WD kiwini and bhoys nice cashes.Thanks yidette arsenal we don't like.Happy day for me and nice cash to stocky i'm back guys.Thanks for the rail trev dagg stocky.Thanks STOCKY8A1 0 7 £10.80 + 3 League Points Josh13 0 8 £9 + 2 League Points jjjach 0 9 £7.20 5_aces 0 all for the kind words and support. Posted by jjjach
nice cashes everyone . gl tonight torry ,had a good day off work so far ive won £50 on the cash tables this morning ,sattelited into tonight 8pm bh and just cashed in the 2 pm bh
unbpower04£35 + £21.80 Head Prizes + 22 League Points5
oofyhumor141256 sikas33744 67Bhoys03£52.50 + 18 League Pointsmkgunner04£38.50 + 12 League Pointsmartoni005£31.50 + 6 League My cash in the Flops High Roller. Many thanks for the rail to Dagg, Scorp and JJ.
Pretty much like Wayne Rooney for England tbh Hee Hee!!!
A bit further on in this thread, there is a TPT Logo like mine if you fancy it.
Just Thought i'd let you know. Anyway good luck at the tables.
scorpio13 0 99 £0.75 Head Prizes
in 500 BH
Tiny cashes on a night where it just wasnt going my way, lol. Prefer my bubbles in the bath, lol. Well done to all who cashed
WD on your cashes scorpio ul on the bubble.
Hope all entering High Roller Deepstack tonight goes well.
unbpower04£35 + £21.80 Head Prizes + 22 League Points5
My cash in the Flops High Roller. Many thanks for the rail to Dagg, Scorp and JJ.
MRBURNS408£16.47 + £13.83 Head Prizes + 4 League Points5
in a little BH (take note MRB and MR J - 2 bounties lol)
scorpio1304£7.04 + 4 League Points
in 25 gtd
After 9 bubbles in 2 days it was nice to cash Thank you very much for the rail 67, JJ and MRB
Well done on all the cashes, especially 67 - tough field very well played