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Kings against Aces.... SEVEN times in THREE days
Just to expand on my previous post about sky poker been fixed.... i have now had KK seven times in the last 3 days, your fist thought might be 'you lucky sod' well it shouldnt be, because EVERY time i had them i was up against ACES... now im sorry that is not a coinsedence, that is a bloody FIX
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Must be sky's xmas pressie to the tables, load pocket aces up against other high pairs
touch me
obviously you couldnt win the second time!..elsadog would of just flicked his boom switch
besideswhich the excuse not to find his losing hands is utter nonsense. According to his last post he has lost £100 or more over last week. now unless he has lost every hand he has played, then there are some Buy in sized losses there. Just search function to losses over x amount - bobs your uncle there they are. Time is money though so nderstand if he doesnt want to.
i used to lose every straight on the river too,,,,shed loads of KK Vs AA......doesnt seem to happen so much anymore. Imaginations a funny thing
Not been in area51 for months, i will be coming everyday from now on, its such a laugh.
Should be called 'Comedians Corner' not area51
they then embelish the truth to the point of aa v kk "7" times because if they moan about it only being twice no one will take notice.
ps you are right..if he shows hh of 7x kk v aa it does not prove sky is fixed.
the reason i think it is untrue is because it comes from a "sky is fixed" is quite plausible that someone who plays a lot will get kk v aa quite a few times,
Daveyzz... ive posted 2 KK v AA hands already, i dont need to post the other 5 just to prove you wrong, it seems to me that you enjoy disagreeing with people for fun! Yes i agree the more you play the more likely it is to happen, but SEVEN times in THREE days?? i think not! and in my opinion, the reason i think it is rigged is because there is ALWAYS atleast 2 big handsin a deal which creates 'action' but yet in live play 2 or more players rarely get 'big' hands every deal like you do on this site. Your entitlted to your opinion,but dont criticise other peoples just because you 'think' your right
then listen at the bar at the break in each bar and you will get thousands of tales of "impossible" hands.
You called him a liar, he posted some of the evidence. And not even the decency to apologise