Is it really worth it as an aid to your game? Do you really think it makes much of a difference. I have an Excel spreadsheet to monitor all my results and am a bit of a whizz on Excel so could easily create any graph or table to display my results so really what am I missing, if anything?? I can't think of anything sharkscope could do that I couldnt on Excel. Posted by Lambert180
For me, the best thing it does is allow you to identify the comlpete fish, before even playing with them, eg when you move up to the £11 stage it could be usefull for you to avoid the regs and only play vs fish in your 1st few games.
I've heard people say things like that about DYMs but really, I struggle to see how you can really do much in terms of table selection in DYMs.
Like whenever I look in the lobby, there's only ever a maximum of like 2 games waiting to go and bythe time you get the tourney lobby up and have a mooch who is registered, you'll have probably missed it and it's running. So I dunno how people manage table selection with DYMs.
I've heard people say things like that about DYMs but really, I struggle to see how you can really do much in terms of table selection in DYMs. Like whenever I look in the lobby, there's only ever a maximum of like 2 games waiting to go and bythe time you get the tourney lobby up and have a mooch who is registered, you'll have probably missed it and it's running. So I dunno how people manage table selection with DYMs. Do they fill up alot slower at £11, is that why? Posted by Lambert180
I did it for a £16.50 game today and it was the softest game i've played for a few days
I don't usually bother searching there names if the lobby already has 3/6 or more (unless for later on) But if it's 1 or 2 out of 6 registered you have loads of time to search there names as they join.
OK fair enough, but then you're only really gonna get info on the first 1-2 players, right? and not the others that join afterwards. So do you still get really soft games at £11+? If so, am very happy to hear it!
I aint willing to pay for sharkscope at the moment, but it did occur to me the other day when I was looking at the league table and I had it sorted in order by STT points because I wanted to see how I'm doing in the league... do you think it's fair to say that I should beware of anyone who is in say the top 30 STTers??
Wow Skypoker are well represented here with 4 players in the world top 20 in this leaderboard >>>>> 2011 --> Double or Nothing and Fifty50 --> $2.01-$5 (Updated: 22/10/2011 15:25)
OK fair enough, but then you're only really gonna get info on the first 1-2 players, right? and not the others that join afterwards. So do you still get really soft games at £11+? If so, am very happy to hear it! I aint willing to pay for sharkscope at the moment, but it did occur to me the other day when I was looking at the league table and I had it sorted in order by STT points because I wanted to see how I'm doing in the league... doyou think it's fair to say that I should beware of anyone who is in say the top 30 STTers?? Posted by Lambert180
What I meant is after searching the 1st 2 if I really like what I see I'll join straight away and then search the others as they join, you still have a chance to deregister
Yeh, I havn't often played higher but you can get games at the same level of £5.50s and even £3.30s especailly on Fri/Saturday nights
Well most of them are profitable players so it is better to play against noobs but as long as your not in a game of 3 or more regs you should def be profitable
Cheers Fail, so you would say it's definitely a recommended weapon in your poker armoury then? And if so, what kinda price am I gonna be looking at? Posted by Lambert180
It's cheaper if you get a longer term, but for 1 month of 150 searches a day (The lowest ammount) is $15.99 or about £10, if you do try it out I would suggest waiting until you are about to move up to the £11s, as like I said before you'll give yourself the best possible chance if you avoid regs and play fish in your first few games
Yeah if I do get it I was definitely gonna hold off a bit until A) I've got some more games under my belt and know my win-rate isn't just good variance (although I'm pretty sure already that it's not) and I've playing at a higher level and making a very decent monthly income from them which would make paying £10 a month worthwhile. I guess if it's £10 a month, then to make it worthwhile, I would need to win 2 more DYMs per month with it than I would without it.
Cheers for the info. Yeah if I do get it I was definitely gonna hold off a bit until A) I've got some more games under my belt and know my win-rate isn't just good variance (although I'm pretty sure already that it's not) and I've playing at a higher level and making a very decent monthly income from them which would make paying £10 a month worthwhile. I guess if it's £10 a month, then to make it worthwhile, I would need to win 2 more DYMs per month with it than I would without it. Posted by Lambert180
You've got a decent chunk of games now, I'd say you've cracked the £5.50s :P
Well whatever you decide GL, i'm gonna try and stay focused on DYMs for a while (well i'll play some tourneys but try and keep the BRs noted separately) deffo not playing cash for a while though.
