In Response to Re: Series 2 - Turbo Heads Up Championship - 2nd Round - 1 Game Remaining! Calling PokerTrev & Poppy765 ---PRIZES ANNOUNCED--- : I should be around then. I'll let you know on here or on Facebook when i'm on. Posted by AcidMan27
on fb is easier, it shows str8 away and i dont have to search it
Hi trev, it's sorry it's been difficult to coincide at the moment because i'm around earlier in the day and you are around later, Hopefully we will get it done today! Posted by poppy765
No Probs Poppy I'm on all night tonight - hopefully we can get it on (The Game That is Lol)
In Response to Re: Series 2 - Turbo Heads Up Championship - 3rd Round - 1 Game Remaining! : What Time you posting it on the tubeythingywingy? Posted by POKERTREV
Hey chaps, sorry we're running a bit late, but we've just filmed it, and it is in the process of uploading to Youtube so it should be with you in a minute or two.
I'm on all night tonight - hopefully we can get it on
Good Luck
2 - 1
acidman goes on
Good Game Poppy well played.
(sorry it took so long lambert)
No worries Trev, unlucky on your exit.
Only 2 games to go, so I'll be doing the draw in the net day or two.
On at the moment.
Be able to play tommorrow sometime.
was a great game facino those final hands were crazy vul m8
here was second hand i thought i had the 2 to 0 and was smiling till i realised i lost lol
And this was final game and thought oh dear then yay
gg and good luck for the rest of comp.
Getting exciting!
Although - Watching the draw for the next round on youtube excites me too, so i'm easily pleased lol.
I want Llamas to pull my name out of the hat and say.........
"POKERTREV.......Your NOT a Celebrity.......Get Out of Here":)
Good Luck all in the next round.
I reckon you and Lambert should apply to do the FA Cup Draw - It may make it more appealing
Am available tonight to get this final 3rd round game sorted out, either PM me or leave a message on here.
Draw will be done tonight inbetween railing RV in the Team Captain game.