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is there ever a time to fold kings pre!
been playing about an hr, he hasnt stepped out of line in this time although has 3bet a few timestevemc112Small blind £0.15£0.15£61.28Ozzie08Big blind £0.30£0.45£27.75 Your hole cardsKK pod1Raise £0.90£1.35£31.49Michael_83Raise £2.10£3.45£51.67VINEY73Fold OldBobFold stevemc112Fold Ozzie08Fold pod1Raise £4.80£8.25£26.69Michael_83Raise £9.90£18.15£41.77s (havnt seen cards mind)
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Didn't Dan Harrington say that if you fold kings pre-flop then you are thinking too much?
Cant just ignore signs as clear as these.
I think sometimes we are too quick to drop the hammer in away from table analysis. Look at the sizing and positions. Unless the guy is an utter tard this 5bet should scream at you to be concerned.
His 5bet size doesnt really matter he's never 5b/f. Unless pod is a tard he shouldnt be 4b/f the 2nd nuts 100BB deep when hes rarely going to be flatted by a solid opponent.
I agree its never a fistpump here with the positions, and we see AA a decent amount. But the guy has 3bet a lot and can prob show up with QQ,AK maybe even JJ sometimes. If he cant show up with these hands, 4betting is horrible
We are talking of specific situations here. We have significant information based on pos and bet sizes. We cant simply be cavalier and say he does it with worse.
Give you 10/1 odds Pod1 was hugely unsurprised to be snapped seeing A's. what do we expect to see opponent to turn over here?
Am not saying its easy or standard. Am not saying I fold in hand online. If positions are different or bet sizes are stronger we are always getting it in. But look at the action. What do we expect to see here?
Guy has 3 bet a few times, not a lot. He 5bets, not 4 bets.
I'm not saying its an easy spot. In hand its going to be awful given short decision time. But looking at it with detachment and plenty of time, its clear we have a lot of information.
In a tournament early yes or if your huge in chips! In cash you would need very specific reads, however every single player who have commented on this when the player comes back over the top you all know he is holding aces here .. come on admit it. Queens he shoves AK he folds calls or shoves only hand raisng is AA, But yet everyone calls
Even starting this thread is amazing lol.
obviously never fold kings pre <100bb in cash , doubt id fold it ever if im honest :P unless it was the nittiest nit of nitville then maybe
KK is 100% different as your only losing to 1 hand.
Also if you think a hand is standard please say why it standard, as that will help me learn, here I just don't see the point in explaining as it's quite obvious.