I dunno what it is but everytimei have like10-12 bigs and I have a hand to shuv with like a9 o sumthin sum1 always seem to have a very strong hand to call with its frustrating even though I should still push with these hands my amount of bigs im going to start leaving them go because its happening way to often
here are todays gees harry asked me to post a couple up last night as he has free bet lol 2 each way pokes 1st lamb or cod 150 chel around 10 to 1 and in the last this is quite apt lol aces over eights around 50 to 1 its a national hunt flat race not too confident but you never know and present view to win in big race at Cheltenham around 6 to1 oh its the 230 lol gl all today
£100 GTD 15/11/14 getting hard winning in these deep stacks now well done jjj saw 2 good cashes FATBOSS252251£37.83youlose92314337.502£21.50terrytwomore119003£17.85jimsinn06110004£16.50hs197005£14.55JAYKAY6895006£14.25jockie166007£9.90rainbow20358008£8.70WHEELS71614962.509£7.45jmj541487510£7.31
Just gone out of 7-45 Deepie in 14th I'm so peed off that I refuse to post my cash 3rd hand from exit muggywire Small blind 800.00 800.00 29468.00 PARADISE73 Big blind 1600.00 2400.00 45251.75 Your hole cards K A HIBERNI369 Fold FlyingDagg Raise 4800.00 7200.00 70557.50 sue720 Fold craigybabe Fold muggywire Fold PARADISE73 All-in 45251.75 52451.75 0.00 FlyingDagg Call 42051.75 94503.50 28505.75 PARADISE73 Show A A FlyingDagg Show K A Flop 2 7 3 Turn K River 2 PARADISE73 Win Two Pairs, Aces and 2s 94503.50 94503.50 2ndhandfromexit PARADISE73 Small blind 800.00 800.00 93703.50 HIBERNI369 Big blind 1600.00 2400.00 19845.00 Your hole cards 4 4 FlyingDagg Raise 4800.00 7200.00 23705.75 sue720 Fold craigybabe Fold muggywire Fold PARADISE73 Fold HIBERNI369 All-in 19845.00 27045.00 0.00 FlyingDagg Call 16645.00 43690.00 7060.75 HIBERNI369 Show A A FlyingDagg Show 4 4 Flop 5 8 7 Turn J River Q HIBERNI369 Win Pair of Aces 43690.00 43690.00 Exit HIBERNI369 Small blind 800.00 800.00 42890.00 FlyingDagg Big blind 1600.00 2400.00 5460.75 Your hole cards 10 10 sue720 Fold craigybabe Fold muggywire Fold PARADISE73 Raise 3200.00 5600.00 90503.50 HIBERNI369 Fold FlyingDagg All-in 5460.75 11060.75 0.00 PARADISE73 Call 3860.75 14921.50 86642.75 FlyingDagg Show 10 10 PARADISE73 Show A K Flop J 9 3 Turn 8 River K PARADISE73 Win Pair of Kings 14921.50 101564.2 Posted by FlyingDagg
your having some bad beats there dale but as they say that's poker
here are todays gees harry asked me to post a couple up last night as he has free bet lol 2 each way pokes 1st lamb or cod 150 chel around 10 to 1 and in the last this is quite apt lol aces over eights around 50 to 1 its a national hunt flat race not too confident but you never know and present view to win in big race at Cheltenham around 6 to1 oh its the 230 lol gl all today Posted by FLASHJONNY
Cheers Flash. I managed to spin the 40 quid free bet into....wait for it.....£35! Just picked a load of random horses and had them in e/w trebles, some of them did ok. More importantly, none of them had 3 legs
Dale, I know you don't like me but your open raise sizing in those hands is a little off IMO, just seen them after scrolling through looking for the above.
Harry personal feelings aside let me explain my bet sizing. I usually raise 2x in late stages but with AK i'm happy to raise bigger with a comfortable stack in the hope of taking it down preflop. The fact he has AA well the hand then plays itself. I'll concede that I should have min raised the 44 hand. Then folded to the shove but I was a bit tilty from that first hand. I can honestly say I was gutted to see I was up against AA again. Then to rub it in I get 10 10 but faced with AK. 2 outright coolers and maybe a bit loose with the 44.
From 2nd to out with 3 very playable hands on the trot would test anyone.
