I think the we at the channel has listened to the viewers and reacted in record time. Last week whilst I was actually off sick someone asked for more competitions. I actually called the Producer and asked for one that night. I believe EvilPingu then won a seat to a BH or something similar. We also run a competition during the show last night. 'Can we have more hands on the show'- yes no problem. We are now showing Master Cash tables in the first hour and desperately requesting people send in their hand ID's. We do need your input too. Of course I am going to be defensive regarding the channel. It has been incredibly hard work and everybody has a right to their opinion. Do you not think its upsetting for us to see people write 'i was in my local petrol station earlier and, like a number of new feature films, I saw that four of last night's channel 865 "live" programmes have already gone straight to DVD' The viewing figures has gone through the roof. From an average of 1,500 per day to last week getting over 20,000 on some days. I must be doing something right! We had our highest month every on the webstream too with nearly 300,000 clicks. At the end of the day nobody really likes change, but 6 months ago I was given the option, make changes or have no channel. Some of the changes in place might not be the greatest, but give it time and they will be. What I ask of our regular viewers is that you support the team infront of the camera and behind. Of course ask if we would consider doing certain things, can we show more tournament, cash, more time with the guest etc, but do not make snap decisions on a new format that is only 4 weeks old. Thanks Posted by Sky_Claire
you missed off the smiley face symbol. nevertheless, the comment followed four hours of live tv showing next to no live hands and one hour of live coverage. four of the five programmes on that night contained, probably, fewer hands than you can count on one hand.
another parallel to illustrate your new format might be live football. arsenal are playing spurs on sunday and you might decide to schedule four hours of chat, news, interviews replays etc before the game. one hour great but four hours would be demanding for your presenters and audience alike. incidentally, your new format, claire, would show only live football from half way through the second half.
viewing figures might be record breaking but couldn't/shouldn't they be even better?
Probably not worth an argument over. The problem we have when we represent a company on a forum like this is that the punters can pretty much say what they like (within the guidelines given) whereas, we have to show forebearance and tolerance. The quote you used above (about straight to DVD) was clearly a tongue in cheek comment, that was possibly the funniest thing I've read on the forum for a while. Whilst, I can see how it would have irked - upset? Really? Yet calling a punter "ignorant" is....... well, I'll leave it for you to ponder. Posted by Eyeman
Its a difference in opinion unfortunately, best leave it as that
In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : you missed off the smiley face symbol. nevertheless, the comment followed four hours of live tv showing next to no live hands and one hour of live coverage. four of the five programmes on that night contained, probably, fewer hands than you can count on one hand. another parallel to illustrate your new format might be live football. arsenal are playing spurs on sunday and you might decide to schedule four hours of chat, news, interviews replays etc from before the game. one hour great but four hours would be demanding for your presenters and audience alike. incidentally, your new format, claire, would show only live football from half way through the second half. viewing figures might be record breaking but couldn't/shouldn't they be even better? Posted by aussie09
Funnily enough I am investigating a way of doing a Betting pundit show with Trevor Harris. We are throwing around some ideas at the moment, so would be great to do that and some football stuff. Not sure we would get the rights to play out any footage, maybe some highlights after the match or a few days later, but will definitely look into it!
In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : Funnily enough I am investigating a way of doing a Betting pundit show with Trevor Harris. We are throwing around some ideas at the moment, so would be great to do that and some football stuff. Not sure we would get the rights to play out any footage, maybe some highlights after the match or a few days later, but will definitely look into it! Posted by Sky_Claire
In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : you missed the point. Posted by aussie09
Sorry Aussie if you mean in comparison to the covering of tournaments per night, then this is unlikely to happen, certainly as the new shows havent even found their feet yet and not been given a chance.
My other response however illustrates the things that are happening behind the scenes and constant changes that are happening
All of those things would be great, Claire. But enough to rotate them regularly.
Something between mini poker school/top tips would be good, where you prerecorded some of the show guests answering questions on subjects like BRM, the value of the button, how to play OOP, bubble play in tournies, STT strategy, basics of omaha, shortstack play, why top cash players like to sit deep , differences between live and online, when limping is ever okay, donk betting, value bet sizing, etc, etc.
no claire, i am illustrating how absurd it would be if football producer's adopted a similar format to yours. you need only to read the comments made by numerous people in this thread that say that it is not a good thing to have abandoned the showing of live hands in the first four hours of the five hour programme.
