jj you missed it mission completed number 30 is in the bag took down the 130 bh this afternoon 1st place £64.12 4hp £24.75 ive done it jj and i am MADE UP WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
jj you missed it mission completed number 30 is in the bag took down the 130 bh this afternoon 1st place £64.12 4hp £24.75 ive done it jj and i am MADE UP WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Posted by FLASHJONNY
Fantastic news Jonny - wd!!
Actually well done all on your cashes this week.
Run well tonight and tomorrow. Will hopefully be playing tonight be will be awol tomorrow.
WD waller nice cash.WD jonny nice win and nice cash.Soz I missed it mate.Been unwell for a while so I can't sleep so resting is the best I can do.As I said I'm made up for you jonny,Keep getting those wins.
wd all on ya cashes am not about much these days so gl all.i do pop on now and then to see how all r doing but am a bit busy at the mo.had alittle go the night and ft the deepy.:) gl all on the tables and welcome all the new team members.19walker88 I was the player sitting 2 your left from the start of the spt Newcastle gl m8 and welcome to tpt.
jj you missed it mission completed number 30 is in the bag took down the 130 bh this afternoon 1st place £64.12 4hp £24.75 ive done it jj and i am MADE UP WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Posted by FLASHJONNY
Jonny what's this mission accomplished thingy that you speak of?
oh sorry dale right a few month ago i asked trev to see how many tournaments i won on sky since i joined them coz i didnt know how to do it ive been on nearly 4 years and at the time it was 24 but i won a few and when i got back from newcastle my target was to win 2 more mtts before the end of the year to make it 30 i won the 1 o clock gtd a couple of weeks ago and hey presto i won the half 1 bh yesterday to make it the magic 30 which is why i said to jj mission accomplished i hope that clears it up and i am well chuffed off out today to celebrate my achievements and watch the footy gl all tonight and get well soon to my great friend jj who has railed me in a lot of these wins and i hope the spurs win today
WD FD, FJ, JJ, Waller , Zoe et al, some nice cashes there. Sky, for some reason, have discontinued my fave MTT(25gtd @ 10.15) so i had to play the 250 gtd instead tonight. pomfrittes 420000 1 £96.15 rosco1111 0 2 £58.65 Posted by pomfrittes
This is such a pity. I liked it too and usually a good standard of play. Yet another non BH bites the dust.
Well done jonny I thought it may have been something like that. Would the scheduled filter be MTT results? If so I'm very happy with my results
Finally got a date for the internet to be installed 3rd of October cant wait so I don't have to keep asking people if I can play poker lol thanks to those that have let me play on their internet
Hi All. Hope you had a good weekend on the tables.
I've had a couple of days away for some R&R as things are a little hectic at the mo & tiredness is effecting my game, but as you all know, I never like to miss the Monday Forum DTD.
I still have a very busy few weeks ahead of me, so may not be playing as much, but will always keep popping on the team thread and catching up with you all.
So......................Tonights Forum DTD Tournies are listed below.
Good luck to all as always, i am having a few days away from the game mainly due to work comitments and doing a bit of reading and watching poker dvd's.
should be back when work allows, good luck team bring the dtd down.
think i was 1st out from the final table with AJ v A4 and he rivered a 4
Cash from me in the Mega Stack
GL at the tables all
Actually well done all on your cashes this week.
Run well tonight and tomorrow. Will hopefully be playing tonight be will be awol tomorrow.
Good luck!!
gl all on the tables
oh sorry dale right a few month ago i asked trev to see how many tournaments i won on sky since i joined them coz i didnt know how to do it ive been on nearly 4 years and at the time it was 24 but i won a few and when i got back from newcastle my target was to win 2 more mtts before the end of the year to make it 30 i won the 1 o clock gtd a couple of weeks ago and hey presto i won the half 1 bh yesterday to make it the magic 30 which is why i said to jj mission accomplished i hope that clears it up and i am well chuffed off out today to celebrate my achievements and watch the footy gl all tonight and get well soon to my great friend jj who has railed me in a lot of these wins and i hope the spurs win today
Well done jonny I thought it may have been something like that. Would the scheduled filter be MTT results? If so I'm very happy with my results
£10k Primo Sat.
Red_King31505Entry to £10k Primo Semi
Hope you had a good weekend on the tables.
I've had a couple of days away for some R&R as things are a little hectic at the mo & tiredness is effecting my game, but as you all know, I never like to miss the Monday Forum DTD.
I still have a very busy few weeks ahead of me, so may not be playing as much, but will always keep popping on the team thread and catching up with you all.
So......................Tonights Forum DTD Tournies are listed below.
DTD1 - 7.15pm
DTD2 - 7.45pm
DTD3 - 8.30pm
Also post your name in the Forum DTD Thread - LINK HERE
Best of Luck all playing Tonight - see you at the tables.
Run Like negreanu
GRAND TOTAL £100787.09*
Had a message from POKEY2011 last night, he's qualified for SPT Grand Final Notts - WD m8
Best of luck m8 - TID (or I will haha:)
Good Luck all tonight in DTD and remember 1 place gained is 1 place less to the other teams so SURVIVAL is the key.