haha how silly of me and theres me thinking scouser automaticly liverpool fan without looking at ya avatar calm down calm down calm down can u fix the draw so i can play u next round duddeskin then lambert 2 fellow TPTERS rubbing hands with glee
Victory for TKP over Team 51 as GREGHOGG beats Billyboots 2-0 Ul Billy I enjoyed the games, was all about that first flipament, my 1010 held against your AKs Posted by GREGHOGG
...very well played Gregg and thoroughly deserved your win........good luck with the rest of the tournament and many thanks to lambert for organising all this (but next time, can someone other than your girlfriend make the draw......:)......only kidding)......gl to all those left in.......billy
Looks like we're gonna have to wait til next weekend for the Live HU game at the SPT but that's not a problem, so can we try and have all games finished by then please.
calling flashflush pick a night any night..just searched you on find a player, tried to chat but i think you must be on mini view (about 8 tables open) with no luck.
Well you've played your game Hogg. I didn't have anything to do with it, just DTWBandit and JackBMW put up a thread about it today saying they're gonna do theres in Glasgow.
Well you've played your game Hogg. I didn't have anything to do with it, just DTWBandit and JackBMW put up a thread about it today saying they're gonna do theres in Glasgow. Well done Wacko Posted by Lambert180
Oh i see!
well if u can fix it for me to get u or wacko or some1 like that in the 2nd round we can do ours at Brighton lol
Hi thomas87 I'm free all day today up until 6pm. Been away for a while so I'll keep a look out for your reply. I'll also be free for most or the rest of week I think
calling flashflush pick a night any night..just searched you on find a player, tried to chat but i think you must be on mini view (about 8 tables open) with no luck. Posted by ajmilton
Hi m8. Sorry about that, yeah I would of been on mini view. Totally forgot about this TBH, I have been in Prague since Thursday. If you are on later im out tonight but will be back around 10ish - 12, if not I'll be on tomorrow. If you see this in time let me know and I'll let you know when I'm home.
In Response to Re: Series 2 - Turbo Heads Up Championship - 1st Round - 9 Games Remaining! : Hi m8. Sorry about that, yeah I would of been on mini view. Totally forgot about this TBH, I have been in Prague since Thursday. If you are on later im out tonight but will be back around 10ish - 12, if not I'll be on tomorrow. If you see this in time let me know and I'll let you know when I'm home. Posted by FlashFlush
hi flash. i'm in the ME tonight so tomorrow will be ok with me...regards alan
In Response to Re: Series 2 - Turbo Heads Up Championship - 1st Round - 9 Games Remaining! : hi flash. i'm in the ME tonight so tomorrow will be ok with me...regards alan Posted by ajmilton
what software do you use to record the game ?
Llamas 2 - 1 freechips1
Just wondering how awkward it's gonna be if we get drawn against each other at some point when we live in a house with 1 laptop lol.
Hey JockBMW,
Got you message Peter, & that's fine with me m8 n1
Victory for TKP over Team 51 as GREGHOGG beats Billyboots 2-0
Ul Billy I enjoyed the games, was all about that first flipament, my 1010 held against your AKs
Looks like we're gonna have to wait til next weekend for the Live HU game at the SPT but that's not a problem, so can we try and have all games finished by then please.
Great idea by the way chaps.
Well done Wacko
well if u can fix it for me to get u or wacko or some1 like that in the 2nd round we can do ours at Brighton lol