All of those things would be great, Claire. But enough to rotate them regularly. Something between mini poker school/top tips would be good, where you prerecorded some of the show guests answering questions on subjects like BRM, the value of the button, how to play OOP, bubble play in tournies, STT strategy, basics of omaha, shortstack play, why top cash players like to sit deep , differences between live and online, when limping is ever okay, donk betting, value bet sizing, etc, etc . Posted by penguin7
Thanks Tony thats great and exactly what I need. Will get onto it and great idea to use the guest and all their knowledge, plus some of our in-house expert!
In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : viewing figures might be record breaking but couldn't/shouldn't they be even better? Posted by aussie09 The viewing figures for 865 are incredible, for what is essentially a niche product as a very small percentage of the population actually take an active interest in the game. When I first went in the show I expected a few thousand at most, and couldn't believe that at some points it goes to 40k....
With regards to the criticism for not showing enough hands I'll put my point of view from the analyst chair.
In an hour the channel has to promote tournies. We have competitions. We have twitter running The presenters have to read and respond to emails. We have to give lobby updates. Then it comes to the hands themselves. Some hands are totally standard and take no more than a minute. Others are actually interesting hands to talk about and take longer. What is the point in having an analyst if we aren't there to actually go into fairly deep analysis on certain hands.
Also when there are guests in the show this means that the time is reduced even more as sometimes you are gonna disagree and have a debate but also you have to spend some time 'getting to know' the guest.
My last live show was with Anna and we had a few topics running at the same time. I thought the balance on about right. 5 hours of pure poker is a LOT and we need stuff to break it down. On Sunday we have a few debates running but as always, we kept on saying if you have a hand from a TV table that you want looking at PLEASE send in....now some very very regular forum regs/site regs/show regs did send in content....however this content was either about the competition or about which old TV show you want bringing back or about crisps or even some random stuff.
Also before I was made part of the team I did think 'oh why don't they do this' but since I've been on the live shows my eyes have been opened to all the challenges that EVERYONE faces during a live show. There is so much back room stuff that goes into making a show it's fairly incredible....and the presenters have such a hard job they work so so hard and the only reason they make it look so easy is because they are all so so good.
Another thing is that im the last studio we had a 3min break at half past the hour and a 5 min break in the hour. Now it is only 5 mins in the hour so there is that bit of extra time there.
OK, as a bit of input, and given what's been said by others - how's about this (for an hour occasionally).
Have a general rule of poker...
Then show half a dozen hands (from that night's tournaments) to illustrate the point (obviously occasionally showing how you can get away with all of the above - apart from the Scotty777 thing - that's never going to happen). Thus we have excellent guests, giving expert analysis, teaching the punters, from actual examples from tournament play on site. Just a thought.
P.S. - I'm only pulling you leg, Scotty (I fold aces pre every time)
In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : Funnily enough I am investigating a way of doing a Betting pundit show with Trevor Harris. We are throwing around some ideas at the moment, so would be great to do that and some football stuff. Not sure we would get the rights to play out any footage, maybe some highlights after the match or a few days later, but will definitely look into it! Posted by Sky_Claire
Claire No No NO NO NO Football This is Sky Poker not Fifa. + if a kettle or pot is black then what's the problem with calling it an ignorant black pot. Silly isn't it.? its only a choice of words. " IGNORANT" lack of knowledge, uninformed, not insulting at all, perfectly reasonable word to use in this case having read the post. Hugs xxx :-))
no claire, i am illustrating how absurd it would be if football producer's adopted a similar format to yours. you need only to read the comments made by numerous people in this thread that say that it is not a good thing to have abandoned the showing of live hands in the first four hours of the five hour programme. Posted by aussie09
the forum is a small small part of the audience. its very very easy to go on a thread like this and say oh look at everyone who agrees with me and then ignore thw 20 odd thousand plus who tune in every week but don't post on the forum/don't play on the site/don't email in because they are happy with the shows and the content
no claire, i am illustrating how absurd it would be if football producer's adopted a similar format to yours. you need only to read the comments made by numerous people in this thread that say that it is not a good thing to have abandoned the showing of live hands in the first four hours of the five hour programme. Posted by aussie09
In my personal opinion, I think you're missing the point a little too, Rob. It's not a case of Sky Poker being ignorant of one set of views or another. At the end of the day though, the posts here are a certain type of viewer and a relatively small percentage of the total viewing figures. That's not to say we don't appreciate the views of you guys, as you're our most vocal and often best reasoned. But we have to taken a fuller view of Sky Poker TV and what it aims to achieve. A key part of Sky Poker TV's proposition is around education, and I don't think you can really teach as well in some formats.
