Hi don, hope your feeling better today. I remember when we used to play the £2.20@2.20 a year or 2 back. What fun that was, i was new to the game and i really enjoyed the banter of those tournaments. In a very shot space of time i had managed a second in the doublestack, my first main event final table (after losing HU to tikay if i remember rightly). Every time i played that small £2.20 tournament i went over my hands, my losing hands, winning hands and exit hands, made a mental note and attempted to improve next game. My game improved rapidly. Up until recently i had stopped doing that, after one week of starting again i had won the open. It is SO SO SO SO SO important to be critical of your play, go over hands you have played badly and REMEMBER what you are doing wrong and learn from this. If your really stuck on playing tourneys and not cash then you can reduce variance. Play deepstacks with good structures. Forget 1$ turbos etc play small tourneys that will let you play for longer periods. If you play tight and solid you can suffer some bad beats and still go deep and win. Also don't multi table mtts. Personally i find it hard to get the crucial reads that are needed to win when playing lots of them. Obviously the better players on here that do that regularly can multi table with ease and still maintain a high standard of play but it takes alot of practise, so play one or two tables and really focus. Turn off your music, or tv, or film, or anything and FOCUS on what your doing. Also one more thing i found works for me recently. When your running bad your big hands are often getting busted but how often have you got busted when your all in pre. For example getting it in with 1010-kk and getting busted by that killer Ax hand. Try just calling with your big hands pre, seeing a safe flop or using a read to play your hand rather than trusting luck even if you are a 90-20 fave. Maybe not the standard way of playing it but i have found it is a safer way, as long as you are willing to accept one time in 20 you will get outdrawn. Sorry for ranting a load of rubbish, beats are part of the game mate, everybody needs luck to win don, if your getting unlucky then you've just got to accept that there is NOTHING you could do about it and move on. If your getting it in behind, or committing your stack too early even if you are ahead then there is SOMETHING you can do, but you have to understand where you are going wrong and be willing to change as often it is something you do without even realising. There is no doubt you have the ability to do well, toughen up your mind a bit and focus on improving. As long as your playing poker your getting bad beats its part of the game and poker wouldn't be anything without them. Gl sir Posted by Wacko90
When did i ever ignore advice from anyone??? I dont recall i ever have. If your referring to the MGOP issue then thats different. I took advice to get it and i did read it. I didnt think it helped me personally. I never took a beat in the manner the book expressed. Again this means me going into persoanl issues that i will not go into. I will however state i have never ignored any advice without debating my point and usually hats a friendly debate. Posted by The_Don90
Regards The Mental Game Of Poker book. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by never taking a beat in the manner the book expressed.
It's a book that covers all aspects of the mental side of the game, it's not for one particular problem.
It's also not a book I think you can just read cover to cover and be done with it. There's loads of exercises for you to continuously work on to improve all aspects of the mental side from staying motivated, tilt issues, staying focused etc.
Dealing with varience and resulting tilt is, I think, the most important aspect of poker and one that is very frequently overlooked. Variance affects all players who play poker both adversly and possitivly. The other night I ran into a set over set situation where I had tens and some fish (playing 90vpip/3pfr) had jacks. "nevermind I thought, I'll just win it back off him later" I thought. Hit a ten on the river. It got me thinking about the times that I have had players hit rediculous runner-runner beats (like the time my ace flush was out drawn by one pair to make a full house). I remember these bad beats more vividly than I remember the times that I came from behind.
I'm going to find that HH of the quad tens and put it as my screensaver or something.
ah well it was worth a try. i genuinely wish you good luck and won't contribute to this thread again. obviously you can find me on Twitter if anything I've said upset you 'I'm out of here, like everyone else, I've tried very hard to help. Time to move on, I need to walk the dog.' Posted by huuuuume
i believe i asked when i ever refused advice. i never said i wasnt listening,
Also in reply to later comment. MGOP referrs to poker problems. My mental issues are more than just poker based. Its much more complex than that
Hi Don, If your head is all over the place whether it be poker related or personal issues then I would have a break from playing. If you are not enjoying the game I can't see the point in playing at the min.
