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Why is this site fixed???...
For e.g I have KJ Hurst05 a (Feeder for this site with his MTT ing) has KT s
Flop K4h 5s Js Turn and River another Spade i bet it well everytime and he rivers flush because he plays decent blind level's and feeds this site more than me!!
Auldernay or whatever its called need to look into this site it's a joke!!!!!
0 ·
don't be ridiculous
Hand History #433867668 (17:47 05/11/2011)
In Response to Fix..:
on a serious note if its hurting this much you should look to play lower levels and have tighter bankroll management. have more buy ins for the level you play and play through the bad times they happen to everyone
He could be big betting like alot of larger stacked Players do like to Play, Push Push Push..
Not Blaming him just the fact that he turned his 2nd rate hand into rivering the Flush and me being amazingly unlucky with having two Pair after betting it properly etc..
Too many times it happens against the Players who lose 100 then slap another 100 on in the blink of an eye who Bank Roll the site.
NOT BLAMING HURST, he is a decent Player/person on here! OK
Like now i just lost with QJ Flop Q and two low cards and shove being short stacked, get called by QT and he Rivers Ten..
P.s Huuuuuuume hates me anyway whenever he loves to me he moans so i'm expecting grief from him!!
And notice how the higher Blind Players are slating me on this thread..
I can Play where i like, just wished it was fairer against these Players who Bank roll this site, there are alot of other's that think the same as me..
I DONT MIND LOSING (kinda) just how!!
But Goodluck to you all x x
NOT blaming Hurst, just the fact he is one of the "Crew" of Players on here that get hand after hand against shorter stacked Players along with a few others!
I figure he has AK, K and another Card but i thought at first Bluff, hence my instant call!!!
Looking at it in the cold day of light the next Day, yeah he could have Flush but i'm moaning about the fact it was a hand i cant fold regardless and he has 2nd nuts IN THE END..
Tooooooo many times this happens against the Players at higher Stake level who Bank roll this site, just wished it didn't funk you over all the time, i like playing on here when it's fairer and if i get out played then i hold my hands up and think where could i have learned something from it..
But you cant learn anything against the Computer rake : (
OP, its not that unbeleivable a beat, he has 12 outs on the river. Backdoor flushes happen, esp when people flop TP then turn a flush draw
I think river is prob a b/f, not many players c/r bluff that river after you playing it so strongly and he never has a worse value hand. You have pretty good odds though, if he ever does this with missed hearts its hard to fold imo, its either a flush or a bluff nearly always. I would think hearts raise flop a lot though
as it is in the poker clinic you should be check folding the river unless your putting him on two hearts your not beating much
As you say in the cold light of day you can see where you went wrong calling that river shove , but hey fella surely you MUST have been in EXACTLY the same situation as hursty and done THIS to an oppo , we all have.
Gl at the tables
debs xx
What about players that feed the site but always bet bad beats then
plz think about it for once !!
if it is about good luck and bad luck when is it going to be my turn i have had more bad beats this mouth on her than i have had on full tilt in the past 5 years !
every mmt i have played in the past 31 days i have had a bad beat yet to be on the rigth side of a bad beat !
Its alderney btw and there is a link to it at the bottom of every page...and they do look into sky(and up to now have found nothing
Why would an organization like sky plant a few players and let them win?
they get the rake whoever wins.
why do the same people keep winning?.
because there game is so much better than yours/mine.
next time you see a "bad" player winning with bad calls etc sharkescope him.9 times out of 10 he will be a losing player.
hurst05 has been on sky for years and has improved his game at a steady pace and is now reaping some reward for his work.
This was very interesting reading some of the (Funnier) comments, i meant no offense to anyone and wish GL to all!!
Just how it seems to roll out is all i'm saying, but deep down i love you guys x : )