.............Extremely saddened to hear this .....hope you make a full and speedy recovery Barry......all the very best .....ps: missing you on the micro dym's.....gd luck.
Barry was hoping to be home today, the doctor hasn't been as of yet, supposdly this afternoon. Although I do guess the hospital afternoons are somewhat different to ours lol.
He was sounding much better when I spoke to him earlier. (I haven't been able to go up this time, work and catching some sort of bug myself, prolly was best I didn't go pass anything else on!)
Barry was hoping to be home today, the doctor hasn't been as of yet, supposdly this afternoon. Although I do guess the hospital afternoons are somewhat different to ours lol. He was sounding much better when I spoke to him earlier. (I haven't been able to go up this time, work and catching some sort of bug myself, prolly was best I didn't go pass anything else on!) ~Alison~ Posted by acebarry10
Hope that you`re feeling better, Alison. Sounds like Barry will be home again soon-----great news.
In Response to Re: Finally, Barry is Home! : Hi the treatment thus far has been a success, they had to do the op in the end, no choice really, there is still a long way to go yet, I am going to have to go see the surgeon again in about 3-5 weeks to plan the way forward, it is likley I may need another op, probs, going to need a biopsy to find out what type of Cancer I have, allthough they are hoping to re-connect the bowel back together at some point Didnt think you were beng nosey at all, reasonable question Posted by acebarry10
Well, here we are again, home at last, this is getting somewhat of a joke, but if you are not well, I guess Hossy is where you should be, hopefully my last one before more posible surgery later this year.
Nice one Barry, welcome home, sorry to hear that, hope you get well soon, that's great news!-- good luck mate, hope it all goes well for you,--- Keep your peckar up mate--- try not to worry too much--- Nice to hear it---you're in good hands there matey----- Take it easy now-- Try to keep your mind busy and think positive-- Best wishes Barry!
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There you go, I won't have to worry about you for ages now, that;s good innit!
Don't forget Barry, Whether you feel great, or a bit down in the dumps, there is always someone that will say something stupid
lol--- sorry Scousey, I was gonna do that to the next post, whatever. Really though, I got a great lift from seeing the nurses faces light up when I went round with boxes of roses after they had finished with me, those ladies deserve so much more!
This has been one interesting afternoon, I have been to see Mr Chapple today and learned that after the op, and while I was in the High Dependency Unit, there was one night I nearly didn't make it, it was really touch and go.
I have also found out that the Cancer is Malignent, but here it gets wierd, it is so slow growing that I have had it for years, and, if as is quite possible at the moment it is left where it is, it is not very likely it will affect me as long as I live, work that one out, so, I suppose if I have a malignent tumour, that's the one to have sheesh
Hi guys/gals
Barry is thankful for your messages and sends a smile! He is being pumped with antibiotics at the moment, but seemingly on the road to recovery again.
You guys really have been awesome in the support for Barry and I can hardly thank you enough.
Thanks for the updates Alison x
.............Extremely saddened to hear this .....hope you make a full and speedy recovery Barry......all the very best .....ps: missing you on the micro dym's.....gd luck.
He was sounding much better when I spoke to him earlier. (I haven't been able to go up this time, work and catching some sort of bug myself, prolly was best I didn't go pass anything else on!)
Thanks again one and all
Welcome back, Baz
I know all the back & forth is a drag, but You will get there in end!!
best wishes from Me & All The Comrades in the Hitsquad
Good to hear you're home again! Hope things work out OK and hope to see you at the tables (or railing) soon. Also, hope Ali is feeling better.
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There you go, I won't have to worry about you for ages now, that;s good innit!
Don't forget Barry, Whether you feel great, or a bit down in the dumps, there is always someone that will say something stupid
The turnout in the Soccer6 Freeroll has been terrible while you've been away
Take it easy and lets hope the blue and white wizards can get 3 points tomorrow.
I have also found out that the Cancer is Malignent, but here it gets wierd, it is so slow growing that I have had it for years, and, if as is quite possible at the moment it is left where it is, it is not very likely it will affect me as long as I live, work that one out, so, I suppose if I have a malignent tumour, that's the one to have sheesh