Firstly, many grateful thanks to Alison for keeping you all updated, thank you for the welcome back all, still feeling a little frail atm, maybe a day or two before I get back properly, Logdon, I will answer you post shortly
Hi Alison & Barry Glad you are back Home, but we need to know if your treatment was successful. Are you at home for good or is further surgery necessary. The last post by Alison said your OP was postponed because your breathing was poor and you had to stop Smoking. Not being nosey just concerned about a Family member. Hugs Annie xxx Posted by logdon
the treatment thus far has been a success, they had to do the op in the end, no choice really, there is still a long way to go yet, I am going to have to go see the surgeon again in about 3-5 weeks to plan the way forward, it is likley I may need another op, probs, going to need a biopsy to find out what type of Cancer I have, allthough they are hoping to re-connect the bowel back together at some point
Didnt think you were beng nosey at all, reasonable question
been away myself so didnt realise you were gone until i read your welcome back home thread here. Wish you all the best m8 and glad your back, my brother in law is going through cancer at the moment and its not nice but im glad your on the mend m8 and can only wish you all the best in your recovery
Sadly Barry was taken back into hospital in the early hours of Saturday Morning. He was shivvering, shaking, coughing and not all that well. They think he may have the flu, so he's in a room on his own.
Sadly Barry was taken back into hospital in the early hours of Saturday Morning. He was shivvering, shaking, coughing and not all that well. They think he may have the flu, so he's in a room on his own. ~Alison~ Posted by acebarry10
Sorry to hear this hope Barry makes a speedy recovery
What they all said!
A greast relief to know Barry is back at home.
Take it easy big Man, rest up, & best wishes from myself, & all at Sky Poker, & Channel 865.
Everyone's missed you!
About time you and Orford got together on another competition thread! lol
Stay healthy and lucky!
Fantastic news, take care sir!
Firstly, many grateful thanks to Alison for keeping you all updated, thank you for the welcome back all, still feeling a little frail atm, maybe a day or two before I get back properly, Logdon, I will answer you post shortly
Thank you all again.
the treatment thus far has been a success, they had to do the op in the end, no choice really, there is still a long way to go yet, I am going to have to go see the surgeon again in about 3-5 weeks to plan the way forward, it is likley I may need another op, probs, going to need a biopsy to find out what type of Cancer I have, allthough they are hoping to re-connect the bowel back together at some point
Didnt think you were beng nosey at all, reasonable question
Sorry to hear this hope Barry makes a speedy recovery
get well soon
Sending "Get Well" vibes. Pass on all our best wishes Alison.
Sorry to hear this, hope you are soon back on the road to recovery, Barry.