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5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emperor's New Clothes



  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes:
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : I'm fine with it really, it just means that I only watch when there is a competition or something slightly unusual on. I just have a short attention span and for me the shows have always had long gaps between hands. But FWIW I am mainly talking about the old show, where discussions were derailed constantly, some people enjoyed the banter, but I was just there for poker, I understand I need to give the new format a chance!
    Posted by Poker_Fail
    Good to hear. The New Show has only had 4 editions, & I think it kinda makes sense to give it a little longer before rushing to judgement.

    We - the Team at 865 - are really incredibly pleased with the positives, the new Analysts, etc, & the Show wll be allowed to bed in for a while before it is reviewed by the Suits, and any changes made.

    As with the "old" Show, the Producer sends a Show Report to the Management Team after every Show, including viewer feedabck via e-Mail etc. This is then reviewed the very next morning.

    Once a week, "Channel Bullets" are composed by Mother, who sends them to the Sky Poker Management Team, together with the viewing figures, in graph form (pretty graph it is, too, a bit like Nutter5932's Sharkscope graph), & they in turn send them round to the entire SB&G Management Team.

    Then, every Tuesday, all this info is discussed & debated in the weekly Management Meeting, to ensure it is meeting its objectives - Education, Entertainment, Commercial.
  • edited February 2012

    It would appear that Mother remaind quite unwell, & is not expected back this week, so there will not be any "official" response until she returns, but I'll field the questions unofficially in the interim. But she is da boss, not me.

    The feedback is all very welcome, but we do hope you will also read the replies, because things are rarely as straightforward as they might seem if you are not party to how the business works.

  • edited February 2012
    I think it is too early for anyone to make a judgement on the show, its in the early stages and the change is big from thr previous format.

    There are positives, the guests are brilliant and the analysts do a fantastic job, there is cetainly alot to be learnt from watching the show, more so than before. 

    However i do feel that the fomat is tedious. The old shows were far more engaging, like jonjo said watching your hand son tv is always good to see, the banter between presenter and anlalyst made the shows. 

    I think Ed was a massive loss, the guy was a fantastic analyst and shared some good banter with the likes of rich and the shows were very entertaining with him. The same goes for the likes of Tikay and Rich, or Anna and Carlo. I think redmond and ryan and julian are all fantastic analysts but i think for the shows to be watchable there has to be a mixture of teaching and banter to make it entertaining and educational and not just focusing on the educational side of the game.
  • edited February 2012
    As you rightly say, Tikay, it is all about opinions and a lot of us are coming at it from different directions. And we all must try to appreciate what Sky themselves need to get from the show. It is an impossilble trick to keep everyone happy.

    I have to admit that I have only watched one of the new shows in full so far and odd bits of the others, but I was a little disappointed by them. I am sure that the format will evolve with time though, the old show certainly underwent huge changes over five years.

    So I should try to find positive things to say about it apart from the sofa looks nice !

    Having been on the show a couple of times, I know what a tough job the presenters and analysts have always had. And for Scotty, Yoyo and Reds to suddenly turn their talents to this is a huge task. And they are doing it brilliantly. As for lack of banter now between presenters and analysts, I suspect this will come as their confidence grows.

    But to me the best entertainment and the educational aspects of the show have always come from the hand analysis. Our analysts and guests can keep telling us what to do or not do, but it is far more effective in the form of pointing out good or bad play when a hand is shown. And I think there is a good case for showing tournament hands more than cash hands, because the progressive nature of a tournament asks different questions, with more emphasis on stack sizes/blind levels as well as the actual hands.

    One little moan here, is that the current software hides the players stack while a hand is in progress, which makes it difficult for the viewer and for the analyst too.

    Does the new format get the best out of our guests ?

    Get well soon Claire

  • edited February 2012
    A few years back Channel 865 tipped the balance for myself and a few mates when we were looking to join an online poker site.

    Having the chance to see your hand on tv and your play analysed was of real interest and entering the nights main event was a real buzz.

