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Please don't push and shove there is plenty of room on this thread, so form an orderly Queue and please state why.!!!
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Go on guys an gals, Pander to her wishes.
Lots of attention on every thread.
LOL I read the other thread when den supposedly he thinks your not funny anymore.
You should just wrote, Im insecure because someone doesnt think im funny.
Please tell me im lots of nice things.
Ps your other thread is an open invitation to people to comment on what they think of you.
I certainly want zero comments on what you think of me simply because your opinion is of zero value.
Please don't shout everyone will hear you.? I'm not vain the song really is about me.!
You don't like me because I get lots of attention I'm chubby with fat fingers and not funny anymore.? Good call. !
My you are a "Angry Young Man" Did the Midwife slap the wrong end when you popped out.? You must have big muscles and be very strong to hold a grudge for so long. I must go on that diet and save money, however your money was not waisted on that Charisma by-pass.! Got me funny Mojo back me finks.! Girls on Top.
"Soon be Christmas Peace and Good Will to all " Hugs. ps, got fat toe's to. Am I Bovvered.?
LOL you stupid, stupid people, My post wasnt a discussion, just a statement.
And, also an invited statement, If I reply to her post by starting my own post and simply posting a full stop it is the very least confrontational way of giving negative feedback(Or iwas it only possitive feedback that was wanted?).
However, I am totally devistated and might not recover LMAO That, A Person that Uses his own personal problems as ammunition(donut) Scary Scary man, I honestly would Rather you never Reply to anything I say as I am obliged to respond and would rather do without the emotional blackmail.
Plus, A deranged woman(chucky) Also very very scary who would push you farther into your self confessed mental problems and thirdly a paige55, Someone who deffo has more than 55 paiges missing frm her book,
Reads posts all wrong, lol In a strange way I kinda like her for her childish ignorance.
The other dude who commented, fair play sir, You just comment on what you see, But, mibi, Just mibi?? You dont see it all.
As for no abilities(donut)(And you are correctly named as you truly are a pure DONUT), I use this site for what its intended(To make money playing poker) And do so at a level that you three losers will never reach.
You three use this site to do all you can do, Bump your Gums.
Ps I invited Zero comment, Your stupidity astounds me.
I agree I am not a good Poker player but I am not such a rubbish person that I use this forum to put others down.
Yes I have problems, but I admitted mine and have sought out help. I think you should do the same because if you dont admit to your problem then you are in a worse place than me.
Anyway I hope that you find some way of filling an obvious gap in your life, which you make so clear with the things you write.
One thing more Peter dont judge others if you dont want to be judged yourself!
All the best!
I am not judging you either, I dont need to, You have already told everyone you have mental probs and have thought about killing yourself. You are the one who knows didly squat about me, ill be the judge of my contentment, Trust me when I tell you this, I am very very blessed in my life, I have a wonderful beautiful intelligent wife, I make my living from playing poker, I live on a stunningly beautiful island, My family are all happy successful and healthy and I personaly am truly happy.
Now, I am the judge of that, You are the judge of how you feel, Can you spot the difference?????.
I will ask you one more time in a cival way, Please dont respond to any of my post as they wont ever include you,
If you do in future, I will probs get a ban from this forum because I wont hold back, So keep your pathetic lonely pity driven life out of mine.
Maybe you are someone who likes to get involved with things that dont concern you, I dont know.
Maybe you just made a miscalculation,, I dont know.
I hold no grugde with you, I after consideration think your somewhat misguided.
LOL Now you hilariously dilusionaly think you have godlike powers to redeem people.
I dont recognise community and have no compulsion to be a part of any community, Thats your bag, I am me, I say what I think regardless of what anyone thinks.
Free thinker, always was always will be, You can continue to be a sheep, Bahhhh Bahhhh.
Lol girls on top!!!!! There must be a bloody crane in your room.
If I want comment it will be obvious, When you posted your pathetic give me some loveing post I thought , How bloody stupid is this excuse for a woman??? Is there no end of it??? Stupidity + infinity=Logdon me thinks.