My run just ended!! Was playing two games at once so think it finished on 50? Totally, totally weird! Posted by DEL560
Yep i have just checked your stats on sharkscope & can confirm 50 it is bud . A score i think that will not be beat by any honest poker player in a very very very long time .
Gl with your SPT credits .
Denis .
p.s i consider it a honour such a gent as your self , now wears my sky Dym winning streak crown .
Yeah this is a truly amazing run. Well done Del. The only thing I will say... I don't envy you for the run bad that must surely be due to you now lol. Posted by Lambert180
Yeh lol! I was thinkin that too, cant really complain if I have any bad beats now! (or for awhile at least!)
In Response to Re: ITS OVER!!! : Hi Derek /Del560 , our team recruiting man billyboots informs me he sent you a pm , it is regarding you joining us in TEAM51 . This would be great stuff indeed if you choose to do so , just pm billyboots back if interested & he will guide you through the process . Denis . p.s it would be nice to a have a world champ on board lol . Posted by IRISHROVER
Sorry I'm a bit late to the party but just want to say what a phenomenal achievement that is Del, very well played sir. Can't believe you broke the record then went on to smash it by so much. A massive +1 to the above about joining Team 51, we're not a bad lot and yeah, we would love a world champion in our ranks.
denis i currently have a good streak going on the dyms, 11 or 12 i think, but i have just played lamberts HU comp and lost. does these count as a loss for the dyms????
denis i currently have a good streak going on the dyms, 11 or 12 i think, but i have just played lamberts HU comp and lost. does these count as a loss for the dyms???? Posted by waller02
No it wont count as a loss in your dym run. WD so far and Good Luck with it!
In Response to Re: ITS OVER!!! : Sorry I'm a bit late to the party but just want to say what a phenomenal achievement that is Del, very well played sir. Can't believe you broke the record then went on to smash it by so much. A massive +1 to the above about joining Team 51, we're not a bad lot and yeah, we would love a world champion in our ranks. Posted by JohnConnor
Wow I didn't know you were a team 51er JC, you keep that under wraps lol...well it's just cos you don't have their logo as you're avatar.
In Response to Re: ITS OVER!!! : Wow I didn't know you were a team 51er JC, you keep that under wraps lol...well it's just cos you don't have their logo as you're avatar. Posted by Lambert180
In Response to Re: ITS OVER!!! : Hey Lamby, did you know I am? :P Best team! Posted by Poker_Fail
You serious?? What's going on in the world lol...
To be honest, I think I may have made a rash decision with my team choice without really looking into it much but my moral compass is commanding me not to desert them lol.
In Response to Re: ITS OVER!!! : You serious?? What's going on in the world lol... To be honest, I think I may have made a rash decision with my team choice without really looking into it much but my moral compass is commanding me not to desert them lol. Posted by Lambert180
LOL well TPT can eat T51's dust in the DTD on Mondayyy!
Big congrats on the run Del, pretty amazing how many you racked up even considering the stakes.
The incredible thing is that the average player will cash 50% of the time right? Well if Del was so good that he somehow were to cash 87.5% of the time (Thats WIN 7, for every time he were to LOSE 1), the chance of this happening every time he won his first game in the streak would be almost 1 in 1000. (0.1%!!). WOW.
In Response to Re: Guys & Gals lets hear it for the mannnnnnnn Del560 / Derek he has finished up with a incredible 50 dym winning streak / info in opening post : Incredible i was going to approach del about this over the next few days lol . Great minds think alike . Do you think they would go for it ? will i need del to apply or can i sort it for him ? Posted by IRISHROVER
They accepted Elky's multitabling record so it's hopefull
In Response to Re: Guys & Gals lets hear it for the mannnnnnnn Del560 / Derek he has finished up with a incredible 50 dym winning streak / info in opening post : Incredible i was going to approach del about this over the next few days lol . Great minds think alike . Do you think they would go for it ? will i need del to apply or can i sort it for him ? Posted by IRISHROVER
I don't see why not. Easily verifiable through a 3rd party company, Sharkscope. In fact I don't see why Sky Poker don't get on this as I think it'll be a record that will stand for many years.
In Response to Re: Guys & Gals lets hear it for the mannnnnnnn Del560 / Derek he has finished up with a incredible 50 dym winning streak / info in opening post : I don't see why not. Easily verifiable through a 3rd party company, Sharkscope. In fact I don't see why Sky Poker don't get on this as I think it'll be a record that will stand for many years. Posted by Machka
Sounds good that, i will now send a email off to Sky Adam ( Sky Poker Operations Manager ) & ask for his help with this .
A score i think that will not be beat by any honest poker player
in a very very very long time .
Gl with your SPT credits .
Denis .
p.s i consider it a honour such a gent as your self ,
now wears my sky Dym winning streak crown .
You must play like messi and run like bolt
3 skypoker players in the top ten >>>>
The only thing I will say... I don't envy you for the run bad that must surely be due to you now lol.
Hi Derek /Del560 ,
our team recruiting man billyboots informs me he sent you a pm ,
it is regarding you joining us in TEAM51 .
This would be great stuff indeed if you choose to do so ,
just pm billyboots back if interested & he will guide you through the process .
Denis .
p.s it would be nice to a have a world champ on board lol .
To be honest, I think I may have made a rash decision with my team choice without really looking into it much but my moral compass is commanding me not to desert them lol.
The incredible thing is that the average player will cash 50% of the time right? Well if Del was so good that he somehow were to cash 87.5% of the time (Thats WIN 7, for every time he were to LOSE 1), the chance of this happening every time he won his first game in the streak would be almost 1 in 1000. (0.1%!!). WOW.
Great win and wp sir.
Great minds think alike .
Do you think they would go for it ?
will i need del to apply or can i sort it for him ?
Excellent achievement Del one that i imagine will not be broken for a long long time.
i will now send a email off to Sky Adam ( Sky Poker Operations Manager ) &
ask for his help with this .