The one thing I think you can guarantee is that solid amounts of market research with customers - of differing backgrounds and skill levels - would have been conducted. After all, the move to the new studios needed signing off and rubber stamping from people pretty high up in BSkyB. They would want to see concrete reasons for something of this magnitude and details of the move, the reasons for it, and how it would be executed.
I (on a personal level and not with my Sky t-shirt on, for a second) think the new format shows are more interesting and allow us to use the talent and analysts FAR better. Subjects such as BRM, floating, multitabling, etc etc.... whatever floats the strategy boat - can be given a fuller treatment, rather than being wedged in between hands from a tournament. Those clips can then be re-used throughout the week in one hour segments that make the repeats more varied. Remember how many people used to say "I don't want to tune in and see a repeat of a tourney from four days ago."? The new format tackles that and so much more.
This is another example of a subject that people clearly feel strongly about. That's a good thing, as far as I see it.
In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : Claire No No NO NO NO Football This is Sky Poker not Fifa. + if a kettle or pot is black then what's the problem with calling it an ignorant black pot. Silly isn't it.? its only a choice of words. " IGNORANT" lack of knowledge, uninformed, not insulting at all, perfectly reasonable word to use in this case having read the post. Hugs xxx :-)) Posted by logdon
Dont worry if we do a Sky Bet show it would not effect the poker. Might just be something that goes on their section of the site. I am also lining up some new programming- Omaha, High Stakes Cash games etc. This is by a separate company but having watched a few of the show recently will be a great additional to the schedules1
In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : the forum is a small small part of the audience. its very very easy to go on a thread like this and say oh look at everyone who agrees with me and then ignore thw 20 odd thousand plus who tune in every week but don't post on the forum/don't play on the site/don't email in because they are happy with the shows and the content Posted by scotty77
In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : sigh LOL I'm not falling for that one sir....I've seen some of the hands you get all of your betting disks in with....I was at Newcastle remember ) Posted by scotty77
In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : Dont worry if we do a Sky Bet show it would not effect the poker. Might just be something that goes on their section of the site. I am also lining up some new programming- Omaha, High Stakes Cash games etc. This is by a separate company but having watched a few of the show recently will be a great additional to the schedules1 Posted by Sky_Claire
Big +1 to Omaha, especially as Sky doesn't have the software to show Omaha yet.
However, high stakes cash programmes are a penny a dozen these days, so what would this actually add to Sky Poker?
In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : Big +1 to Omaha, especially as Sky doesn't have the software to show Omaha yet. However, high stakes cash programmes are a penny a dozen these days, so what would this actually add to Sky Poker? Posted by EvilPingu
There is a variety of different cash levels, so just hoping to keep everyone happy ha ha
Should be (if all goes to plan) 9 hours of new shows per week. I am waiting for the production company to send me a list of poker games they are covering per week so I can they put on the forum this week is Omaha, next is cash at these levels and so on
I have watched most of the new format shows. I was disappointed at the start, but they have improved greatly. And it is nice to feel that the forum views are being listened to.
So a few constructive criticisms, questions and suggestions, some of which may not win universal support.......
When a guest is an expert in a particular format of poker, should the shows content not reflect that more ?
When we have a guest on, is there room for competitions ? Nothing against them for a bit of variety, when it is a show with just presenter and in house analyst. But to me it seems to be a waste of a guests talents.
Should competitions not all be poker related ?
Is the fact that a players chipstack is not visible when a hand is in progress not making it really difficult for analysts, guests, and viewers too ?