WD evsbach and rich jonny nice cashes.Little on from cheepy AA cracked on bubble too.Vul to dale who bubbled.People will call with junk in micro stakes mate.You will win in the long run.I also lost to runner runner flush dale in other deepy.That's just the way the cookie crumbles.As i said i want a call to my raise with k5 suited all day long.If he hits runner runner flush,well gl to him.Long run dale.jjjach016£2.08
bust out the roller tonight after a bad call left me short and my suited AJ ran into KK which held.....decided a bit of B/H madness was required to cheer me up, 4 hands in on what seemed like a super loose table I look down at AA 4 bet shove and get called by not one but two players....happy days!
player 1 Ac Kx
player 2 8c 10h (really)
flop brings 2 clubs and of course we then have runner runner clubs....cue some swearing ;-)
Harry personal feelings aside let me explain my bet sizing. I usually raise 2x in late stages but with AK i'm happy to raise bigger with a comfortable stack in the hope of taking it down preflop. The fact he has AA well the hand then plays itself. I'll concede that I should have min raised the 44 hand. Then folded to the shove but I was a bit tilty from that first hand. I can honestly say I was gutted to see I was up against AA again. Then to rub it in I get 10 10 but faced with AK. 2 outright coolers and maybe a bit loose with the 44. From 2nd to out with 3 very playable hands on the trot would test anyone. Posted by FlyingDagg
I struggle to grasp the bolded bit.
If we have a comfortable stack and AK, why on earth do we just want to win the blinds and nothing else? We have a premium holding. If we start raising it by too much, are we not just causing Mr bb to fold his hands that we have in terrible shape? BB might well peel a raise with A5s to a min, which is great, but bin it to a 3x, which is bad for us.
We are encouraging people to play well vs us if we are too transparent with our raise sizes. At that stage (well any stage of a tournament really), your open raise should be consistent as not to give anything away. If you min 77 but 3x AK, then you're playing too face up and giving people easier decisions.
Another thing in regards to AK late on....you raise it 3x and the BB calls. It's a bricky low flop, but now your cbet, assuming you make one, has to be that little bit more as the pot is larger. If you get called and its a blank turn but you go for a second barrel, that stab on the turn has to be larger as the pot is further bloated. Raising too much pre makes our bluffs and semi bluffs more expensive down every street.
Well done on the cashes all - Waller, jj, Dagg, Steeley & wheels and anyone else I missed
Unlucky in those hands dagg - it's a tad frustrating sometimes, but good sound advice from harry though. Bet sizing consistently and not giving away info is very important. Ive been and still am guilty of this sometimes. I overbet pre-flop & then it costs me more down the streets, but it seams there is a very fine line between getting it right or allowing everyone into a multiway pot, something I have been working on, but always seem to fall back to my old habits.
Best of luck all in the Forum DTD Tonight- I will be running late as I have to pick the missus up at 7.30pm so I will pre-reg so I don't miss late reg.
Dagg- I will send you a PM laters today when I have more time so please keep an eye out for it.
In that particular case I raised 3x because of table dynamics with 2 players willing to call with any 2 cards. I would normally raise 2x at that stage in any tourney. I just felt 3x at that particular time was a good option. Trev you touched on multi way pots and thats what I was trying to avoid
RE the AK hand- Harry and Trev In that particular case I raised 3x because of table dynamics with 2 players willing to call with any 2 cards. I would normally raise 2x at that stage in any tourney. I just felt 3x at that particular time was a good option. Trev you touched on multi way pots and thats what I was trying to avoid Posted by FlyingDagg
Yeh - Like I say, it's a fine line to get it right.
The AK hand was our demise though, we are sitting with quite a nice deep stack size (47bigs?), so unless the guy is the loosest fish on the planet (and even then it's debatable) I don't see why we have to risk nearly 2/3rds of our stack with this hand when we are holding a decent stack and in good shape to go on & win the tourney.
Don't get me wrong.......If I have a much shallower stack, its all goin over the line and I'm happy to shove/call with it in that position, but not so happy calling with it for 2/3rds of my very nice stack.
If we 2 x on the other hand, we give him other options to think about........
option one: he shoves and only picks up the chips in the middle (Not optimal for him) option two: he calls hoping we get some of the flop option three:he 3 bets and hopes we have a stong enough holding to make the call
by 3x ing pre-flop I think you only gave him one option (to shove) because you have shown him the strength of your hand & he's very happy to go up against it, whilst if we 2x raise he will want to keep us in the hand and so has to think about the other options available to him and how it is best for him to extract all our chips & thus potentially making him make a mistake if we outdraw him. We also have the option to fold if we brick.
The other 2 hands after that were just a result of the AK - the 44 hand was just a mistake and in the 1010 we had no other option because of our shallow stack.
Meh, the effective stack is not even 30bb in the AK vs AA.