    There was good interactive stuff, such as studio guests playing in the events, the odd £100 bounty if you knocked the studio guest out and spot prizes for certain plays or what not, I even found a Sky Poker t-shirt posted through my door in a brown jiffy bag, no idea what I'd done to deserve it, probably gave the audience a laugh with one of my 'moves'.

    The show format appealed and in particular there was one guy with funny looking yellow hair, who used to be the brunt of a few jokes, but was seriously entertaining and gave some really good advice.

    It must have been a few years back though as the guy with funny yellow hair has now gone grey!

    I know Ed has gone now and we all move on, but hopefully no harm in pointing out that Ed was very good at involving the watching public, his analysis was to the point without being offensive and his £5 bets with Richard Orford were always good value, not just for Ed but for entertainment in general.

    Yes some of the new guest analyists have been excellent, personally I always enjoy listening to Paul Jackson and the involvement of Julian Thew on the shows and the tables is a real bonus.

    I don't watch every show, but I can only think of one occasion where the evenings guest didn't come across very well and perhaps made me switch channels when I might have stayed tuned for the night.

    Sky Poker presenters and analysts have real strength in depth with no real weak links, for me James Hartigan and Richard Orford are excellent in their own unique way and a thumbs up to the local boys (local to Sky Poker) doing good, such as Ryan and Redmond, I particularly enjoy Ryan's honesty, perspective and thought process on the game.

    Hearing the general views of quality professional poker players at first is almost jaw dropping, but after a while it can become as mentioned in previous posts.....a little tedious.

    Now from a purely selfish point of view (and I think the majority of sky poker players), tuning into to listen to a top poker pro who every now and then might analyse one of my hands (or even players I come up against every night), well that will keep me interested, where else could I be publicly humiliated by one of the 'games names'?

    I think the show's have become more polished as time has moved on, which shouldn't be a bad thing, though perhaps a certain Tiswas and Sally James element could be retained!
  • edited February 2012
    I also pledged to give the new format a couple of months before making a judgement, but I have to say that the "Poker Chat" that  was repeated this morning was 5 minutes of content and an awful lot of padding.

    As has been said numerous times on this thread, the analysts and guests have been excellent but "horses for courses" needs to be borne in mind when collating the guests against the planned content, as mentioned above re the Poker School episiode when Alex Rousso was the guest.
  • edited February 2012
    As with the others I am not yet sold with the new format but will give it time to get used to the new style and structure. One thing I really miss is the Saturday mastercash programmes. 

    I dont understand why Sky have decided a Tuesday night program would be more popular than Saturday when usually you have the highest player numbers on the site. Surely the idea of the programming is to attract new players as well as educate existing poker players to the site and that would be best done on a Saturday.  
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes:
    I think the show's have become more polished as time has moved on, which shouldn't be a bad thing, though perhaps a certain Tiswas and Sally James element could be retained!
    Posted by TheDart

    Custard pies it is then.
  • edited February 2012
    agree with most other comments tbh

    the standard of the guests/analysts is of a much higher standard than a few years back  that is very hard to argue i have been impressed with them all 

    the format and order of the new show im not in love with at all, i understand the need for the first hour but would struggle to see why anybody would rush to sit down and watch it.

    the constant promotion of the site/cash for points/refer a friend e.t.c are all understandable and obviously required however they often seem to be "stuck in" during an interesting hand analysis and the guests if not sky poker players sometimes look slightly bemused.

    not having a show live on a saturday night is the biggest baffler to me is it a cost issue? i have watched the channel from the start and always enjoyed the shows , the only time i have felt the need to watch the show live was the mastercash shows between mr giddins and rich orford. That show had a real feel of community and almost was like a mini series with good continuation of last weeks topics and analysis.

  • edited February 2012
    I have to be honest and say that I also much preferred the old format.

    That said, I think the guests and analysts are fantastic and doing a great job. I would just like to see more live poker, being able to watch the main event when playing it (not that I play that many) was all part of the appeal.

