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Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
rancid | Small blind | £0.02 | £0.02 | £5.20 | |
7lucky7 | Big blind | £0.04 | £0.06 | £1.56 | |
Your hole cards |
| ||||
chrispip | Fold | ||||
UKCW | Raise | £0.20 | £0.26 | £3.98 | |
The_Don90 | Call | £0.20 | £0.46 | £3.78 | |
rancid | Call | £0.18 | £0.64 | £5.02 | |
7lucky7 | Fold | ||||
Flop | |||||
| |||||
rancid | Bet | £0.68 | £1.32 | £4.34 | |
UKCW | Fold | ||||
The_Don90 | Call | £0.68 | £2.00 | £3.10 | |
Turn | |||||
| |||||
rancid | Bet | £1.50 | £3.50 | £2.84 | |
The_Don90 | Call | £1.50 | £5.00 | £1.60 | |
River | |||||
| |||||
rancid | All-in | £2.84 | £7.84 | £0.00 | |
The_Don90 | All-in | £1.60 | £9.44 | £0.00 | |
rancid | Unmatched bet | £1.24 | £8.20 | £1.24 | |
rancid | Show |
| |||
The_Don90 | Show |
| |||
The_Don90 | Win | Three 9s | £7.58 | £7.58 |
you are drunk or very brave calling that turn and river!
when you call the flop call the turn and then hit the 9 on the river even though the board is so draw heavy i think you just have to get it in there and hope your good cant see any reason to fold river when you call 2 streets
on the turn it brings the SFD if you think you are still good there i probably just get it in there instead of flatting and leaving £1.60 behind for the river but imo i fold the turn i just can not think im ever ahead on this type of board
edit: re read what i first wrote and it didnt make much sense so re wrote
P.S. Shocked by your call pre Rancid...higher levels I can understand but not at this level.
what hands do you think he donks the flop with and what are you still ahead of by the turn?
I dont think that you would ever recommend calling all the way down here so ask yourself why you were doing it. Despite winning the hand this example shows a major leak in your game. Think it through because you got over half your stack into the middle with just 1 pair on the wettest board imaginable hoping to hit a miracle card which wouldnt have given you the nuts anyway.
This is the sort of play (despite winning this time) that destroys bankrolls. The turn was the critical part of this hand because this was where you pot committed yourself with very little in the way of a hand. The river plays itself but i really think that you should not have even seen the river card to have this decision.
If I did call turn is snap fold.
EDIT : @ rancid - Calling 5x raises OOP wiv 54s ain't good mate, it's 45-1 to flop 2pair and even if you flop draw you're never odds on to hit it, most the time you hit bottom pair no kika.
I hear you Dude !
I would like to hear what other players think about my pre call with 45s
I am either stacking someone or not so… speculative yes – bad I am not so sure as long as you fold flops where your not hitting 2pr/SD/FD
As for don's hand its a clear fold on the turn every time in this sort of spot xx
def fold 45s pre
unsure if i like turn bet either!
raise button pre to isolate original raiser is a must imo!!, as played fold turn.
edit: just realized oppo raise 5x suppose you can just flat, But for me i stick to what i said, raise on that button all day long! with a strong hand aiming to play a donk heads up!
OOP also makes it worse, IP on btn facing minraise I might think about it sat VERY deep but a 5x raise is a lot and you keep doing this in SB you are setting fire to money, at higher levels I often see the GOD (yes God not good lol) players (lolufold, LOL_RAISE, etc) 3bet with these hands as they can take it down pre or have a disguised hand on the flop and also betting lead so can cbet most flops.
Also as a general rule dont do what other people do at those levels. Everyone at nl20/30 has leaks and probably play way too many hands.
Yeah the turn bet looks a bit fishy by me as yeah maybe I am only getting called by a hand that’s beating me right?My perspective:
Pre - I got Don on a range of mid-high pr’s or two broad way cards
So I call loosely to maybe I can get his stack if the right flop comes down –
My flop - I bet flop slightly bigger than pot to get chips in against anyone with a draw/over pair,
When Don calls the flop donk bet I can rule out the draw, he is a decent player and would not pay that much to draw would he
. I think he would just fold or shove with a draw
Good or bad to think this? We are not greater than 100BB’s so a call with a draw here I don’t think he would do this – there are plenty of players at NL4 who would pay pt or > to draw so I am betting for value 100% while I am ahead
So when the turn fills the flush I am not bothered as I don’t think he is drawing–
I bet turn for value and to get him in deeper for the river shove or maybe he will shove on me as a bluff
I really expected to see a fold or semi bluff shove here
On the river I am c/c anyway as I have gone this far so I just shove
Please tell me if this is good or bad
However as u correctly said the flop bet screems stremnth to me at this level, howevere i think the alohol spoke a little. I was confident you didnt have clubs when u continued on turn so i felt i had a double draw to hit. The river hitting my set was lucky but clubs and 8s i felt were live too.
Like LOL_RAISE said you play these out the blinds by 3betting i.e bluffing/raising light but at NL4 there is ZERO need to do it lol
Don, prob fold flop, defo fold turn, even river call marginal imo
Rancid, fold pre, prob check turn, why on earth are you betting river?