Is the hour allowed for Top of the Pots too long? I enjoy watching it, although by its very nature most of the hands involve the same players they are usually worth watching. But generally there are about four or five hands which show interesting play, so we are too often watching hands which play themselves.
Is the selection of hands to be shown good enough ? Yes, its great being interactive and showing lots of hands requested by viewers, but it means we are showing hands where it is sometimes a case of someone just wanting to know what the other guy had. The hands have to be interesting for the analyst and other viewers too.
Are too many hands appearing without context? Too many times the analysts and guests are presented with a hand and understandably struggle to quickly identify what tournament it is from and what stage the tourny is at.
Could not more be done to please those of us who particularly enjoy watching tournaments ? A tournament is a progressive thing. Showing hands out of order and context at the end of the show is not satisfying. At least one night a week would it not be possible to dedicate a couple of hours to a particular tournament ?
And finally, could Aussie please correct the spelling of Emperor ? Each time I view this thread it brings out the grumpy old pedantic penguin in me !
I have watched most of the new format shows. I was disappointed at the start, but they have improved greatly. And it is nice to feel that the forum views are being listened to. So a few constructive criticisms, questions and suggestions, some of which may not win universal support....... When a guest is an expert in a particular format of poker, should the shows content not reflect that more ? When we have a guest on, is there room for competitions ? Nothing against them for a bit of variety, when it is a show with just presenter and in house analyst. But to me it seems to be a waste of a guests talents. Should competitions not all be poker related ? Is the fact that a players chipstack is not visible when a hand is in progress not making it really difficult for analysts, guests, and viewers too ? Is the hour allowed for Top of the Pots too long? I enjoy watching it, although by its very nature most of the hands involve the same players they are usually worth watching. But generally there are about four or five hands which show interesting play, so we are too often watching hands which play themselves. Is the selection of hands to be shown good enough ? Yes, its great being interactive and showing lots of hands requested by viewers, but it means we are showing hands where it is sometimes a case of someone just wanting to know what the other guy had. The hands have to be interesting for the analyst and other viewers too. Are too many hands appearing without context? Too many times the analysts and guests are presented with a hand and understandably struggle to quickly identify what tournament it is from and what stage the tourny is at. Could not more be done to please those of us who particularly enjoy watching tournaments ? A tournament is a progressive thing. Showing hands out of order and context at the end of the show is not satisfying. At least one night a week would it not be possible to dedicate a couple of hours to a particular tournament ? And finally, could Aussie please correct the spelling of Emperor ? Each time I view this thread it brings out the grumpy old pedantic penguin in me ! Posted by penguin7
be carefull, you know what happened to the last penguin !:))
I have watched most of the new format shows. I was disappointed at the start, but they have improved greatly. And it is nice to feel that the forum views are being listened to. So a few constructive criticisms, questions and suggestions, some of which may not win universal support....... When a guest is an expert in a particular format of poker, should the shows content not reflect that more ? When we have a guest on, is there room for competitions ? Nothing against them for a bit of variety, when it is a show with just presenter and in house analyst. But to me it seems to be a waste of a guests talents. Should competitions not all be poker related ? Is the fact that a players chipstack is not visible when a hand is in progress not making it really difficult f. or analysts, guests, and viewers too ? Is the hour allowed for Top of the Pots too long? I enjoy watching it, although by its very nature most of the hands involve the same players they are usually worth watching. But generally there are about four or five hands which show interesting play, so we are too often watching hands which play themselves. Is the selection of hands to be shown good enough ? Yes, its great being interactive and showing lots of hands requested by viewers, but it means we are showing hands where it is sometimes a case of someone just wanting to know what the other guy had. The hands have to be interesting for the analyst and other viewers too. Are too many hands appearing without context? Too many times the analysts and guests are presented with a hand and understandably struggle to quickly identify what tournament it is from and what stage the tourny is at. Could not more be done to please those of us who particularly enjoy watching tournaments ? A tournament is a progressive thing. Showing hands out of order and context at the end of the show is not satisfying. At least one night a week would it not be possible to dedicate a couple of hours to a particular tournament ? And finally, could Aussie please correct the spelling of Emperor ? Each time I view this thread it brings out the grumpy old pedantic penguin in me ! Posted by penguin7
One big thing for me when it comes to hand analysis is the stack size, when the table is shown the bet sizes aren't there in the middle of the hand, This is often crutial in making comments regarding the hand in progress.