It should be a min raise, whether we then go with the hand will depend on the villain but more than likely its all going in. AK is such a monster at this stage. Sometimes they just have it, but we still have decent chips back.
44 is the biggest mistake and the catalyst for the exit. Easy min raise fold, or maybe even open fold. 3x calling off is the nut worst line.
I also had a cash in the skybet freeroll, 307 runners so happy with that.
steelrod017£10 Freebet
any idea's what to put it on
gl at the tables all
Chatted up and recruited Ash07 and evsbach to the team (see above posts) Make it so Captain.
3rd hand from exit
Gl all
GRAND TOTAL £147,042.08
2013 £161,766.23
Dale, I know you don't like me but your open raise sizing in those hands is a little off IMO, just seen them after scrolling through looking for the above.
2 cashes from Saturday and sundays 2.20 at 220 Saturday 4th place £13.81 sunday 7th place £9.01 gl all tonight
From 2nd to out with 3 very playable hands on the trot would test anyone.
gl all on the tables
If we have a comfortable stack and AK, why on earth do we just want to win the blinds and nothing else? We have a premium holding. If we start raising it by too much, are we not just causing Mr bb to fold his hands that we have in terrible shape? BB might well peel a raise with A5s to a min, which is great, but bin it to a 3x, which is bad for us.
We are encouraging people to play well vs us if we are too transparent with our raise sizes. At that stage (well any stage of a tournament really), your open raise should be consistent as not to give anything away. If you min 77 but 3x AK, then you're playing too face up and giving people easier decisions.
Another thing in regards to AK late on....you raise it 3x and the BB calls. It's a bricky low flop, but now your cbet, assuming you make one, has to be that little bit more as the pot is larger. If you get called and its a blank turn but you go for a second barrel, that stab on the turn has to be larger as the pot is further bloated. Raising too much pre makes our bluffs and semi bluffs more expensive down every street.
Good luck in DTD tomorrow.
Hi TPTers

A BIG TPT Welcome to our new team mates........
evsbach & ash07
Well done on the cashes all - Waller, jj, Dagg, Steeley & wheels and anyone else I missed
Unlucky in those hands dagg - it's a tad frustrating sometimes, but good sound advice from harry though. Bet sizing consistently and not giving away info is very important. Ive been and still am guilty of this sometimes. I overbet pre-flop & then it costs me more down the streets, but it seams there is a very fine line between getting it right or allowing everyone into a multiway pot, something I have been working on, but always seem to fall back to my old habits.
Best of luck all in the Forum DTD Tonight- I will be running late as I have to pick the missus up at 7.30pm so I will pre-reg so I don't miss late reg.
Dagg- I will send you a PM laters today when I have more time so please keep an eye out for it.
In that particular case I raised 3x because of table dynamics with 2 players willing to call with any 2 cards. I would normally raise 2x at that stage in any tourney. I just felt 3x at that particular time was a good option. Trev you touched on multi way pots and thats what I was trying to avoid
Post your interest on this thread HERE with your name and team.
You need to play all 3 DTD tourneys for your best 2 results to count.
Good luck all in DTD tonight.
The AK hand was our demise though, we are sitting with quite a nice deep stack size (47bigs?), so unless the guy is the loosest fish on the planet (and even then it's debatable) I don't see why we have to risk nearly 2/3rds of our stack with this hand when we are holding a decent stack and in good shape to go on & win the tourney.
Don't get me wrong.......If I have a much shallower stack, its all goin over the line and I'm happy to shove/call with it in that position, but not so happy calling with it for 2/3rds of my very nice stack.
If we 2 x on the other hand, we give him other options to think about........
option one: he shoves and only picks up the chips in the middle (Not optimal for him)
option two: he calls hoping we get some of the flop
option three:he 3 bets and hopes we have a stong enough holding to make the call
by 3x ing pre-flop I think you only gave him one option (to shove) because you have shown him the strength of your hand & he's very happy to go up against it, whilst if we 2x raise he will want to keep us in the hand and so has to think about the other options available to him and how it is best for him to extract all our chips & thus potentially making him make a mistake if we outdraw him. We also have the option to fold if we brick.
The other 2 hands after that were just a result of the AK - the 44 hand was just a mistake and in the 1010 we had no other option because of our shallow stack.
It should be a min raise, whether we then go with the hand will depend on the villain but more than likely its all going in. AK is such a monster at this stage. Sometimes they just have it, but we still have decent chips back.
44 is the biggest mistake and the catalyst for the exit. Easy min raise fold, or maybe even open fold. 3x calling off is the nut worst line.