I would take some time out, resolve any issues you may have, start enjoying life and come back playing in a few weeks with a smile on your face. I went through a spell where I was just playing for playing's sake, I wasn't enjoying it.....I took 2 weeks off and found I was soon itching to play again and more importantly I started enjoying it again.
Obviously I don't know what's going on in your personal life mate but if it is affecting your mental state as it seems to be then poker should be the last thing on your mind.
been there done that wrote im quiting so many times but try not to let it get to me now. Im doing a zero to hero challenge so i start with nothing and make as much as i can. Im mainly doing it to improve my game and mindset as i aint got anything to lose and if i do i cant complain about bad beats or such like cos i didnt start with anything. So far im really enjoying it and im getting bad beats but they aint hurtin and ive only been doing it a couple of days and im up to nearly £20 quid. This will help also with my br management which ive always been usless at as i didnt start with much after my first win to buy in anything or really have to be tight so i can continue playing and bump it up.
Point is don is you clearly arnt enjoying your poker at the moment and to say your thinking of quiting is from my expeirience is your deluding your self and wanting help and support from like minded people to get your head st8. i know how you feel. So try something new and set your self a challenge and keep risks to a minimum. You have heard the usual drills before im sure about taking a break and such like. The only thing that gets to you the most and feeling negative in this game is losing money and losing large amounts cos your taking risks. I maybe wrong don and thats not the case but it sounds like your just a bit fed up with not winning as quickly as you would like, patience is a virtue, think about the times you have won and stay positive and luck will follow a person that feels lucky, Bad luck will follow a person who feels unlucky! i know which way id rather feel. Stick with it and gl m8
ah well it was worth a try. i genuinely wish you good luck and won't contribute to this thread again. obviously you can find me on Twitter if anything I've said upset you 'I'm out of here, like everyone else, I've tried very hard to help. Time to move on, I need to walk the dog.' Posted by huuuuume
aslong as u are playing the hands correctly don intime u will make profit fact aslong as u aint giving people fre cards and not betting when u should all is good maybe look at your hand history of the past weeks and see if u have made any mistakes if your just getting unlucky this will turn around m8 its called variance im sure u win pots by getting lucky what goes around comes around chin up you will come good soon
ah well it was worth a try.
i genuinely wish you good luck and won't contribute to this thread again. obviously you can find me on Twitter if anything I've said upset you
'I'm out of here, like everyone else, I've tried very hard to help. Time to move on, I need to walk the dog.'
It's a book that covers all aspects of the mental side of the game, it's not for one particular problem.
It's also not a book I think you can just read cover to cover and be done with it. There's loads of exercises for you to continuously work on to improve all aspects of the mental side from staying motivated, tilt issues, staying focused etc.
I'm going to find that HH of the quad tens and put it as my screensaver or something.
Also in reply to later comment. MGOP referrs to poker problems. My mental issues are more than just poker based. Its much more complex than that
I would take some time out, resolve any issues you may have, start enjoying life and come back playing in a few weeks with a smile on your face. I went through a spell where I was just playing for playing's sake, I wasn't enjoying it.....I took 2 weeks off and found I was soon itching to play again and more importantly I started enjoying it again.
Obviously I don't know what's going on in your personal life mate but if it is affecting your mental state as it seems to be then poker should be the last thing on your mind.
GL mate
Point is don is you clearly arnt enjoying your poker at the moment and to say your thinking of quiting is from my expeirience is your deluding your self and wanting help and support from like minded people to get your head st8. i know how you feel. So try something new and set your self a challenge and keep risks to a minimum. You have heard the usual drills before im sure about taking a break and such like. The only thing that gets to you the most and feeling negative in this game is losing money and losing large amounts cos your taking risks. I maybe wrong don and thats not the case but it sounds like your just a bit fed up with not winning as quickly as you would like, patience is a virtue, think about the times you have won and stay positive and luck will follow a person that feels lucky, Bad luck will follow a person who feels unlucky! i know which way id rather feel. Stick with it and gl m8
Like you, I mean well, & honestly wish Don well.
Over & out.