avfc7403£19.38boezalt0704£15.72TheJoker05£12.84dandan606406£10.71
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Dagg does any1 else from TPT go the SPT"s ?? not that il be going to any any time soon like but it think it would be a great weekend away. Posted by K8LOU
Hi Lou
Yes I go to the SPT's went to the SPT london and had a great time. I will make will try and make the SPT Dublin, depends on my work commitments etc etc, but think I will be able to swing it Hmmm well I hope I can anyway.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi Lou Yes I go to the SPT's went to the SPT london and had a great time. I will make will try and make the SPT Dublin, depends on my work commitments etc etc, but think I will be able to swing it Hmmm well I hope I can anyway. Posted by guardsman1
Hi m8 nice to c u bk, im afraid i wont be making this 1 mate, have so many other more important commintments on atm, going to try and make birmingham tho.
Superb cashes all, does any1 have any advice to give me on bankroll management ? im am really sick of burning through rolls, i have 250 in my poker account, dont really want to leave anymore in as i have a tendency to just burn right through it, ino all the basic"s no more than 10 percent of ur roll in a game at 1 time but how does this apply to playing 4 tables ? if i have 250 in my account and iim playing 4 tables at once what sort of stakes should i be playing ? i have always struggled with this and im getting so sick off it, i beleive i would be winning alot mmore if i resolved this issue, any tips would be welcomed.
Superb cashes all, does any1 have any advice to give me on bankroll management ? im am really sick of burning through rolls , i have 250 in my poker account, dont really want to leave anymore in as i have a tendency to just burn right through it, ino all the basic"s no more than 10 percent of ur roll in a game at 1 time but how does this apply to playing 4 tables ? if i have 250 in my account and iim playing 4 tables at once what sort of stakes should i be playing ? i have always struggled with this and im getting so sick off it, i beleive i would be winning alot mmore if i resolved this issue, any tips would be welcomed. Posted by K8LOU
Hey Lou
Great I will meet you at spt Birmingham, may even get the drinks in ?? .
Lou the only advice I can give you, Have you thought about not playing 4 tables at once ??, I use to play 3 4 tables at once and then \i realised in fact I was making too many mistakes because I was not concenratating has I would normally do and hench I was losing far too may games, for me it came too late and I lost any awful lot of money, now I play a maxiume of 2 tables and I have started to rain back some of what I lost, just a thought buddy maybe you can have a think about that ? as always wish you well at the tables and look forward to our chats at the table.
WD guardsman nice win and nice cash.WD trev, still playing great, keep it up.Just played a hi lo game and tikay was on the table.Great to see him playing again,although he knocked me out lol.Always been nice to me,even though I've never met him.Still I think I only like him because I've got better fashion sense than him.....just!
Superb cashes all, does any1 have any advice to give me on bankroll management ? im am really sick of burning through rolls , i have 250 in my poker account, dont really want to leave anymore in as i have a tendency to just burn right through it, ino all the basic"s no more than 10 percent of ur roll in a game at 1 time but how does this apply to playing 4 tables ? if i have 250 in my account and iim playing 4 tables at once what sort of stakes should i be playing ? i have always struggled with this and im getting so sick off it, i beleive i would be winning alot mmore if i resolved this issue, any tips would be welcomed. Posted by K8LOU
Cheers m8 il take it on board, i really dont think that is a problem for me, i think i just have 2 much money down at a time instead of preserving my roll, 1 thing i will say is it doesent help multitabling when ur a tiltmonster the way i am, say i loose a big pot in a tourne which represents more value(the main) i struggle to play the lower buys ins and keep concentration, i tend to get board after iv busted the bigger buy ins, thats when i beleive im at my weakest.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes: In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi If you can go, that's great. If you can't then let me know and I'll see if something can be done. I'm no magician but with the oynutter campaign there may be a way to get you some recompense and have everyone end up a winner! Posted by GELDY
Hi Geldy
I've tried twice with Sky Poker Chat people to see if I could transfer seat to Oynutter but each time they've said NO. I asked them to doublecheck with management and they said they'd pass on my request and I'd be emailed a final answer. Well - I got my email - and the answer was still NO lol. They just went on to say the seat is non transferable and non refundable.
With that in mind I'm now 90% sure that I'm going to end up visiting the homeland lol. I've checked into flights and they're all over £150 eeeekk - but luckily I have airmiles I can use so will only be £30 return. With a cheap travelodge and buses to city centre I think I'm going to just go and enjoy the experience. If I'm first out then so be it - someone has to be I guess!
I've been awol from playing the last few days as had a lot on - but I'm hoping to try my first DTD1,2 and 3 games tonight.
Good luck everyone in your games - always glad to read about your wins - big and small
Actually all you need to do is ask for trip5 (TKP Capo) and she'll look after you. Or get you drunk. Or both.
LOL dale.
not bad though 90th with not one single pair of face cards
Cash for the captain 5K Bounty Hunter
am a bit fed up at the min this is what am up against most times
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancegtx11 Small blind 150.00 150.00 1535.00 steelrod Big blind 300.00 450.00 4185.00 Your hole cards K Q cleggy485 Fold rayw Call 300.00 750.00 5960.00 avm170 Call 300.00 1050.00 9677.50 tigergaz Fold gtx11 Fold steelrod Check Flop K J 4 steelrod Check rayw Bet 300.00 1350.00 5660.00 avm170 Call 300.00 1650.00 9377.50 steelrod All-in 4185.00 5835.00 0.00 rayw Call 3885.00 9720.00 1775.00 avm170 Fold steelrod Show K Q rayw Show 10 K Turn 3 River 2 rayw Win Flush to the King 9720.00 11495.00
GRAND TOTAL £56752.01
- 1 cudahy - £37
- 2 hahahhaha - £22.20
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi If you can go, that's great. If you can't then let me know and I'll see if something can be done. I'm no magician but with the oynutter campaign there may be a way to get you some recompense and have everyone end up a winner!
Posted by GELDY
Welcome back grispino.Hope to see you in DTD tonight.