gl all tonight, just final tabled in the £500 bounty hunter and went out 6tg also on the final table was burnsy who finished 5th and we both got knocked out in the same hand grrrrr
Nice to see al the cashes! and +1 on Trev post Me and unbpower just finished the 500 BH my QQ v his Ak i think and we both lost to 99 lol MRBURNS4 0 5 £32.40 + £38.74 Head Prizes + 18 League Points 8 unbpower 0 6 £28.35 + £24.43 Head Prizes + 14 League Points 5 Posted by MRBURNS4
i had A/Q hit the nut flush on river thought i had won till i saw he had housed up lol,well played mate next time 1st and 2nd i hope
Well done Sporny , Madmoo and Torryboy...i came to rail Torry but you must have had chat off. I know how you feel ice..i think maybe i should stick to bingo (aka freerolls) lol.
Well done Sporny , Madmoo and Torryboy...i came to rail Torry but you must have had chat off. I know how you feel ice..i think maybe i should stick to bingo (aka freerolls) lol. Posted by scorpio13
suedehead7270190.88 greenblood193019.36 dcollector49049.28 OhNoAgain247740.48 torryboy05£16.35 + 10 League Points 9:15 deepy, thanks for the rail jjjach, your a toff
Nice cashes everyone just taken down my first ME WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII great support from Scorpio (as usual) and JJ ty vm helps so much to have people behind u so for the pot Trev
some very nice cashes torryboy hope the run continues and a MASSIVE !! WELL DONE MRBURNS4 ON TAKING DOWN YOUR FIRST MAIN EVENT A VERY NICE WIN also well done to sporny and anyone else who cashed
WELL DONE AGAIN MRB! I knew you could do it and it was well worth losing my beauty sleep and voice over (the poker gods were asleep at one point) about that sharing i mentioned.....EXCELLENT RESULT .....May it be the first of many
Thanks for the Solid Support TPTers - your the best.
Me and unbpower just finished the 500 BH my QQ v his Ak i think and we both lost to 99 lol
MRBURNS405£32.40 + £38.74 Head Prizes + 18 League Points8 unbpower06£28.35 + £24.43 Head Prizes + 14 League Points5
burnsy who finished 5th and we both got knocked out in the same hand grrrrr
Nice cashes all, came 4th in the 250 gtd
MADMOO04£27.50 + 8 League Points
well i`m proud ( chest pump up ) manage trev orfordable 10 table, which is not game yet, but hope i did you proud.
WD madmoo torryboy and sporn nice cashes.
7;45 deepy
9:15 deepy, thanks for the rail jjjach, your a toff
MRBURNS413790001£1679.40 + 160 League Points
awesome result burnsy or as mrburns himself would say EXCELLENT!!!
chuffed to bits for u m8!