Worst Day of challenge so far, Lots of play bad + some run bad = Big hole in BR!!!!!
Lost around 4 buy ins today mostly through my own errors. Need to be more patient and wait for the big hands to come. Tried at bit of HU today and really enjoyed it although was a buy in down through that, not sure if playing HU is a good idea at my level of experience?? Is there more variance involved?? Will post in General Poker thread also for more advice on the subject. Anyways back to the grind. Good Luck at the tables.
hi wayne, not played much hu myself wayne, so can,t help there, i am guessing though there will be some who only play hu, so beware of them. u really do have 2 b patient,especially over a long session,as you have found out. every little mistake does add up at the end of play. i,ve made plenty myself so i know only too well. what i do,especially with any big ones is to try and learn from them, and hopefully not to make the same ones again. keep positive, u r still good at £172
Not played a great deal over last few days, but have slowly started to grind the BR back in the right direction!! Will try to post a few more hands to get some honest feed back as I think im making the same mistakes and not learning from them!! Does anyone else tend to keep notes at NL4?? At the min I only separate players into Value and Grinder category?? Good luck at the tables
Have finally managed to bump the BR beyond the £200 mark!! Feel im playing quite well at the min but have realised I still have so much to learn. Have been playing alot of HU SNG at the £1 and £2 levels and have found these quite soft so something I may consider pursuing of the next couple of weeks. Although probably BR for NL8 I have no intention moving up the cash levels at the min as i dont think my game is good enough at present, the plan is to continue to grind NL4 and the micro HU SNG till the end of the month try and make another £20-£30 profit and reasses at the start of March. Big thanks to all those that have posted in the thread. Good luck at the tables
doing well mate i make notes on players at nl4 - you'll probably see them at nl8 at some point in the future. mine are detailed as far as possible to start with (hand/s example), then tailored to a few words after some time.
doing well mate i make notes on players at nl4 - you'll probably see them at nl8 at some point in the future. mine are detailed as far as possible to start with (hand/s example), then tailored to a few words after some time. good luck Posted by walesboy
Good Advice mate, Think I need to make my notes a little more detailed rather than just grinder or value, not so much for NL4 but think it will be a good habit to get into if and when i move up the levels!! As of today im going to start recording my sessions in more detail breaking it down into hands played time of day played BB/100 hands etc. Just a quickie regarding BB/100 what sort of return are we looking at to be classed as beating/crushing levels, Posted a similar question in General poker thread but with little response any advice welcome.
Decent session today at NL4 felt I played pretty average but ran unbelievably well, Applologies to all the players I sucked out on!! Played a couple of HU SNG and broke even, really feel that HU does improve your game through the betting streets and would advise any newbie to give it ago at the low stakes, have tried to turbo levels but found the standard 10 min levels suit my game best. Will maybe start to open a couple of NL8 tables up just to observe and make notes over the next few days. Good luck at the tables.
Thanks for the kind words guys much appreciated and keeps me determined to carry on the grind. Not played much for last couple of days due to work, but have just put a 3 hour session in this afternoon and hope to play a little more tonight whilst watching the Rams crush Leicester at Pride Park !! Lost a little on the cash tables this afternoon, but made up for that on the HU SNG so all is good at present. Have to say im enjoying reading all the diaries on the go at the min and with this in mind I will endeavour to type some non related poker chat in the coming posts as I have really enjoyed reading Tommy D'S diary. Good Luck at the tables.
Well coming towards the end of the first month of the challenge and to be fair I have to be pleased with the progress iv'e made thus far. Although my poker game still has more leaks than the Titanic im slowly but surley improving my game on a daily basis. The most important thing I have learnt so far, particularly at my level is discipline and patience no need for anything fancy just sit tight and get paid with the big hands!! Saying that patience is still something I would class as a leak at present and im still getting tempted by those little Suited Connectors!! only to end up spewing money. Have started reading the poker blue print by Tri Nguyen and although a little complex and advance for me at present there is plenty of useful micro stakes advice. Bad night last night with the Rams losing at home and me losing 2 buy ins at the tables but came back positive today and thankfully ground out a steady profit. Tried something a bit different today and played HU at NL8 ran pretty good and ended up making around £10 profit. Once again thanks for all the well wishing and support.
UPDATE Well coming towards the end of the first month of the challenge and to be fair I have to be pleased with the progress iv'e made thus far. Although my poker game still has more leaks than the Titanic im slowly but surley improving my game on a daily basis. The most important thing I have learnt so far, particularly at my level is discipline and patience no need for anything fancy just sit tight and get paid with the big hands!! Saying that patience is still something I would class as a leak at present and im still getting tempted by those little Suited Connectors!! only to end up spewing money. Have started reading the poker blue print by Tri Nguyen and although a little complex and advance for me at present there is plenty of useful micro stakes advice. Bad night last night with the Rams losing at home and me losing 2 buy ins at the tables but came back positive today and thankfully ground out a steady profit. Tried something a bit different today and played HU at NL8 ran pretty good and ended up making around £10 profit. Once again thanks for all the well wishing and support. Wayne Posted by WINKY911
Put quite a big cash and HU SNG session in today with decent results. BR still going in the right direction so happy days. Will put a few more hours in tomorrow and try and get the BR up to the £250 mark which would be excellent. As tomorrow will be my last day of the month for poker due to work I want to have some clearly defined goals in place for the start of March so will spend some time thinking about that over the next 24 hours. Have really enjoyed the challenge so far and hopefully I can continue with some run good into March!!
