I won the last deep stack after nearly 4 1/2 hours. Tournament CompleteFinished at 03:03 - 05 AugRegistered39 / 500Players Left0 / 391haylez83 - £31.202OWENW5 - £19.503tomo_efc - £11.704LINSTA - £8.585jthej - £7.02
You also need to post your name & Team - HERE - Monday Forum DTD
Best of luck out there and remember.........Survival is the Key
Also Remember............To Have Some FUN
Friendly Rivalry at the tables is a must - A Good Clean Fight - No Team Orders Allowed (for all the newbies....that means no team favours in any way) but supporting them and railing is allowed.
Lets have some FUN - The Hit Squadettes are out in force again this evening, PINK is for Girls but don't be gentle with them........They ain't no ladies
Team51 - have been fielding a much bigger squad again lately and are starting to see some results so lets send those Pesky Mysterons Back to Area51
TKP & Team Diamond.......Nowt to worry about - Nuff Said but be carefull.....even Mack-Sally gets a bit of "LuckBoxage" every now and again lol.
Tonight is the Monday Forum DTD HERE - DTD1 HERE - DTD2 & HERE - DTD3 You also need to post your name & Team - HERE - Monday Forum DTD Best of luck out there and remember.........Survival is the Key Also Remember............To Have Some FUN Friendly Rivalry at the tables is a must - A Good Clean Fight - No Team Orders Allowed (for all the newbies....that means no team favours in any way) but supporting them and railing is allowed. Lets have some FUN - The Hit Squadettes are out in force again this evening, PINK is for Girls but don't be gentle with them........They ain't no ladies Team51 - have been fielding a much bigger squad again lately and are starting to see some results so lets send those Pesky Mysterons Back to Area51 TKP & Team Diamond .......Nowt to worry about - Nuff Said but be carefull.....even Mack-Sally gets a bit of "LuckBoxage" every now and again lol. TPT - Sheilds & Swords at the Ready Let the Mighty Titan Carnage Begin Posted by POKERTREV
had some hu fun with Larson - he then popped by to my little speedy BH and told me to TID - a bit optimistic I thought as I was 5/6 at the time. But I did what I was told!
GELDY380001£23.75 + £15.12 Head Prizes3
which was a relief, because my other best cash of the night was merely a cash bubble in an allin sat, other than a bounty in the 9pm BH which I satted into for £5
myrrdhin270001Entry to £4,000 B/HunterGELDY02£19.25
TPT PRIVATE GAME Wednesday 7th August 8p.m. Is in the lobby now and open for registration. Password is the same and for new members I'll pm you the details. I'm unable to actually link to the game as it doesn't appear to have an https thingy but you can find it under all or bounty hunter filter. All entries may also invite 1 guest of their choice. Please try and keep the password confidential we don't want it spread all over the internet (do we Martin?) Posted by FlyingDagg
Hi All. TPT Private Game............LINK Below TPT Private Game Start Time: 8PM Cost: £5.50 All team members can invite 2 Guests If you don't have the password, let us know and either Dagg or myself will PM it to you (Remember - Keep it to yourself & your 2 Invited Guests) Good Luck All Posted by POKERTREV
Been MIA for a bit for the past week - just manic busy at work so playing only on ipad as and when I can get the tables to load. Apologies if anyone has been chatting to me - I struggle on ipad to use the keyboard!
Welcome to all the new TPTers - think TPT is THE team to be a member of!! (actually I know it is!!!).
Wishing you all the best of luck on the tables tonight. I'm trying my favourite BH game at 9pm and going to avoid playing many other qualifiers at the same time as it seems to slow my computer down if I have more than 2 tables open.
Tournament CompleteFinished at 03:03 - 05 AugRegistered39 / 500Players Left0 / 391haylez83 - £31.202OWENW5 - £19.503tomo_efc - £11.704LINSTA - £8.585jthej - £7.02
Nice cashes all & Well done to Geldy on qualifying for SPT Nwcastle.
You also need to post your name & Team - HERE - Monday Forum DTD
Best of luck out there and remember.........Survival is the Key
Also Remember............To Have Some FUN
Friendly Rivalry at the tables is a must - A Good Clean Fight - No Team Orders Allowed (for all the newbies....that means no team favours in any way) but supporting them and railing is allowed.
Lets have some FUN - The Hit Squadettes are out in force again this evening, PINK is for Girls but don't be gentle with them........They ain't no ladies
Team51 - have been fielding a much bigger squad again lately and are starting to see some results so lets send those Pesky Mysterons Back to Area51
TKP & Team Diamond.......Nowt to worry about - Nuff Said
TPT - Sheilds & Swords at the Ready
Let the Mighty Titan Carnage Begin
GRAND TPTAL £82978.83
likes this
You are most welcome sir - I will update the team list shortly
Welcome Aboard and Good Luck
Good luck all in DTD tonight.
bigmamma12 & lawro19810
If you need any help just ask on here.
Best of Luck
min cashed in DTD1, shoved 10bb utg, 10/10 after bubble, ran into K/K
£200 DTD 1
3 handed continued for ages, eventually got it in KK versus Mats AQ, board ran out AA33x
Then shoved K7 with 10 bigs into Matisback 8s held, GG! Was a fun tournie.
Thanks for the rail guys greatly appreciated!
2nd in £5.75 BH
£55.20 + £35.84
A BIG well done to thebil123 & our new teamie lawro19810 for making top 10 finishes in the DTD League and all thos who managed a cash
Have you any more details for this?
thanks Karim
TPT Private Game............LINK Below
TPT Private Game
Start Time: 8PM
Cost: £5.50
All team members can invite 2 Guests
If you don't have the password, let us know and either Dagg or myself will PM it to you (Remember - Keep it to yourself & your 2 Invited Guests)
Good Luck All
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
Been MIA for a bit for the past week - just manic busy at work so playing only on ipad as and when I can get the tables to load. Apologies if anyone has been chatting to me - I struggle on ipad to use the keyboard!
Welcome to all the new TPTers - think TPT is THE team to be a member of!! (actually I know it is!!!).
Wishing you all the best of luck on the tables tonight. I'm trying my favourite BH game at 9pm and going to avoid playing many other qualifiers at the same time as it seems to slow my computer down if I have more than 2 tables open.