WD Larson nice cash.WD geldy very nice cash.Managed to win a tourney first one in months.WD to trev who came 2nd.I just got all the cards capt.Big thanks to rose rawhand and jonny for the rail. jjjach4250001£48.45POKERTREV02£31.11WOZBOY03£19.38haywood1204£15.72Blkw1dDo05£12.84johnfrum06£10.71
good morning every1 great night last night was going for the jackpot till bromley 04 got me 88 44 he rivered a4 16th in turbo main for £39.68 and 3rd in the turbo mini £107.17 8hp £26. 08 ty for rail trev and geldy wd to trev and jj for cashing in deepy
Great effort Jonny well pleased for you. And well done Martin and Trevor it's great to see 2 TPTers HU in a tourney. Looks like I missed a good night due to mega technical problems.
Welcome to the new guys and I've sent you pm.s
TPT private game tonight if anyone needs the pw you can pm me or Trevor on here. And don't forget to invite a guest. Last months was a great turnout and a good game let's see if we can better it.
Nice cashes all very well played, aint been round for 2 weeks or so as i have been working long hours but my normal hours have resumed and im looking forward to some binkage tnite !!
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi K8 It is a deepstack Bounty Hunter - My favourite (Just haven't won it yet:) Posted by POKERTREV
I think u have gone deeper than me on every occasion when its been a deepy bounty hunter ha, i think on every occasion iv played it iv been grinding about 10 tables !!! nt going to play as many tables tnite and get involved in the banter abit more !!!!
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : I thought it was 1 guest Trev always thinks it's 2 so lets go with 2 lol.* *jjjach thinks it's entire internet. Posted by FlyingDagg
Well done Geldy too, MTT Machine lol
Welcome to the new guys and I've sent you pm.s
TPT private game tonight if anyone needs the pw you can pm me or Trevor on here. And don't forget to invite a guest. Last months was a great turnout and a good game let's see if we can better it.
It is a deepstack Bounty Hunter - My favourite
Can we have a BIG welcome to our newest TPT Team Mate.........
Welcome aboard greggo and good luck.
Nice cashes geldy, Larson jonny and trev. Nice win jj, pleased for you m8
Check your PM regarding password for TPT Private Tourney.
can you send me the password also.
Welcome to the team Greggo 1410. I've sent you details of our game tonight.
*jjjach thinks it's entire internet.
will invite one more then
Good Luck all!!