I do love the new format though and it's getting better all the time
Penguin7 your post was great and exactly what we need to see!
I think this is now my longest post ever, but answers below.
Thanks and let me know your thoughts on it!
When a guest is an expert in a particular format of poker, should the shows content not reflect that more ?Ideally yes. The thing we are struggling with at the moment is people’s availability or reliability. We all know what poker players are like . Definitely working on this though!We also have to submit the TV schedules to transmission over a month in advance, for example the whole of March has already been sent. Therefore if you change the names of the show etc it’s a ridiculous amount of work, I’m talking days. This one is a little out of our hands, but we should adjust Sky Poker Schools to suit the guest. When we have a guest on, is there room for competitions ? Nothing against them for a bit of variety, when it is a show with just presenter and in house analyst. But to me it seems to be a waste of a guests talents.We can do competitions when guests are in but maybe adjust them around questions based on that person or the show content. Does make more sense to have competitions on the night when there is no guest.
Should competitions not all be poker related?Difficult one really. Some people think more people some want more entertainment. Was discussing some ideas with Orford the other day, but any quiz ideas people have do let us know
Is the fact that a players chipstack is not visible when a hand is in progress not making it really difficult for analysts, guests, and viewers too ?We are in the process of redesigning the onscreen table graphic (plus a few other exciting changes) and this will be added. Turn around is about 16 weeks as all the information has to be rebuilt. A little painful but at least it’s happening
Is the hour allowed for Top of the Pots too long? I enjoy watching it, although by its very nature most of the hands involve the same players they are usually worth watching. But generally there are about four or five hands which show interesting play, so we are too often watching hands which play themselves.Again a difficult one as some people love this show. Also depending on what’s happened on the tables some week we have great hands to show, others can be a little flat.
Is the selection of hands to be shown good enough ? Yes, its great being interactive and showing lots of hands requested by viewers, but it means we are showing hands where it is sometimes a case of someone just wanting to know what the other guy had. The hands have to be interesting for the analyst and other viewers too.Very true! Something we are working on with the hand selection, but as always if the viewers are involved or see something interesting get those hand ID’s in. Are too many hands appearing without context? Too many times the analysts and guests are presented with a hand and understandably struggle to quickly identify what tournament it is from and what stage the tourny is at.Scratching my head on this as might help when we redesign the tables and have tournament ID’s on them etc. Let me look into it. Could not more be done to please those of us who particularly enjoy watching tournaments ? A tournament is a progressive thing. Showing hands out of order and context at the end of the show is not satisfying. At least one night a week would it not be possible to dedicate a couple of hours to a particular tournament ?For the moment we could try to place more tournament hands in the first hour or part of SPS, Analyse My Play. However they wouldn’t be ‘live’. However if a few months down the line we don’t think certain parts of the programmes are working can definitely consider having this as a ‘live’ tournament hand section
One big thing for me when it comes to hand analysis is the stack size, when the table is shown the bet sizes aren't there in the middle of the hand, This is often crutial in making comments regarding the hand in progress. I do love the new format though and it's getting better all the time Posted by JockBMW
Hi Jock
Have a look at my reply to Penguin above as the tables are currently being redesigned to feature this
Given how successful the new format has been with regards to viewing figures, and the increase in number of analysts recently, what are the chances of Sky Poker broadcasting live more than 3 days a week?
Given how successful the new format has been with regards to viewing figures, and the increase in number of analysts recently, what are the chances of Sky Poker broadcasting live more than 3 days a week? Posted by EvilPingu
Programme 1 - One hour Final Table play from the previous live tournament evening. Programme 4 & 5 - Two hours "live" play from the evening's tournament.
then when you wish to schedule repeats you can sequence them so that Programme 4 & 5 is followed by Programme 1 from the subsequent live evening.