    I appreciate it's early days and will still be watching 865 on a regular basis.
  • edited February 2012
    Guests and analysts doing a good job but in hindsight absolute madness to reduce, so dramatically, the live tournament analysis, Im a big fan of Skypoker channel 865 but am fighting to keep the enthusiasm to tune in religiously since the new format of 5 one hour shows, I still am but find I turn off earlier each time.

    It was much easier for the first lot of analysts to make an entertaining show because we had the live tournament hands and a remit to being entertainment with poker tuition/education, seems the remit now is poker education full stop. You'd need to be a genius to make that entertaining for 5 solid hours.

    Please skypoker increase the live tourny coverage !

    Thank you for the comments friends .

  • edited February 2012

    i was in my local petrol station earlier and, like a number of new feature films, i saw that four of last night's channel 865 "live" programmes have already gone straight to DVD.

  • edited February 2012
    + 1 more live tourney coverage.  miss you Ed :(
  • edited February 2012
    +1 to missing ed

    had a great mix of education and banter
  • edited February 2012
    I can understand the animosity towards the new format. I like most other posters am gutted at the lack of Tournament coverage on the night, but, will give the new format a chance for a while yet. I like the look of the new shows and as others have said I am enjoying the guests and analysts. As a tournament player the new heavy focus on Cash play is a major turn off for me, but I do understand that most players on Sky are Cash players so the change in focus is justified. I think the educational element of the show is great as long as its not all about that. My main point of concern is that most of the guests don't understand Sky Poker, in the sense that they don't know about the nuances of the site. I think if they were given a little info before their appearance about the Jackpot and the structure of Bounty Hunters etc it would save a lot of constant explaining. I know that when you explain it to them live it is also explaining it to new viewers too, but 3 hours into a 5 hour show is a bit annoying to have them explaining the basics of the tournament. For example a lot of calls or all in shoves in Bounty Hunters are Bounty dependant. So if you are calling off 1/5th of your stack but the bounty is massive then it may not be as bad a move as some of your guests make out. I look forward to seeing how the shows develop and grow. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham

    p.s Please pass on my best to SkyClaire. get well soon.
  • edited February 2012

    update --- recovered with the richard and tikay show last week.  i think it must be their talent that keeps the show afloat despite the format.  james and anna are fine presenters too.  however the format is not quite so buoyant nowadays.

  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes:
    update --- recovered with the richard and tikay show last week.  i think it must be their talent that keeps the show afloat despite the format.  james and anna are fine presenters too.  however the format is not quite so buoyant nowadays.
    Posted by aussie09
    Aussie I think that is unfair.

    The show on Tuesday was one of our best ones to date. We had plenty of hand requests, a great Chat Box full of poker news stories, live calls with James Hartigan, a brilliant guest and the only 'criticism' we got was that the 5 hours went to quickly.

    ALL the talent on the books are outstanding and bring their own personalities to the channel.

    I think it is ignorant to think that after only 4 weeks on air we are going to get everything perfect. The TV channel team are adding  new elements to each show, each day. BUT we can only do so much at once.
  • edited February 2012
    Regarding last night's show - I think that Thursdays need more than an hour of tournament coverage, to be honest. You've got the £15k BH, the £5k Sky Roller, the £1200 Mini BH, all with TV icons next to them, yet you could only show hands from the £15k BH last night, so why even bother putting TV icons for the rest of them in the first place? :S
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes:
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : Aussie I think that is unfair. The show on Tuesday was one of our best ones to date. We had plenty of hand requests, a great Chat Box full of poker news stories, live calls with James Hartigan, a brilliant guest and the only 'criticism' we got was that the 5 hours went to quickly. ALL the talent on the books are outstanding and bring their own personalities to the channel. I think it is ignorant to think that after only 4 weeks on air we are going to get everything perfect. The TV channel team are adding  new elements to each show, each day. BUT we can only do so much at once.
    Posted by Sky_Claire
    I agree. We would all have our own ideas of what WE would do if we were running the show, but it is a much harder job for the 'Show' team to do so, as they have so many factions to please. I think the shows are getting progressively better, as the team find their feet in the new studio and with the new format. I truly believe the shows will continue to improve and grow and inevitably change, but, I think the new stuff is looking more positive already and its only been a few shows. The main lesson learnt (in my opinion) is that with the new larger studio you definitely need 3 people on the sofa like last night. When it is just a presenter and guest it can become a bit slow paced as there is usually agreement and less varied views. All in all I'd say the TV channel team have done a great job so far and should be proud of the fashion in which they promote their brand. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited February 2012
    I was playing in the 'Sky Sports' Bounty Hunter last night, I thought the name in the title meant there was coverage on one of the sky sports channels?
    Maybe it was me, but I flicked through the usual sky sports channels a few times and checked the scheduling, but couldn't find any reference to the Sky Sports Bounty Hunter or in deed any reference to Sky Poker.