In Response to Re: SHARKSCOPE WORLD DOUBLE YOUR MONEY LEADER BOARD COMP / prizes on offer info in opening post />>> : You've got a decent chunk of games now, I'd say you've cracked the £5.50s :P Well whatever you decide GL, i'm gonna try and stay focused on DYMs for a while (well i'll play some tourneys but try and keep the BRs noted separately) deffo not playing cash for a while though. Posted by Poker_Fail
In Response to Re: SHARKSCOPE WORLD DOUBLE YOUR MONEY LEADER BOARD COMP / prizes on offer info in opening post />>> : Very nice cash last night bud . BRM FTW . Posted by IRISHROVER
In Response to Re: SHARKSCOPE WORLD DOUBLE YOUR MONEY LEADER BOARD COMP / prizes on offer info in opening post />>> : Thanks Rover Any more progress towards 4th place yet? Posted by Poker_Fail
I lost a game slipped back to 6th , then won 2 games back up to 5th .
By my calculations for every $5 profit it equals a 1 cent plus average , now that is tough going lol .
Hi Dennis. I think I have a winning streak of 31 dym's. Can u check if this is ok for comp ty? Posted by DEL560
Wow Excellent , Excellent , Excellent bud . Nice chating with you Del , i had a quick look through your games . All looks good from my side but SkyAdam obviously will need to confirm this . I will pass the info on to Adam asap . Congrats on this unbelievable achievement and great to see a skypoker player on top of the world dym board .
Denis .
Streaks Double Or Nothing Wins In A Row (Updated: 30-Oct-11 08:30 PDT)
Just heard Orford mention this on the show tonight, congrats Del560 Noob question here, do I just need to keep playing DYM's on Sky Poker, just post my streak in here, and I get automatically entered?
Currently managed 5 in a row so far, so I doubt I'll get anywhere near 31, but I'm only playing DYM's for a while anyway so might as well have a go
Like whenever I look in the lobby, there's only ever a maximum of like 2 games waiting to go and bythe time you get the tourney lobby up and have a mooch who is registered, you'll have probably missed it and it's running. So I dunno how people manage table selection with DYMs.
Do they fill up alot slower at £11, is that why?
I don't usually bother searching there names if the lobby already has 3/6 or more (unless for later on) But if it's 1 or 2 out of 6 registered you have loads of time to search there names as they join.
I aint willing to pay for sharkscope at the moment, but it did occur to me the other day when I was looking at the league table and I had it sorted in order by STT points because I wanted to see how I'm doing in the league... do you think it's fair to say that I should beware of anyone who is in say the top 30 STTers??
Wow Skypoker are well represented here with 4 players in the world top 20 in this leaderboard >>>>>
2011 --> Double or Nothing and Fifty50 --> $2.01-$5 (Updated: 22/10/2011 15:25)
Yeh, I havn't often played higher but you can get games at the same level of £5.50s and even £3.30s especailly on Fri/Saturday nights
Well most of them are profitable players so it is better to play against noobs but as long as your not in a game of 3 or more regs you should def be profitable
And if so, what kinda price am I gonna be looking at?
Yeah if I do get it I was definitely gonna hold off a bit until A) I've got some more games under my belt and know my win-rate isn't just good variance (although I'm pretty sure already that it's not) and
Well whatever you decide GL, i'm gonna try and stay focused on DYMs for a while (well i'll play some tourneys but try and keep the BRs noted separately) deffo not playing cash for a while though.
Any more progress towards 4th place yet?
By my calculations for every $5 profit it equals a 1 cent plus average ,
now that is tough going lol .
So geting to 4th will need a lot of run good .
Ty SkyAdam for the extension , this Comp will now remain open until 31st December 2011 and will be reviewed after said date .
I won 9 in a row tonight (a new record) but sadly lost a race when I was down to the final 4 to make it to double figures.... next time!
Gerardirl is on the climb up to 14th .
WD bud keep it going .
The world top 20 leaderboard
UP TO 28/10/2011 6:50 PM --> Double or Nothing and Fifty50 --> $2.01-$5
I think I have a winning streak of 31 dym's. Can u check if this is ok for comp ty?
Wow Excellent , Excellent , Excellent bud .
Nice chating with you Del ,
i had a quick look through your games .
All looks good from my side but SkyAdam obviously will need to confirm this .
I will pass the info on to Adam asap .
Congrats on this unbelievable achievement and great to
see a skypoker player on top of the world dym board .
Denis .
(Updated: 30-Oct-11 08:30 PDT)
What a feat. i am struggling to win 2 or 3 on the trot and used to think myself a good DYM player
Well done indeed - perhaps i,ll Pm you for some advice
Investment of 31 x 5.50 = £170.5
Winnings of 31 x 10.00 = £310.00
Profit = £139.50
That's a pretty nice ROI and pretty nice profit for only 31 games