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Diary of the new kids challenge!!
Hi All
Sorry for starting another diary thread, but i really need your help!!.
I joined Sky poker in October last year and have tinkered with all formats of the game with little direction,focus or success!! Before October I knew nothing about poker what so ever and had never played, But since joining the site I have become totally obsessed! The aim of my challenge with the aid of the forum regs is to turn a complete newbie fish into a half decent player!! I want to start at 4NL cash and look to work my way up from there, I have a starting BR of £150 and intend to play between 4-6 tables. I will look to post HH on a regular basis to get some honest feed back on things i have done well and not so well. The ultimate goal would be to have a BR to tackle NL20 by the years end, not sure if this is realistic?? As previously mentioned i genuinely have no poker experience and really really need all your guys help for this challenge to work.
Many thanks in advance
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play your premium hands and be big if hit.
from being on same table this afternoon you have the patience!
good luck
anything is possible
all depends on just how serious you are,i guess.
in my opinion,i,m thinking nl20 is a big ask,
especially as you say you are a newbie.
think you should tackle the challenge in stages,
firstly;play nl4 on a couple of tables,
then progress to 4 then 6.
if you can increase bank roll to £300+
then why not try nl10.
then if you are still winning and can get up to around £500+
have a shot at nl20.
don,t forget,
it,s never a straight road to the nxt level,
there will undoubtedly be downswings,
and you must ensure you are rolled for each level.
you certainly don,t want to be risking more than 10%
of your b/roll at any one time,
ideally 5%.
best wishes though wayne,
and hope you run well,
especially at the start,
as this will deffo encourage you with your challenge!
keep your poker simple ABC big hand - big bet
Thanks for the initial input, Much appreciated. Above are the biggest winning and losing hands of the day.
Looking back at the big loosing hand feel like such a clown!! More interested in the winning hand, Was there more value to be had? All opinions welcomed. Steady start to the challenge up £5.36 for the day.
Starting BR £150
Current BR 155.36
Enjoying the Diary. I'm fairly new to the game, like yourself, BUT don't play cash so advice is short. Personally, I prefer to focus on reviewing my losing hands. I think I learn much more from them. It sounds like you prob know where you erred.
The cash players on this forum are EXCELLENT at giving advice! BEWARE tho if they sense another fish in the pool...doo doo doo doo! (that's the Jaws theme in case you were wondering!)
Good luck
as played you defo need to bet turn. the check after the check raise stinks of weakness and this is the point you could have got more into the pot. got to ask why doea jh scare him to check?
on 44 hand,
you could have raised up to 20p,ish,pre-flop.
1/2 pot bet on turn is fine,
could be 3/4 maybe.
worst card poss on river,spade.
what can u do...
think money was always going in,
just unlucky.
88 hand,
again,could raise up pre-flop..20p,ish
take control,
once u bet 48p on turn and get re-raised 48p,
got to think he has trip 9,s or poss got 88 beat.
deffo check river,
and see how much xxxx bets.
easy after the hand though...
as you say ,silly mistake.
thing is to take all the time bar to decide your move,
if you still think it is an all-in ,go 4 it.
keep going buddy...
early days
I can only reiterate what the guys are saying bet for value when you have a hand and exploit the mistakes your opponents make.
I really enjoy playing at nl4 and hope you do as well mate.
Felt i played really poorly yesterday so pleased to only have a small loss at the end. Im wanting to keep a proper record of my results and was wondering if anyone new any links to ideas for spreadsheets or new of any decent ways of recording results themselves. Thanks to all that have contributed thus far.
Played alot better today learning quickly that patience is key at this level. Still one or two silly errors that cost me but overall much happier. One thing I need to develop though is extracting max value from my strong hands as on several occasions I missed out big style! Will post an example below, when the jack falls on the turn im thinking he could have the straight so check instead of betting again, this is happening alot when 3 to a flush or straight are on the board im convinced they have got there and so scared to fire another bullet, Any help on this would be much appreciated!!
CURRENT BR £159.44
Making slow but steady progress which im pleased with. Still running quite well which is a big help!! I no im going to get some run bad at some point but am prepared for that. Question for the day, Im about to begin my session and am wondering is the standard generally better on a weekday day as opposed to a weekday night or weekend?? or is there till enough value out there to make it worth while??
CURRENT BR £ 173.36
As before still moving in the right direction slowly but surley!! Still looking for some advice on a spreadsheet, Graph or someway of tracking my sessions?? Plus What profit should we be looking to make per hour? Or are we happy with any kind of profit. Thought would be welcome.
as i am grinding @ nl4 myself
i,m no expert,but myself i,m happy
if i can finish the session with any profit,
as i know only too well how easy it is
to end up losing sometimes,
even when you feel you,ve played ok.
i,m sure others will have diferent views
as to what you should/could be making.
as tiger woods says,
"a w,s a w."
(a win,s a win.)
best wishes...