    Likewise on 865, there didn't seem to be any coverage of the main event until after 10.00pm?

    Maybe I caught 865 at the wrong moments, but there didn't appear to be much link up with the live sky sports bounty hunter until later in the evening, which for me gave it a bit of an 'after the lord mayor's show' feeling, even though I enjoyed playing in the tournament and managed to cash in 35th place.
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes:
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : Aussie I think that is unfair. The show on Tuesday was one of our best ones to date. We had plenty of hand requests, a great Chat Box full of poker news stories, live calls with James Hartigan, a brilliant guest and the only 'criticism' we got was that the 5 hours went to quickly. ALL the talent on the books are outstanding and bring their own personalities to the channel. I think it is ignorant to think that after only 4 weeks on air we are going to get everything perfect. The TV channel team are adding  new elements to each show, each day. BUT we can only do so much at once.
    Posted by Sky_Claire


    i am only expressing my opinion.  you are too.  i know that you can ignore and dismiss mine, after all, it is your opinion that determines what happens.  the view i have expressed is about the format and, you will see if you re-read my post, not about the presenters.  however you are keen to respond to a different issue.

    it is a shame to hear you say the only criticism you've heard is praise.  perhaps you should hear a greater range of comments.

    to infer that i might be "ignorant" is stepping over the line.  you might consider that unfair. 

  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes:
    I was playing in the 'Sky Sports' Bounty Hunter last night, I thought the name in the title meant there was coverage on one of the sky sports channels?   Maybe it was me, but I flicked through the usual sky sports channels a few times and checked the scheduling, but couldn't find any reference to the Sky Sports Bounty Hunter or in deed any reference to Sky Poker. Likewise on 865, there didn't seem to be any coverage of the main event until after 10.00pm? Maybe I caught 865 at the wrong moments, but there didn't appear to be much link up with the live sky sports bounty hunter until later in the evening, which for me gave it a bit of an 'after the lord mayor's show' feeling, even though I enjoyed playing in the tournament and managed to cash in 35th place.
    Posted by TheDart

    Unfortunately we cannot choose when we go on Sky Sports, they just tell us. Would love a regular booking on there, and this is something I am pushing for.

    I agree we need to cover more action from the tournaments on a Thursday and will try and get this in from next week.

    Please do help though and if you are involved in any of the tournaments that night send in your hand ID's and we will do our very best to get them to air

  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes:
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : claire, i am only expressing my opinion.  you are too.  i know that you can ignore and dismiss mine, after all, it is your opinion that determines what happens.  the view i have expressed is about the format and, you will see if you re-read my post, not about the presenters.  however you are keen to respond to a different issue. it is a shame to hear you say the only criticism you've heard is praise.  perhaps you should hear a greater range of comments. to infer that i might be "ignorant" is stepping over the line.  you might consider that unfair. 
    Posted by aussie09

