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Logic to explain to those who say this site is fixed.
It's either...
(A) the site is fixed
(B) you are paranoid
it is defo one or the other.
mind you, the more you assert that it is "A" the more certain that it is "B".
0 ·
quod erat demonstrandum
but what about option..........................
Which is you actually have NO PROOF whatsoever either way.
Not a dig or anything BUT just an observation
Its just like fruit machines some people make money from the machines imperfection without paranoia
So if people wanna say its FIXED then i say prove it then.
If people say its NOT FIXED i say prove it then.
In the meantime im gonna play some pokerz
I dont claim to know either way. I do see things that I'm not comfortable with. But there are parrellells with live, which is my prefferred format.
I have to agree with something grantorino said a while back. That we can play but we have to have a level of reasonable skepticism. We arent dealing with a corprate entity that is beyond reproach, nor an industry that is beyond reproach, far from it infact. So to cast people in polar opposites as believers and paranoids in midly offensive.
I do think that if people firmly believe that online is rigged they should let their feet do the talking, rather than wallow in frustration.
But it must be nice for the industry to have people so eager to sow the propagands.
I'll be honest and say that I find something amiss with online. Based upon being a live semi pro. Does this make me paranoid? I am simply putting to use my knowledge and experience of the live game in parrellel to online.
I totally concede there are elements to the formats that are hugely different, causing huge differences in experiences. But I think its massively unfair to apply such blanket perceptions as "Believer or Paranoid".
It is only fixed for some of the people, some of the time, in some of the games, on some of the tables.
Hope you are enjoying your TSP Rob! Is one of the conditions of being a member to come on here belittling folk?
.....soz DOH & Daveyzz, it doesn't work the other way round!!
Unless you think Sky know that the person in the 2 hands you posted "kerry9" is going to shove with junk that most people would muck pre flop even at nl4? And that you will call or go allin yourself? They were just enjoying themselves and got very lucky. See tehm another night and you'll stack them.
Of course "kerry9" could be a skybot!!!! but even then how would thay know you'd call with 44?
Good luck at the tables
n Response to Logic to explain to those who say this site is fixed.: Logic to explain site is not fixed
(a) the site is not fixed
(b) You beleive everything sky tell you
The more you assert it is "A" the more certain it is "B"
Using logic wrongly is fuuuuun