In Response to Re: 5 Hours of Live TV on 865 - Emporer's New Clothes : In my personal opinion, I think you're missing the point a little too, Rob. It's not a case of Sky Poker being ignorant of one set of views or another. At the end of the day though, the posts here are a certain type of viewer and a relatively small percentage of the total viewing figures. That's not to say we don't appreciate the views of you guys, as you're our most vocal and often best reasoned. But we have to taken a fuller view of Sky Poker TV and what it aims to achieve. A key part of Sky Poker TV's proposition is around education, and I don't think you can really teach as well in some formats. The one thing I think you can guarantee is that solid amounts of market research with customers - of differing backgrounds and skill levels - would have been conducted. After all, the move to the new studios needed signing off and rubber stamping from people pretty high up in BSkyB. They would want to see concrete reasons for something of this magnitude and details of the move, the reasons for it, and how it would be executed. I (on a personal level and not with my Sky t-shirt on, for a second) think the new format shows are more interesting and allow us to use the talent and analysts FAR better. Subjects such as BRM, floating, multitabling, etc etc.... whatever floats the strategy boat - can be given a fuller treatment, rather than being wedged in between hands from a tournament. Those clips can then be re-used throughout the week in one hour segments that make the repeats more varied. Remember how many people used to say "I don't want to tune in and see a repeat of a tourney from four days ago."? The new format tackles that and so much more. This is another example of a subject that people clearly feel strongly about. That's a good thing, as far as I see it. Posted by Sky_Dave
Do people really want to see repeats at all?
If i was a regular viewer I'd rather know from the start whether I have seen an "episode" before as I'd never want to watch a repeat, for me having a bunch of different shows some of which may have been seen before and others not would just get annoying and stop me from bothering
you missed off the smiley face symbol. nevertheless, the comment followed four hours of live tv showing next to no live hands and one hour of live coverage. four of the five programmes on that night contained, probably, fewer hands than you can count on one hand.
another parallel to illustrate your new format might be live football. arsenal are playing spurs on sunday and you might decide to schedule four hours of chat, news, interviews replays etc before the game. one hour great but four hours would be demanding for your presenters and audience alike. incidentally, your new format, claire, would show only live football from half way through the second half.
viewing figures might be record breaking but couldn't/shouldn't they be even better?
you missed the point.
My other response however illustrates the things that are happening behind the scenes and constant changes that are happening
Something between mini poker school/top tips would be good, where you prerecorded some of the show guests answering questions on subjects like BRM, the value of the button, how to play OOP, bubble play in tournies, STT strategy, basics of omaha, shortstack play, why top cash players like to sit deep , differences between live and online, when limping is ever okay, donk betting, value bet sizing, etc, etc.
no claire, i am illustrating how absurd it would be if football producer's adopted a similar format to yours. you need only to read the comments made by numerous people in this thread that say that it is not a good thing to have abandoned the showing of live hands in the first four hours of the five hour programme.
Posted by aussie09
The viewing figures for 865 are incredible, for what is essentially a niche product as a very small percentage of the population actually take an active interest in the game. When I first went in the show I expected a few thousand at most, and couldn't believe that at some points it goes to 40k....
Have a general rule of poker...
Then show half a dozen hands (from that night's tournaments) to illustrate the point (obviously occasionally showing how you can get away with all of the above - apart from the Scotty777 thing - that's never going to happen). Thus we have excellent guests, giving expert analysis, teaching the punters, from actual examples from tournament play on site. Just a thought.
P.S. - I'm only pulling you leg, Scotty (I fold aces pre every time)
I am also lining up some new programming- Omaha, High Stakes Cash games etc. This is by a separate company but having watched a few of the show recently will be a great additional to the schedules1
However, high stakes cash programmes are a penny a dozen these days, so what would this actually add to Sky Poker?
Should be (if all goes to plan) 9 hours of new shows per week. I am waiting for the production company to send me a list of poker games they are covering per week so I can they put on the forum this week is Omaha, next is cash at these levels and so on
I fear it will never be noticed that I had got to the last 4 by that stage.
So a few constructive criticisms, questions and suggestions, some of which may not win universal support.......
When a guest is an expert in a particular format of poker, should the shows content not reflect that more ?
When we have a guest on, is there room for competitions ? Nothing against them for a bit of variety, when it is a show with just presenter and in house analyst. But to me it seems to be a waste of a guests talents.
