finished 7th in 2 0 clock bh £17.32 3hp £11 .25 now a funny thing happened today I got accused of cheating fella said I was using bots he might as well have been speaking Chinese mrb was on the table and he told him off
Some very nice cashes tpters.. I satted into 10k bounty with the 1st and only attempt and went out with first hand not been my night tonight had no luck at all other than this..
dangerdai180002Entry to £10,000 B/Hunter.. I also managed to take a few dragon heads in their home game but just missed out cashing
Some very nice cashes tpters.. I satted into 10k bounty with the 1st and only attempt and went out with first hand not been my night tonight had no luck at all other than this.. dangerdai 18000 2 Entry to £10,000 B/Hunter.. I also managed to take a few dragon heads in their home game but just missed out cashing dangerdai 0 5 £4.52 Head Prizes 4 GOOD LUCK AT THE TABLES Posted by dangerdai
nice results all - daiw, rose, dagg, bozzman, trev & zoe included
been a torrid run, can't even get AA to hold, that's variance for you. managed 1 deep run. tks for the rail jj, teddy, ddai, mattp, matt2 etc
3k BH 5/372
£111.60 + £22.09 Head Prizes
also had an epic fight with ziggy & mattprawn in a Mega Roller direct sat - the best result prevailed but i would say that!
Entry to £30k Mega Roller + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £110, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.
Geldy just beat me in a mega roller sat. was a good game and nice to both cash. WP Geldy!
GELDY300001Entry to £30k Mega Roller + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £110, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.mattprawn02£55ziggy0103 VWP again Zoe and many others.
nice results all - daiw, rose, dagg, bozzman, trev & zoe included been a torrid run, can't even get AA to hold, that's variance for you. managed 1 deep run. tks for the rail jj, teddy, ddai, mattp, matt2 etc 3k BH 5/372 GELDY 0 5 £111.60 + £22.09 Head Prizes 3 also had an epic fight with ziggy & mattprawn in a Mega Roller direct sat - the best result prevailed but i would say that! GELDY 30000 1 Entry to £30k Mega Roller + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £110, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee. mattprawn 0 2 £55 ziggy01 0 3 Posted by GELDY
Geldy just beat me in a mega roller sat. was a good game and nice to both cash. WP Geldy! GELDY 30000 1 Entry to £30k Mega Roller + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £110, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee. mattprawn 0 2 £55 ziggy01 0 3 VWP again Zoe and many others. Cheers Posted by mattprawn
Tonights main ZOED 0 6 £285.33 + £77.95 Head Prizes 3 £5 £200 gtd ZOED 0 4 £22.55 Mini ZOED 0 29 £8.56 + £4.69 Head Prizes 2 Massive Rail again tonight. Thank you TPT'ers and Macapaca! Couldn't have done it without you xx Well done on all the cashes everyone xx Posted by ZOED
Well done zoed playing really well in the main games!!
Tonights main ZOED 0 6 £285.33 + £77.95 Head Prizes 3 £5 £200 gtd ZOED 0 4 £22.55 Mini ZOED 0 29 £8.56 + £4.69 Head Prizes 2 Massive Rail again tonight. Thank you TPT'ers and Macapaca! Couldn't have done it without you xx Well done on all the cashes everyone xx Posted by ZOED
Just a matter of time before you take the main down.
nice afternoon 2k REWARDS FREEROLL FREE MONEY is the best money as DAZ said 14th place for £25.....MISTY4ME 15th place for £25....._ARAZI_ DAZ and I were on table together and had a nice chat about our passion Horse Racing Horse to Follow early season ......TIGGY WIGGY (my daughter TEGANs nickname) WD to all who cashed last night GL to one and all tonight on the tables and fantastic to see ZOED high up in mini and main....JACKPOT beckons !!!!! Posted by MISTY4ME
Took down the deepy last night MISTY, enjoyed our chat,
in the BH on the FT i twice cracked AA, once with AKs and the other with TT, aipf for my tourney life and twice i flush my way out of trouble. so when i eventually go out A9<A7 I cannot complain. so remember when you get yours cracked, you will end up doing the same to someone else. swings & swongs.