Put quite a big cash and HU SNG session in today with decent results. BR still going in the right direction so happy days. Will put a few more hours in tomorrow and try and get the BR up to the £250 mark which would be excellent. As tomorrow will be my last day of the month for poker due to work I want to have some clearly defined goals in place for the start of March so will spend some time thinking about that over the next 24 hours. Have really enjoyed the challenge so far and hopefully I can continue with some run good into March!! STARTING BR £150 CURRENT BR £ 242.97 Posted by WINKY911
Good idea to have goals as it keeps you focused as you have something to aim for, only thing I'd say is be careful having a monatary goal as it can be disheartening when you go on a bad run (which will happen unless you run perma good).
I personally find having a C4P target easier as you can plan how much volume is needed etc then any profits you make will just come when they do instead of feeling pressured to win, but again set an attainable points target that won't destroy you.
Well that's the first month of the challenge over and looking back I have to say that im over the moon with the results!! At the beginning of Feb I had no cash experience and was going nowhere but with hard work and with help from all on the forum I have managed to grind out a decent profit at this level. This been said I realise that im only scratching the surface of the knowledge and skill required to move up the stakes, So will continue to work hard and try to improve in the months ahead. What I have learnt in my challenge so far is that patience is key particularly at this level there is no need for anything fancy, solid ABC poker tends to get the job done, anyone reading this who is just starting out cant go wrong in readings DOHHHHH'S stratergy for beating micro stakes. I also think having the ability to multi-table is important as this helps with not becoming bored and playing marginal hands.
Looking forward to March I have set myself several goals to keep me focused and motivated. In response to Dudeskins post above I think he makes an excellent point about not setting yourself monetary goals as this can become dangerous as I found for myself when I ended up pushing to hard to reach the £250 goal by the month end, I got there just in the end but that was through more good luck than good play and wont be something I will be repeating!! As long as im improving and playing good poker the money side of things should take care of itself.
The key word for March is DISCIPLINE in everything I do poker related weather it be playing,studying or posting HH etc I am determined to be 100% committed to the cause. Below is a list of goals that I want to achieve in March.
Increase tables to 6 (Can currently play 4 comfortably 5 at a push!!) Make 1500 CFP Improve my SS Graph( Currently -£152) Begin to open some NL8 tables to gain experience and get some notes(not necessarily play at this level) Continue to improve and most importantly ENJOY. As always any help/advice/constructive criticism always welcome.
Made a nice quick start to March which is good. Starting to feel pretty comfortable with my game and things are falling into place nicely at the mo. One thing I want to work on this month is bet sizing and extracting max value from hands so will be looking to post some examples in the diary for analysis. Managed to play 5 tables all session today so may start to add a sixth over the next few days and see how things go.
Cheers for the kind words Devon matey I really hope my game is improving and im not just on a big heater at the mo!! Nice to see you smashing the DYM'S again keep up the good work will follow with interest. Took the day of cash yesterday to play some HU SNG in an attempt to improve my SS Graph played 50 at the £1 stake winning 25 and loosing 25!! so down on the rake for the day, played pretty poor to be fair so no complaints. Back off to the tables now to continue the cash grind.
Thanks Devon, Think your probably right a win is a win!!. Reading your diary with intrest keep up the good work.
don't worry about your oppo folding, there stations - they won't fold
Just make profit and work towards moving up levels, any profit is good
reach £200 - take a crack at NL8 - rinse & repeat
Worst Day of challenge so far, Lots of play bad + some run bad = Big hole in BR!!!!!
Lost around 4 buy ins today mostly through my own errors. Need to be more patient and wait for the big hands to come. Tried at bit of HU today and really enjoyed it although was a buy in down through that, not sure if playing HU is a good idea at my level of experience?? Is there more variance involved?? Will post in General Poker thread also for more advice on the subject.
Anyways back to the grind. Good Luck at the tables.
not played much hu myself wayne,
so can,t help there,
i am guessing though there will be some
who only play hu, so beware of them.
u really do have 2 b patient,especially
over a long session,as you have found out.
every little mistake does add up at the end of play.
i,ve made plenty myself so i know only too well.
what i do,especially with any big ones
is to try and learn from them,
and hopefully not to make the same ones again.
keep positive,
u r still good at £172
Not played a great deal over last few days, but have slowly started to grind the BR back in the right direction!! Will try to post a few more hands to get some honest feed back as I think im making the same mistakes and not learning from them!! Does anyone else tend to keep notes at NL4?? At the min I only separate players into Value and Grinder category?? Good luck at the tables
Have finally managed to bump the BR beyond the £200 mark!! Feel im playing quite well at the min but have realised I still have so much to learn. Have been playing alot of HU SNG at the £1 and £2 levels and have found these quite soft so something I may consider pursuing of the next couple of weeks.
