ive met devilfish twice in the flesh and ive gotta say hes a real nice bloke and really down to earth, i think the poker devilfish and the off table devilfish are two different people, what was said to sim was clearly out of line, he probs didnt realise how offending hes comment was Posted by robyoung
the poker devilfish & the "normal" devilfish, it dont matter how you put it he was way out of line
my poker hero is devilfish , never see him on tv anymore , did sky invite him to the cashgame ? and also can sky get him on 865 would be good to get him to analize some hands !!! some of the best and funniest tv poker moments come as the fish played helmuth on late night poker , does anybody knowwhere ican get a devilfish dvd ???? Posted by cosanostra
devilfish is the man who made poker for english players, before him we was a joke he took on the americans and cleaned them out hes won 5 million.a wsop braclet and had 2 books which ive read. hes a mans man who used to crack safes for a living he inspired me 2 give up crime 4 poker and dont believe that rubbish about racist remarks hes a legend and no english player will do what hes done again..
In Response to devilfish v helmuth : devilfish is the man who made poker for english players, before him we was a joke he took on the americans and cleaned them out hes won 5 million.a wsop braclet and had 2 books which ive read. hes a mans man who used to crack safes for a living he inspired me 2 give up crime 4 poker and dont believe that rubbish about racist remarks hes a legend and no english player will do what hes done again.. Posted by 2good4tv81
Hi there 2Good4tv81
If you read the thread you'll see that the individual who the remark was made to has commented on this thread. So we are not talking, "I heard , that someone else heard that he may have said ..." The comments were directed at a well respected memeber of the Sky Poker community so I would hardly describe it as "rubbish"
In Response to Re: devilfish v helmuth : Hi there 2Good4tv81 If you read the thread you'll see that the individual who the remark was made to has commented on this thread. So we are not talking, " I heard , that someone else heard that he may have said ... " The comments were directed at a well respected memeber of the Sky Poker community so I would hardly describe it as "rubbish" Posted by JockBMW
ok the man made a mistake and its understandable that offence was caused but hes still a legend and the man who made it easier for english players to get respect of course now theres players who has sicker moves and are young and fearless but the mans won 5 million playing poker you cant argue with that......
2good4tv81 yes devilfish is the 1 that got me into poker watching late nite poker back in the day but to say no englishmen could do what hes done hmmmm i expect jake cody sam trickett and many young brits whiz kids have won more the dave ulliot already in there career
In Response to Re: devilfish v helmuth : makes me laugh when people slate hull for no reason, alot of the sky community are from hull, so not a very nice comment to make, even if you dont like the place keep your thoughts to yourself Posted by robyoung
You the Rob Young I went to Amsterdam with by any chance? (Sams Stag Do)
In Response to Re: devilfish v helmuth : ok the man made a mistake and its understandable that offence was caused but hes still a legend and the man who made it easier for english players to get respect of course now theres players who has sicker moves and are young and fearless but the mans won 5 million playing poker you cant argue with that...... Posted by 2good4tv81
just because as you say he put poker on the map for english players & hes won millions does not make his remarks ok. lol you say hes the best thing since sliced bread on your 1st post, then on your 2nd accept hes wrong. if your going to defend him make it more than 1 1/2 posts lol
I think it's sad there are so many negative comments in this thread!!!!
I'm finding it hard to evaluate which is worse!:
Making an alleged racist comment at a live poker game Or Slating a true legend of English Poker, without giving him an opportunity to defend himself.
both are indefensible!
I believe Devilfish should be invited into the Studio! Political correctness has gone wrong when you are only allowed to hear one persons side of an alleged incident
If the man is truly a bad apple how come Sky's poker experts have recounted countless great tales about the man and hold him in such high esteem?
With regard to sensorship I believe he would be reasoned and informative if he appeared on the show!
I like many others have met the man in public in situations where he was mixing with multi ethnic guests, and found him to be charming to all!