Should competitions not all be poker related ?
Is the fact that a players chipstack is not visible when a hand is in progress not making it really difficult for analysts, guests, and viewers too ?
Is the hour allowed for Top of the Pots too long? I enjoy watching it, although by its very nature most of the hands involve the same players they are usually worth watching.
But generally there are about four or five hands which show interesting play, so we are too often watching hands which play themselves.
Is the selection of hands to be shown good enough ? Yes, its great being interactive and showing lots of hands requested by viewers, but it means we are showing hands where it is sometimes a case of someone just wanting to know what the other guy had. The hands have to be interesting for the analyst and other viewers too.
Are too many hands appearing without context? Too many times the analysts and guests are presented with a hand and understandably struggle to quickly identify what tournament it is from and what stage the tourny is at.
Could not more be done to please those of us who particularly enjoy watching tournaments ? A tournament is a progressive thing. Showing hands out of order and context at the end of the show is not satisfying. At least one night a week would it not be possible to dedicate a couple of hours to a particular tournament ?
And finally, could Aussie please correct the spelling of Emperor ? Each time I view this thread it brings out the grumpy old pedantic penguin in me !
I think this is now my longest post ever, but answers below.
Thanks and let me know your thoughts on it!
When a guest is an expert in a particular format of poker, should the shows content not reflect that more ?Ideally yes. The thing we are struggling with at the moment is people’s availability or reliability. We all know what poker players are like
When we have a guest on, is there room for competitions ? Nothing against them for a bit of variety, when it is a show with just presenter and in house analyst. But to me it seems to be a waste of a guests talents.We can do competitions when guests are in but maybe adjust them around questions based on that person or the show content. Does make more sense to have competitions on the night when there is no guest.
Should competitions not all be poker related?Difficult one really. Some people think more people some want more entertainment. Was discussing some ideas with Orford the other day, but any quiz ideas people have do let us know
Is the fact that a players chipstack is not visible when a hand is in progress not making it really difficult for analysts, guests, and viewers too ?We are in the process of redesigning the onscreen table graphic (plus a few other exciting changes) and this will be added. Turn around is about 16 weeks as all the information has to be rebuilt. A little painful but at least it’s happening
Is the hour allowed for Top of the Pots too long? I enjoy watching it, although by its very nature most of the hands involve the same players they are usually worth watching.
But generally there are about four or five hands which show interesting play, so we are too often watching hands which play themselves.Again a difficult one as some people love this show. Also depending on what’s happened on the tables some week we have great hands to show, others can be a little flat.
Is the selection of hands to be shown good enough ? Yes, its great being interactive and showing lots of hands requested by viewers, but it means we are showing hands where it is sometimes a case of someone just wanting to know what the other guy had. The hands have to be interesting for the analyst and other viewers too.Very true! Something we are working on with the hand selection, but as always if the viewers are involved or see something interesting get those hand ID’s in.
Are too many hands appearing without context? Too many times the analysts and guests are presented with a hand and understandably struggle to quickly identify what tournament it is from and what stage the tourny is at.Scratching my head on this as might help when we redesign the tables and have tournament ID’s on them etc. Let me look into it.
Could not more be done to please those of us who particularly enjoy watching tournaments ? A tournament is a progressive thing. Showing hands out of order and context at the end of the show is not satisfying. At least one night a week would it not be possible to dedicate a couple of hours to a particular tournament ?For the moment we could try to place more tournament hands in the first hour or part of SPS, Analyse My Play. However they wouldn’t be ‘live’. However if a few months down the line we don’t think certain parts of the programmes are working can definitely consider having this as a ‘live’ tournament hand section
Have a look at my reply to Penguin above as the tables are currently being redesigned to feature this
How about...
Programme 1 - One hour Final Table play from the previous live tournament evening.
Programme 4 & 5 - Two hours "live" play from the evening's tournament.
then when you wish to schedule repeats you can sequence them so that Programme 4 & 5 is followed by Programme 1 from the subsequent live evening.
If i was a regular viewer I'd rather know from the start whether I have seen an "episode" before as I'd never want to watch a repeat, for me having a bunch of different shows some of which may have been seen before and others not would just get annoying and stop me from bothering