Although probably BR for NL8 I have no intention moving up the cash levels at the min as i dont think my game is good enough at present, the plan is to continue to grind NL4 and the micro HU SNG till the end of the month try and make another £20-£30 profit and reasses at the start of March. Big thanks to all those that have posted in the thread.
Good luck at the tables
CURRENT BR £202.87
i make notes on players at nl4 - you'll probably see them at nl8 at some point in the future.
mine are detailed as far as possible to start with (hand/s example), then tailored to a few words after some time.
good luck
As of today im going to start recording my sessions in more detail breaking it down into hands played time of day played BB/100 hands etc. Just a quickie regarding BB/100 what sort of return are we looking at to be classed as beating/crushing levels, Posted a similar question in General poker thread but with little response any advice welcome.
Good luck at the tables.
CURRENT BR £ 221.76
Not played much for last couple of days due to work, but have just put a 3 hour session in this afternoon and hope to play a little more tonight whilst watching the Rams crush Leicester at Pride Park !!
Lost a little on the cash tables this afternoon, but made up for that on the HU SNG so all is good at present.
Have to say im enjoying reading all the diaries on the go at the min and with this in mind I will endeavour to type some non related poker chat in the coming posts as I have really enjoyed reading Tommy D'S diary.
Good Luck at the tables.
CURRENT BR £229.54
Hows the cash grind going buddy?
as i am just about to write an up-date.
Well coming towards the end of the first month of the challenge and to be fair I have to be pleased with the progress iv'e made thus far. Although my poker game still has more leaks than the Titanic im slowly but surley improving my game on a daily basis.
The most important thing I have learnt so far, particularly at my level is discipline and patience no need for anything fancy just sit tight and get paid with the big hands!! Saying that patience is still something I would class as a leak at present and im still getting tempted by those little Suited Connectors!! only to end up spewing money.
Have started reading the poker blue print by Tri Nguyen and although a little complex and advance for me at present there is plenty of useful micro stakes advice.
Bad night last night with the Rams losing at home and me losing 2 buy ins at the tables but came back positive today and thankfully ground out a steady profit. Tried something a bit different today and played HU at NL8 ran pretty good and ended up making around £10 profit.
Once again thanks for all the well wishing and support.
CURRENT BR £ 232.26
nice work.
CURRENT BR £ 242.97
Well that's the first month of the challenge over and looking back I have to say that im over the moon with the results!! At the beginning of Feb I had no cash experience and was going nowhere but with hard work and with help from all on the forum I have managed to grind out a decent profit at this level. This been said I realise that im only scratching the surface of the knowledge and skill required to move up the stakes, So will continue to work hard and try to improve in the months ahead.
What I have learnt in my challenge so far is that patience is key particularly at this level there is no need for anything fancy, solid ABC poker tends to get the job done, anyone reading this who is just starting out cant go wrong in readings DOHHHHH'S stratergy for beating micro stakes. I also think having the ability to multi-table is important as this helps with not becoming bored and playing marginal hands.
Looking forward to March I have set myself several goals to keep me focused and motivated. In response to Dudeskins post above I think he makes an excellent point about not setting yourself monetary goals as this can become dangerous as I found for myself when I ended up pushing to hard to reach the £250 goal by the month end, I got there just in the end but that was through more good luck than good play and wont be something I will be repeating!! As long as im improving and playing good poker the money side of things should take care of itself.
The key word for March is DISCIPLINE in everything I do poker related weather it be playing,studying or posting HH etc I am determined to be 100% committed to the cause.
Below is a list of goals that I want to achieve in March.
Increase tables to 6 (Can currently play 4 comfortably 5 at a push!!)
Make 1500 CFP
Improve my SS Graph( Currently -£152)
Begin to open some NL8 tables to gain experience and get some notes(not necessarily play at this level)
Continue to improve
and most importantly ENJOY.
As always any help/advice/constructive criticism always welcome.
See You in March
CURRENT BR £ 250.53
CURRENT BR £283.18
Cheers for the kind words Devon matey I really hope my game is improving and im not just on a big heater at the mo!! Nice to see you smashing the DYM'S again keep up the good work will follow with interest.
Took the day of cash yesterday to play some HU SNG in an attempt to improve my SS Graph played 50 at the £1 stake winning 25 and loosing 25!! so down on the rake for the day, played pretty poor to be fair so no complaints. Back off to the tables now to continue the cash grind.
CURRENT BR £ 279.63