and while we are at it, on the FT of the mega semi (4 paid) I got it all in on an AJ7 flop with A7s. oppo turns over 77. i metaphorically pick-up my jacket but an A on the turn gives me the better FH.
guess i was running hot today! and i cashed in a live tourney.
so only one thing left to do - buy a lottery ticket - done
well done all, I done nowt on here but played stars $11 tourney nearly 2k runners got to the ft and had AK guy shoves I call, he had just about same stack with 500k 77 and they hold grrr.took $246(£150) for me troubles tho happy days
what might have been if I win that ,was 5k for the winner finished 9th was about 40k-80k blinds with ant about 2k
£1k bh. Fun tourney. bit nuts at times, but great ft with dai. luckboxed myself on top this time. Ul dai, but well played. mattprawn 250000 1 £174.69 + £101.31 Head Prizes 11 £29.06 snm 0 2 £106.56 + £69.62 Head Prizes 10 daiw 0 3 £65.62 + £38.09 Head Prizes 6 Cheers Posted by mattprawn
Well done m8 big jump in prizes init. Nice pick up off 11 quid
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Took down the deepy last night MISTY, enjoyed our chat, Posted by bornablade
FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!
very well done, you obviously avoided your blow out lol !!!
Nice to catch up with how things are in SHEFFIELD too
i have attempted to sat into the roller sadly i failed, entered 5 sats bubbled two and and an 5th place finish so sadly i won't be in it tonight.
good luck to everyone who gets in.
off to watch the mighty reds hopefully going top, if i am not in grouvenor casino after the game i will rail you boys and girls or just buy in if i havent had too much beer
Played £150 bounty this morning GaryQQQ was just to good for me to take it down, but I was happy to take second. He's a really nice guy and a good sport to, when I was h/u with him I had sit out for 2mins and he used the full time bar and checked everything so fair play to him
GaryQQQ1780001£38.05 + £15.24 Head Prizes3 dangerdai02£24.43 + £16.54 Head Prizes7 GOOD LUCK TO ALL TPTERS AT THE TABLES...HOPE ONE OF YOU CAN TAKE DOWN ROLLER TONIGHT....
Players Remaining: 0 / 31
dangerdai180002Entry to £10,000 B/Hunter..
I also managed to take a few dragon heads in their home game but just missed out cashing
dangerdai05£4.52 Head Prizes4
750 BH
waller0207£23.17 + £19.95 Head Prizes7
Bit gutted as got my chips in a country mile ahead!
2k speed BH......sat in for 9 quid so its a profit
waller02012£65.63 Head Prizes3
Gl at the tables all
Geldy just beat me in a mega roller sat. was a good game and nice to both cash. WP Geldy!
GELDY300001Entry to £30k Mega Roller + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £110, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.mattprawn02£55ziggy0103
VWP again Zoe and many others.
I'm busy today and a presentaion to attend tonight so won't be about this evening
Good luck at the tables Today/Tonight Everyone.
gl on the tables
£120 for 20th place.
Was going well but had a series of big hands, AK, AQ etc that didn't improve and ended up hanging on...
Thanks for the rail Matt , JJ.
Back for the mega roller tomorrow...
what might have been if I win that
gl all on the tables
mattprawn2500001£174.69 + £101.31 Head Prizes11£29.06snm02£106.56 + £69.62 Head Prizes10 daiw03£65.62 + £38.09 Head Prizes6
Played £150 bounty this morning GaryQQQ was just to good for me to take it down, but I was happy to take second.
He's a really nice guy and a good sport to, when I was h/u with him I had sit out for 2mins and he used the full time bar and checked everything so fair play to him
GaryQQQ1780001£38.05 + £15.24 Head Prizes3 dangerdai02£24.43 + £16.54 Head Prizes7