    The customer is always right. :)
  • edited February 2012
    I think a lot of people have expressed views on here. I'm not going to comment on the new format for a few reasons. The main one being, I am not Sky's target audience on 865, as I am already a loyal Sky customer.
    It occurs to me that most of the other people commenting on here are also loyal Sky customers, and so, are also not the target audience.
    The viewing figures will surely show whether the shows are good or not, or popular or not. Initially there will have been a surge in viewers - people who have lapsed from watching the shows coming back to see what's new or what has changed. If those figures are sustained, all the moaning in the world on here, will ultimately just be people whining because things are different. I wish they'd show The Clangers on TV again - yet apparently Teletubbies and The Tweenies were more popular - who knew?
    What I will say, is that pretty much all the comments in here from the regulars have been polite and constructive, yet the responses from Sky have been more about defence of their product, and less about "taking things on board" than I'd expect - including some language used that was, frankly, unnecessary and offensive.
    The customer is NOT always right - I know that full well from my own commercial enterprises, yet I know I am also NOT always right (despite what my wife says).
  • edited February 2012
    I think the we at the channel has listened to the viewers and reacted in record time. Last week whilst I was actually off sick someone asked for more competitions. I actually called the Producer and asked for one that night. I believe EvilPingu then won a seat to a BH or something similar. We also run a competition during the show last night.

    'Can we have more hands on the show'- yes no problem. We are now showing Master Cash tables in the first hour and desperately requesting people send in their hand ID's. We do need your input too.

    Of course I am going to be defensive regarding the channel. It has been incredibly hard work and everybody has a right to their opinion. Do you not think its upsetting for us to see people write 'i was in my local petrol station earlier and, like a number of new feature films, I saw that four of last night's channel 865 "live" programmes have already gone straight to DVD'

    The viewing figures has gone through the roof. From an average of 1,500 per day to last week getting over 20,000 on some days. I must be doing something right! We had our highest month every on the webstream too with nearly 300,000 clicks.

    At the end of the day nobody really likes change, but 6 months ago I was given the option, make changes or have no channel. Some of the changes in place might not be the greatest, but give it time and they will be.

    What I ask of our regular viewers is that you support the team infront of the camera and behind. Of course ask if we would consider doing certain things, can we show more tournament, cash, more time with the guest etc, but do not make snap decisions on a new format that is only 4 weeks old.

  • edited February 2012
    Any chance of changing some of the break fillers ? I think the majority of regular viewers know the ones used recently by heart now, and some of them are becoming quite irritating. :)
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes:
    Any chance of changing some of the break fillers ? I think the majority of regular viewers know the ones used recently by heart now, and some of them are quite irritating. :)
    Posted by penguin7
    Yes we think they are changing next week, I am sick of them too :). We should have some more SPT Luton ones going out. Also on Monday I am shooting some stuff at the Card Stacking event, so they will go to air asap.

    We also have the following happening in the next few weeks:
    SPT Brighton
    SPT Glasgow
    GUKPT Walsall
    New poker dictionary

    Anything you would particularly like to see more of in those breaks? Interviews, mini Sky Poker Schools, Top Tips?
  • edited February 2012
    Poker Dictionary - That was the thing from ages ago with the slightly chubby dude going "OH MA HA.... 4 CARDS" in a kinda creepy voice, right?

    That guy used to give me nightmares whenever I stayed up on school nights watching Sky Poker back in the day :')
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes:
    Poker Dictionary - That was the thing from ages ago with the slightly chubby dude going "OH MA HA.... 4 CARDS" in a kinda creepy voice, right? That guy used to give me nightmares whenever I stayed up on school nights watching Sky Poker back in the day :')
    Posted by EvilPingu
    LOL have no idea who that was

    Might shoot a new version, but if there is a demand to see something else then we can do that instead. The breaks are exactly 5 minutes in length so thats our only restraint
  • edited February 2012
    Probably not worth an argument over. The problem we have when we represent a company on a forum like this is that the punters can pretty much say what they like (within the guidelines given) whereas, we have to show forebearance and tolerance. The quote you used above (about straight to DVD) was clearly a tongue in cheek comment, that was possibly the funniest thing I've read on the forum for a while. Whilst, I can see how it would have irked - upset? Really?
    Yet calling a punter "ignorant" is....... well, I'll leave it for you to ponder.
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