I find the bigoted comments in this thread more disturbing!
I went to Uni in Hull for 3 years. Its a cracking place and the people are friendly.
I met Mr Ulliot in 2008 at the WSOP. He was happy for pictures to be taken and I watched his interview with Sky which was hilarious. (done by Norman Pace if i recall)
I think he would be the perfect guest on the show for entertainment reasons but it would defo require a delay and a bleep machine, due to his nature.
I think that the comment he allegedly made on the table with Sim was probably not intended in a racist manner at all, and was his idea of light humour. But that doesn't make it acceptable ofc. But i don't think he should be lynched for it without haing the chance to reply.
I love the fact that these so-called-pc people think it's ok to slate someone from being from a certain part of a country, but then totally lambast someone for slating someone who comes from a certain part of land which happens to be on the other side of a land border.
'He's racist but then he is from Hull' you people are ridiculous. Is that any less offensive than saying 'yeah he's a moron but then he is Indian'?
I guess it's ok to offend someone based on their origins as long as they're white and from within this country.
To be honest, (not to rain on your parade) but I used to watch Late Night Poker about 10+ years ago when he was on it and I really liked it, but since becoming an adult I've seen him again and I dunno if he's changed or my views have changed but I think he's a complete and utter doorknob! Some people don't like Hellmuth but I find it hard to believe anyone could think Hellmuth is a bigger bosom than Devilfish. Posted by Lambert180
I'm pretty sure Devilfish speaks highly of you too!
Look---- The geezer is a cowboy for flopsake!--- Obviously he is not allowed to take his gun into a club, hence his personal preference---- Am I sexist because I prefer a club with no men?
Well the Devilfish is certainly one of those guys who seems to be either loved or loathed.I cant really be bothered with him or Hellmuth but i cant deny they are good entertainment when on TV.
My thoughts on Devilfish are that all the bluster is to hide his insecurity,maybe i am way off the mark there but it is what i think.
Perfect example... I assume alot of you have seen his 'top tip' they use for filler inbetween shows on 861. He's asked to do give a top tip and he can't manage a 5 second clip without swearing. No way he'd get through 4-5 hours.
PS- in before closed
Devil fish - Reminds me of alex higgins -
I'm finding it hard to evaluate which is worse!:
Making an alleged racist comment at a live poker game
Slating a true legend of English Poker, without giving him an opportunity to defend himself.
both are indefensible!
I believe Devilfish should be invited into the Studio!
Political correctness has gone wrong when you are only allowed to hear one persons side of an alleged incident
If the man is truly a bad apple how come Sky's poker experts have recounted countless great tales about the man and hold him in such high esteem?
With regard to sensorship I believe he would be reasoned and informative if he appeared on the show!
I like many others have met the man in public in situations where he was mixing with multi ethnic guests, and found him to be charming to all!
I find the bigoted comments in this thread more disturbing!
I went to Uni in Hull for 3 years. Its a cracking place and the people are friendly.
I met Mr Ulliot in 2008 at the WSOP. He was happy for pictures to be taken and I watched his interview with Sky which was hilarious. (done by Norman Pace if i recall)
I think he would be the perfect guest on the show for entertainment reasons but it would defo require a delay and a bleep machine, due to his nature.
I think that the comment he allegedly made on the table with Sim was probably not intended in a racist manner at all, and was his idea of light humour. But that doesn't make it acceptable ofc. But i don't think he should be lynched for it without haing the chance to reply.
Interesting thread.
ran·cid adj.1. Having the disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oils or fats;
'He's racist but then he is from Hull' you people are ridiculous. Is that any less offensive than saying 'yeah he's a moron but then he is Indian'?
I guess it's ok to offend someone based on their origins as long as they're white and from within this country.
My thoughts on Devilfish are that all the bluster is to hide his insecurity,maybe i am way off the mark there but it is what i think.
devilfish -100
only heard bad stuff about this person......yuk