i re-raise flop to prtoct our hand against fd/ overcards Posted by YOUNG_GUN
are you talking about the flop YG?
from the info dude has given (multitabler etc) hes unliikely to call our raise with overcards and he is only likely to continue if he has an OP or some sort of draw. (we dont know if villain double barrels draws) I dont see the point in raising the flop against this villian there is little value in it.
his bet sizing could be a decent way to read the strength of his hand here i would say you facing a big bet on river regardless of his hand. Personally i thing your either way ahead p against AK AQ or miles behind and he has 777 lol
FWIW, i flat flop, probably give up on turn. He could easily have a hand that beats us here according to your reads. He is initial raiser pre flop when he is usually a limp/caller, gives me a huge clue about the strength of his hand. He bets half pot on the flop, which i am always calling to see if i can float the turn but then he bets 3/4ish pot now he has a customer on the turn. Its conceivable he has a bigger overpair.
Dont think he has a set as he would have limped with any hand that made a set on this board pre flop (again, according to the reads you have given).
There have to be better spots than this to stack off with as he is shoving river imo.
raising this flop w/o a lot of history is just really really bad imo Posted by yb
Why is it bad?
I dis-agree mainly because your not going to like alot of turns/rivers and your not finding anything about your opponent by flatting. Also IMO you are giving them a chance to catch up, i agree we are either crushed or well ahead at the mo so raise to find out information. if we call and then call the safe turn what are you doing if they make a good bet on the rover if an ace hits? if its blank are you still calling any river and so on.
I dont think there are many turns and rivers which can make us confident we're ahead but thats just my 2 pennies worth
i would prob raise this flop....i see the argument that u get worse hands to fold, only better ones call etc... yada yada yada...
as young_gun there arent many turn/rivers were gonna like, he could barrel any broadway, any diamond (pickup backdoor f.draw)...he could barrel anything thinking were calling light...ALSO
i think this concept may apply here...
say opponent has exactly AK
flop is 7d-4s-5d
we hold 88
the pot is £1
villain still has 25% equity in this pot...which means on this flop he is entitled to 25 pence...now if we get him to fold...thats 25p gained
i would raise here because theres more likely an over card going to come on the turn so if u raise u get all ace highs to fold and if u get reraised i would say he got high pocket pair aces kings queens etc but i would raise here calling is ok but if an over card comes on the turn what would u do then ?
from the info dude has given (multitabler etc) hes unliikely to call our raise with overcards and he is only likely to continue if he has an OP or some sort of draw. (we dont know if villain double barrels draws) I dont see the point in raising the flop against this villian there is little value in it.
his bet sizing could be a decent way to read the strength of his hand here i would say you facing a big bet on river regardless of his hand. Personally i thing your either way ahead p against AK AQ or miles behind and he has 777 lol
I dis-agree mainly because your not going to like alot of turns/rivers and your not finding anything about your opponent by flatting. Also IMO you are giving them a chance to catch up, i agree we are either crushed or well ahead at the mo so raise to find out information. if we call and then call the safe turn what are you doing if they make a good bet on the rover if an ace hits? if its blank are you still calling any river and so on.
I dont think there are many turns and rivers which can make us confident we're ahead but thats just my 2 pennies worth