Is your C4P money even gonna be enough to play 4 games of £3.15 HU and lose? I'm not saying that will happen but it's one possibility and you don't wanna start the final and not be able to afford to finish it lol
GL to both of you in the final its been a great laugh and Lambert & Lhamas have done a sterling job with there youtubeing and draws. So a big ty to them both for sorting this out, i hope we can do it again sometime
ill try and rail the final but its the DTD tonight so gonna have a lot of tables open but ill try.
im in dtd tonight aswell dazler good luck in it gonna try and play heads up before dtd starts yeah a big thanks to lambert and llamas for organising this competition
Yeah we will definitely getting another one going soon. Seems like everyone is loving them. I'd be up for a bit of Hyper fun but I guess I'll have to do a poll or something to see if we could get 64 people who are up for Hypers.
Our youtube vids got quite good viewing numbers too, many more views than the number of names in the hat... something tells me it wasn't so they could look at me lol.
ill try and rail the final but its the DTD tonight so gonna have a lot of tables open but ill try.
Our youtube vids got quite good viewing numbers too, many more views than the number of names in the hat... something tells me it wasn't so they could look at me lol.